This class adds a tab to a panel widget.
Direct parents
Inherit list: NCURSES_WINDOW
Class invariant
Creation features
Size and position:
Below are plug_in connections to the curses library.
left: INTEGER_32
effective function
See also top, move_to.
  • ncurses.is_enabled
effective function
See also left, move_to.
  • ncurses.is_enabled
width: INTEGER_32
effective function
The number of columns.
  • ncurses.is_enabled
  • Result > 0
height: INTEGER_32
effective function
The number of lines.
  • ncurses.is_enabled
  • Result > 0
effective procedure
Defers the refreshing until NCURSES.refresh_pending or refresh_now is called.
See also auto_refresh, refresh_now.
  • ncurses.is_enabled
is_raised: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
effective procedure
set_raise (raised: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
no_label (p: NCURSES_PANEL)
effective procedure
  • p /= Void
make (p: NCURSES_PANEL, text: STRING, label_position: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
  • p /= Void
  • text /= Void
writable attribute
writable attribute
put_character_at (character: CHARACTER, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Put character at cursor position x, y.
The cursor is left, just after the character.
See also put_character, cursor_x, cursor_y.
put_character (character: CHARACTER)
effective procedure
Put character at cursor_x, cursor_y.
The cursor is left, just after the character.
See also put_character_at.
put_string_at (string: STRING, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Put the string at cursor position x, y.
The cursor is left, just after the string.
See also put_string, cursor_x, cursor_y.
put_string (string: STRING)
effective procedure
Put the string at cursor_x, cursor_y.
The cursor is left, just after the string.
See also put_string_at.
put_integer_at (integer: INTEGER_64, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Put the integer at cursor position x, y.
The cursor is left, just after the integer.
See also put_integer, cursor_x, cursor_y.
put_integer (integer: INTEGER_64)
effective procedure
Put the integer at cursor_x, cursor_y.
The cursor is left, just after the integer.
See also put_integer_at.
cursor_x: INTEGER_32
effective function
X coordinate of the cursor (left-most column is 0).
See also cursor_y.
require ensure
valid_cursor_x (x: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is y a valid line for the cursor position?
  • definition: Result = x.in_range(0, width - 1)
cursor_y: INTEGER_32
effective function
Y coordinate of the cursor (upper-most line is 0).
See also cursor_x.
require ensure
  • Result >= 0
valid_cursor_y (y: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is y a valid line for the cursor position?
  • definition: Result = y.in_range(0, height - 1)
set_cursor (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
require ensure
valid_cursor (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is x and y a valid cursor position?
move_to_and_resize (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, w: INTEGER_32, h: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
require ensure
resize (w: INTEGER_32, h: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
require ensure
move_to (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Moves the window relatively to its parent
See also left, top.
require ensure
create_sub_window (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, columns: INTEGER_32, lines: INTEGER_32): NCURSES_WINDOW
effective function
Creates a child window
set_attribute (an_attribute: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
C'EST QUOI UN ATTRIBUTE ??? This attribute will be set for further writes.
unset_attribute (an_attribute: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
This attribute will be unset for further writes.
set_background_character (character: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
set_background_attribute (an_attribute: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
This attribute affects the current background.
get_background_character: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
get_background_attribute: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
draw_any_border (left_border: INTEGER_32, right_border: INTEGER_32, top_border: INTEGER_32, bottom_border: INTEGER_32, upper_left_border: INTEGER_32, upper_right_border: INTEGER_32, lower_left_border: INTEGER_32, lower_right_border: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Draws any kind of border.
effective procedure
Draws common single-line border.
draw_horizontal_line (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, character: INTEGER_32, size: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
draw_vertical_line (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, character: INTEGER_32, size: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
effective procedure
Clear the whole window and reset the cursor at 0 0 (upper-left corner).
effective procedure
Clears from cursor to the bottom of the window.
effective procedure
Clears from cursor to the end of the line.
effective procedure
delete_character_at (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
All characters to the right of the position are moved one position to the left.
delete_lines_below (lines: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Inserts lines below the cursor's line.
The lines bottom lines are clears.
insert_lines_above (lines: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Inserts lines above the cursor's line.
The lines bottom lines are lost.
wait_keypress_and_echo_at (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
wait_keypress: INTEGER_32
effective function
last_keypress: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
poll_keypress_for_and_echo_at (delay: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
poll_keypress_for (delay: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
poll_keypress: BOOLEAN
effective function
poll_keypress_and_echo_at (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
read_string_and_echo_at (size: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
Reads size-specific string from keyboard.
read_string (size: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
Reads size-specific string from keyboard.
auto_refresh (enable: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
Automatically refreshes the window at every write.
This *really* slows things down.
See also refresh_later, refresh_now.
get_character_at (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Reads window content.
get_character: INTEGER_32
effective function
get_attributes_at (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Reads window content.
get_attributes: INTEGER_32
effective function
get_color_at (x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Reads window content.
get_color: INTEGER_32
effective function
change_character_at (ch: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Change ch at cursor position x, y.
The cursor is left, just after the ch.
See also put_character, cursor_x, cursor_y.
change_character (ch: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Put ch at cursor_x, cursor_y.
The cursor is left, just after the ch.
See also change_character_at.
insert_character_at (ch: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
All characters to the right are moved one position to the right.
The rightmost character is lost.
insert_character (ch: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
insert_string_at (string: STRING, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
All characters to the right are shifted right.
Rightmost characters are lost.
insert_string (string: STRING)
effective procedure
get_string_at (size: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
Reads string content.
get_string (size: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
set_autoscroll_policy (enable: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
Enables/disables automatic scrolling.
get_autoscroll_policy: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
scroll_up (lines: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
scroll_down (lines: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
set_scrolling_region (s: INTEGER_32, e: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Select the scrolling region.
set_synchronize_policy (enable: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
Enables/disables automatic synchronizing.
effective procedure
Touches all locations in ancestors that are changed in the current window
effective procedure
Updates the cursor position of all ancestors to the current cursor position.
get_window: NCURSES_WINDOW
effective function
effective procedure
  • ncurses.is_enabled
effective procedure
effective procedure
set_both_colors (fg: INTEGER_32, bg: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
set_fg_color (fg: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
set_bg_color (bg: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
get_fg_color: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
get_bg_color: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
set_widget (w: POINTER)
effective procedure
  • w.is_not_null
widget: POINTER
writable attribute
disposed: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
make_sub_window (w: NCURSES_WINDOW, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, columns: INTEGER_32, lines: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
make_root_window (w: POINTER)
effective procedure
This constructor is meant to be called once by NCURSE.start_ncurses.
effective procedure
effective procedure
Activates special "function" keys detection.
cursor_can_move: BOOLEAN
is False
constant attribute
will be True for text entry widgets
newwin (lines: INTEGER_32, columns: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): POINTER
delwin (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
mvwin (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvderwin (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
derwin (win: POINTER, lines: INTEGER_32, columns: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): POINTER
touchwin (win: POINTER)
mvwaddch (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, ch: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvwaddstr (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, str: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wattron (win: POINTER, attrs: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wattroff (win: POINTER, attrs: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wbkgd (win: POINTER, ch: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wgetwidth (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wgetheight (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wclear (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wclrtobot (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wclrtoeol (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wdelch (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
mvwdelch (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
winsdelln (win: POINTER, n: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wgetleft (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wgettop (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wtimeout (win: POINTER, delay: INTEGER_32)
mvwgetch (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
keypad (win: POINTER, bf: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvwreadstring (win: POINTER, size: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): POINTER
wgetcursorx (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
wgetcursory (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
immedok (win: POINTER, bf: INTEGER_32)
wnoutrefresh (win: POINTER): INTEGER_32
mvwinch (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvwinsch (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, ch: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvwinsstr (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, str: POINTER): INTEGER_32
mvwgetstring (win: POINTER, size: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, y: INTEGER_32): POINTER
wmove (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
idlok (win: POINTER, bf: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
scrollok (win: POINTER, bf: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
leaveok (win: POINTER, bf: BOOLEAN): INTEGER_32
wscrl (win: POINTER, n: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wsetscrreg (win: POINTER, t: INTEGER_32, b: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wsyncup (win: POINTER)
wcursyncup (win: POINTER)
syncok (win: POINTER, bf: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wresize (win: POINTER, lines: INTEGER_32, columns: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
wborder (win: POINTER, ls: INTEGER_32, rs: INTEGER_32, ts: INTEGER_32, bs: INTEGER_32, tl: INTEGER_32, tr: INTEGER_32, bl: INTEGER_32, br: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvwhline (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, ch: INTEGER_32, n: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
mvwvline (win: POINTER, y: INTEGER_32, x: INTEGER_32, ch: INTEGER_32, n: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective procedure
effective procedure
hidden: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
effective procedure
effective procedure
is_children_drawing_disable: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
draw_children (b: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
set_foreground_color (color: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
set_background_color (color: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
set_colors (foreground: INTEGER_32, background: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
get_foreground_color: INTEGER_32
effective function
get_background_color: INTEGER_32
effective function
set_parent (p: NCURSES_WIDGET)
effective procedure
add_child (child: NCURSES_WIDGET)
effective procedure
effective procedure
screen_left: INTEGER_32
effective function
screen_top: INTEGER_32
effective function
writable attribute
writable attribute
effective procedure
Action to be executed just before garbage collection reclaims an object.
effective procedure
ncurses: NCURSES
once function
Access to the ncurses singleton.
invisible_cursor_mode: INTEGER_32
is 0
constant attribute
In this mode the cursor is invisible.
default_visible_cursor_mode: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
The default visible cursor mode.
special_visible_cursor_mode: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
In this mode cursor may blink in a more special or in a more visible way.
valid_cursor_visibility (code: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
key_escape: INTEGER_32
is 27
constant attribute
key_return: INTEGER_32
is 10
constant attribute
Below are integer equivalent for special "function" keys.
Is it necessary to keep all of them ?
key_min: INTEGER_32
key_break: INTEGER_32
key_sreset: INTEGER_32
key_reset: INTEGER_32
key_down: INTEGER_32
The Down arrow of the keyboard.
key_up: INTEGER_32
The Up arrow of the keyboard.
key_left: INTEGER_32
The Left arrow of the keyboard.
key_right: INTEGER_32
The Right arrow of the keyboard.
key_home: INTEGER_32
key_backspace: INTEGER_32
key_dl: INTEGER_32
key_il: INTEGER_32
key_dc: INTEGER_32
key_ic: INTEGER_32
key_eic: INTEGER_32
key_clear: INTEGER_32
key_eos: INTEGER_32
key_eol: INTEGER_32
key_sf: INTEGER_32
key_sr: INTEGER_32
key_next_page: INTEGER_32
Also labeled "Page Down" on some keyboards.
key_previous_page: INTEGER_32
Also labeled "Page Up" on some keyboards.
key_stab: INTEGER_32
key_ctab: INTEGER_32
key_catab: INTEGER_32
key_enter: INTEGER_32
key_print: INTEGER_32
key_ll: INTEGER_32
key_a1: INTEGER_32
key_a3: INTEGER_32
key_b2: INTEGER_32
key_c1: INTEGER_32
key_c3: INTEGER_32
key_btab: INTEGER_32
key_beg: INTEGER_32
key_cancel: INTEGER_32
key_close: INTEGER_32
key_command: INTEGER_32
key_copy: INTEGER_32
key_create: INTEGER_32
key_end: INTEGER_32
key_exit: INTEGER_32
key_find: INTEGER_32
key_help: INTEGER_32
key_mark: INTEGER_32
key_message: INTEGER_32
key_move: INTEGER_32
key_next: INTEGER_32
key_open: INTEGER_32
key_options: INTEGER_32
key_previous: INTEGER_32
key_redo: INTEGER_32
key_reference: INTEGER_32
key_refresh: INTEGER_32
key_replace: INTEGER_32
key_restart: INTEGER_32
key_resume: INTEGER_32
key_save: INTEGER_32
key_sbeg: INTEGER_32
key_scancel: INTEGER_32
key_scommand: INTEGER_32
key_scopy: INTEGER_32
key_screate: INTEGER_32
key_sdc: INTEGER_32
key_sdl: INTEGER_32
key_select: INTEGER_32
key_send: INTEGER_32
key_seol: INTEGER_32
key_sexit: INTEGER_32
key_sfind: INTEGER_32
key_shelp: INTEGER_32
key_shome: INTEGER_32
key_sic: INTEGER_32
key_sleft: INTEGER_32
key_smessage: INTEGER_32
key_smove: INTEGER_32
key_snext: INTEGER_32
key_soptions: INTEGER_32
key_sprevious: INTEGER_32
key_sprint: INTEGER_32
key_sredo: INTEGER_32
key_sreplace: INTEGER_32
key_sright: INTEGER_32
key_srsume: INTEGER_32
key_ssave: INTEGER_32
key_ssuspend: INTEGER_32
key_sundo: INTEGER_32
key_suspend: INTEGER_32
key_undo: INTEGER_32
key_mouse: INTEGER_32
key_resize: INTEGER_32
key_event: INTEGER_32
key_max: INTEGER_32
key_f0: INTEGER_32
key_f1: INTEGER_32
key_f2: INTEGER_32
key_f3: INTEGER_32
key_f4: INTEGER_32
key_f5: INTEGER_32
key_f6: INTEGER_32
key_f7: INTEGER_32
key_f8: INTEGER_32
key_f9: INTEGER_32
key_f10: INTEGER_32
key_f11: INTEGER_32
key_f12: INTEGER_32
key_function (num: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
black_color: INTEGER_32
red_color: INTEGER_32
green_color: INTEGER_32
yellow_color: INTEGER_32
blue_color: INTEGER_32
magenta_color: INTEGER_32
cyan_color: INTEGER_32
white_color: INTEGER_32
space: INTEGER_32
once function
return: INTEGER_32
once function
upper_left_corner: INTEGER_32
lower_left_corner: INTEGER_32
upper_right_corner: INTEGER_32
lower_right_corner: INTEGER_32
left_tee: INTEGER_32
right_tee: INTEGER_32
bottom_tee: INTEGER_32
top_tee: INTEGER_32
horizontal_line: INTEGER_32
vertical_line: INTEGER_32
plus: INTEGER_32
scanline1: INTEGER_32
scanline9: INTEGER_32
diamond: INTEGER_32
checker_board: INTEGER_32
degree: INTEGER_32
plus_minus: INTEGER_32
bullet: INTEGER_32
left_arrow: INTEGER_32
right_arrow: INTEGER_32
down_arrow: INTEGER_32
up_arrow: INTEGER_32
board: INTEGER_32
lantern: INTEGER_32
block: INTEGER_32
scanline3: INTEGER_32
scanline7: INTEGER_32
less_or_equal: INTEGER_32
greater_or_equal: INTEGER_32
not_equal: INTEGER_32
sterling: INTEGER_32