Point of view
All features
expanded class COMPLEX_64
Direct parents
effective procedure
Set Current to the imaginary unit
set (a_real_part: A_SIZE, an_imaginary_part: A_SIZE)
effective procedure
set_cartesian (a_real_part: A_SIZE, an_imaginary_part: A_SIZE)
effective procedure
set_polar (a_modulus: A_SIZE, a_phase: A_SIZE)
effective procedure
infix "+" (other: COMPLEX_64): COMPLEX_64
effective function
Sum with other (commutative).
infix "-" (other: COMPLEX_64): COMPLEX_64
effective function
Result of subtracting other.
infix "*" (other: COMPLEX_64): COMPLEX_64
effective function
Product by other.
infix "/" (other: COMPLEX_64): COMPLEX_64
effective function
Division by other.
  • other /= Void
  • not other.is_equal(zero)
  • divisible(other)
infix "^" (e: INTEGER_32): COMPLEX_64
effective function
prefix "+": COMPLEX_64
effective function
Unary plus of Current.
prefix "-": COMPLEX_64
effective function
Unary minus of Current.
divisible (other: COMPLEX_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
May Current be divided by other ?
  • other /= Void
hash_code: INTEGER_32
effective function
The hash-code value of Current.
  • good_hash_value: Result >= 0
real_sign: INTEGER_8
effective function
Sign of Current (0 -1 or 1).
  • Result.in_range(-1, 1)
sign: COMPLEX_64
effective function
is_zero: BOOLEAN
effective function
zero: COMPLEX_64
effective function
Neutral element for "+" and "-".
one: COMPLEX_64
effective function
Neutral element for "*" and "/".
effective function
Imaginary unit
is_equal (other: COMPLEX_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
    • other /= Void
    • other /= Void
  • Result implies hash_code = other.hash_code
  • commutative: generating_type = other.generating_type implies Result = other.is_equal(Current)
is_near_equal (other: COMPLEX_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
infix "~=" (other: COMPLEX_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
conjugate: COMPLEX_64
effective function
real: A_SIZE
writable attribute
imaginary: A_SIZE
writable attribute
modulus: A_SIZE
effective function
  • non_negative: Result.sign /= -1
phase: A_SIZE
effective function
squared_modulus: A_SIZE
effective function
  • non_negative: Result.sign /= -1
effective function
   Result := "("
   Result.append(once ", ")
effective procedure
Append a viewable information in tagged_out_memory in order to affect the behavior of out, tagged_out, etc.
    • locked: tagged_out_locked
    • locked: tagged_out_locked
  • still_locked: tagged_out_locked
Pi: REAL_64
is 3.1415926535897932384626
constant attribute
Pi_2: REAL_64
is 1.5707963267948966192313
constant attribute
Pi divided by 2
Pi_4: REAL_64
is 0.7853981633974483096156
constant attribute
Pi divided by 4
Inv_pi: REAL_64
is 0.31830988618379067153
constant attribute
Inverse pi
Sqr_2pi: REAL_64
is 2.50662827463100050241
constant attribute
Square root of 2 pi
Tau: REAL_64
is 6.2831852707795864769252
constant attribute
Tau (2Pi)
Sqr_tau: REAL_64
is 2.50662827463100050241
constant attribute
Square root of Tau
Inv_tau: REAL_64
is 0.15915494401391811225565
constant attribute
Inverse of tau
Evalue: REAL_64
is 2.7182818284590452353602
constant attribute
e (Euler's number)
Inv_evalue: REAL_64
is 0.36787944117144232159
constant attribute
Inverse e
Deg: REAL_64
is 57.2957795130823208767981
constant attribute
Phi: REAL_64
is 1.6180339887498948482045
constant attribute
Golden Ratio
Cheb: REAL_64
is 0.59017029950804811302
constant attribute
Chebyshev constant
Zeta_2: REAL_64
is 1.64493406684822643647
constant attribute
Riemann Function
Check_instruction: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
Exception code for violated check.
Class_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
Exception code for violated class invariant.
Developer_exception: INTEGER_32
is 3
constant attribute
Exception code for developer exception.
See also: raise, throw
Incorrect_inspect_value: INTEGER_32
is 4
constant attribute
Exception code for inspect statement.
This exception occurs when Void is passed as the expression to inspect ("inspect on STRING only). This exception also occurs when the inspected value selects no branch (when the keyword "else" not used, one "when" branch _must_ be selected). Some value which is not one of the inspect constants, if there is no Else_part r
Loop_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 5
constant attribute
Exception code for violated loop invariant
Loop_variant: INTEGER_32
is 6
constant attribute
Exception code for non-decreased loop variant
No_more_memory: INTEGER_32
is 7
constant attribute
Exception code for failed memory allocation
Postcondition: INTEGER_32
is 8
constant attribute
Exception code for violated postcondition.
Precondition: INTEGER_32
is 9
constant attribute
Exception code for violated precondition.
Routine_failure: INTEGER_32
is 10
constant attribute
Exception code for failed routine.
Os_signal: INTEGER_32
is 11
constant attribute
Exception code for a signal received from the OS.
Void_attached_to_expanded: INTEGER_32
is 12
constant attribute
Exception code for attachment of Void value to expanded entity.
Void_call_target: INTEGER_32
is 13
constant attribute
Exception code for feature applied to Void reference
System_level_type_error: INTEGER_32
is 14
constant attribute
Exception code for the system-level type error (this kind of error mostly arise with covariant redefinition).
exception_name: STRING
effective function
name_of_exception (a_exception: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
developer_exception: EXCEPTION
effective function
The last developer-thrown exception.
developer_exception_name: STRING
effective function
Name of last developer-raised exception.
is_developer_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_named_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_exception_of_name (name: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception of name name?
assertion_violation: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to a violated assertion or non-decreasing variant?
exception: INTEGER_32
Code of last exception that occurred.
is_signal: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to an external event (operating system signal) ?
die (code: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Terminate execution with exit status code, without triggering an exception.
raise (name: STRING)
effective procedure
Raise a developer exception of name name.
  • name /= Void
throw (a_exception: EXCEPTION)
effective procedure
  • a_exception /= Void
signal_number: INTEGER_32
Signal Number received from OS.
 Zero if exception is not an OS signal.
named_exception: NAMED_EXCEPTION
once function
developer_exception_memory: REFERENCE[EXCEPTION]
once function
raise_exception (code: INTEGER_32)