Point of view
All features
class PERL
This class allows to have an embedded Perl interpreter in your program. With this interpreter, you can "execute" any line as you would do in a Perl script, even lines such as "use strict;" or "use somepackage", lines with "require" (in perlfunc) and "do" (in perlfunc to include external Perl files). See tutorial/perl for examples.
The compilation process needs perl developpement to be installed (libperl-dev package on Debian). Compile options for the C compiler are determined with command 'perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts' and linker option with command 'perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts' Perl 5.6.0 or above is required.
Note that current release does not allow to have multiple interpreters running, so this class is a singleton. If you need multiple interpreters, documentation is available in manual perlembed (provided in standard Perl documentation and available on the net). Please contribute and send your changes!
Direct parents
Insert list: SINGLETON
Class invariant
Creation features
Perl code execution
  • instruction (command: STRING)
    command is evaluated as an instruction (no result).
  • expression (command: STRING)
    command is evaluated and the result is reachable with last_* functions.
Reading values from Perl
  • is_equal (other: PERL): BOOLEAN
    Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
effective procedure
interpreter_started: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
effective procedure
instruction (command: STRING)
effective procedure
command is evaluated as an instruction (no result).
See also expression.
expression (command: STRING)
effective procedure
command is evaluated and the result is reachable with last_* functions.
See also read_variable, instruction, last_integer, last_real, last_string...
existant_variable (variable_name: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Check if some Perl variable with the name variable_name does exist.
It's not related to the undef Perl value.
See also defined_variable, read_variable.
defined_variable (variable_name: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Returns True if the Perl variable with the name variable_name does not have the Perl undef value.
read_variable (variable_name: STRING)
effective procedure
Read the Perl variable with name variable_name.
The result is available with last_* functions.
See also: last_integer, last_real, last_string...
last_result_is_integer: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if the result of the last interpreted expression or read variable is of integer type.
last_integer: INTEGER_32
effective function
Access to the result of the last interpreted expression or read variable when it is of integer type.
last_result: POINTER
writable attribute
eval_command (string: POINTER, boolean: BOOLEAN)
eval_expression (string: POINTER, boolean: BOOLEAN): POINTER
return type is SV*
sv_ok (sv_star: POINTER): INTEGER_32
get_sv (string: POINTER, boolean: BOOLEAN): POINTER
return type is SV*
sv_is_int (sv_star: POINTER): INTEGER_32
sv_to_int (sv_star: POINTER): INTEGER_32
is_equal (other: PERL): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
  • other /= Void
  • commutative: generating_type = other.generating_type implies Result = other.is_equal(Current)
is_real_singleton: BOOLEAN
effective function
  • assertion_check_only: Result
once function
This pool is unique in the whole system.
A memory is kept for each singleton type (type, not class) in the system.
current_is_not_an_expanded_type: BOOLEAN
effective function
Check that the dynamic type of the SINGLETON is not an expanded type.