Point of view
All features
expanded class REAL_64
Direct parents
Insert list: REAL_GENERAL
  • zero: REAL_64
    Neutral element for "+" and "-".
  • one: REAL_64
    Neutral element for "*" and "/".
  • infix "~=" (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
    Is Current near equal to other.
  • hash_code: INTEGER_32
    The hash-code value of Current.
  • mantissa_bits: INTEGER_8
    Give the number of bits, corresponding to the mantissa, in the binary representation of the real number.
  • exponent_bits: INTEGER_8
    Give the number of bits, corresponding to the exponent, in the binary representation of the real number.
  • rounded: REAL_64
    Round to nearest integer away from zero.
  • floor: REAL_64
    Largest integral value no greater than Current.
  • ceiling: REAL_64
    Smallest integral value no smaller than Current.
Object Printing:
Maths functions:
  • sqrt: REAL_64
    Square root of Current.
  • sin: REAL_64
    Sine of Current.
  • cos: REAL_64
    Cosine of Current.
  • tan: REAL_64
    Tangent of Current.
  • asin: REAL_64
    Arc Sine of Current.
  • acos: REAL_64
    Arc Cosine of Current.
  • atan: REAL_64
    Arc Tangent of Current.
  • atan2 (x: REAL_64): REAL_64
    Arc Tangent of Current / x.
  • sinh: REAL_64
    Hyperbolic Sine of Current.
  • cosh: REAL_64
    Hyperbolic Cosine of Current.
  • tanh: REAL_64
    Hyperbolic Tangent of Current.
  • exp: REAL_64
    Exponential of Current.
  • log: REAL_64
    Natural Logarithm of Current.
  • log10: REAL_64
    Base-10 Logarithm of Current.
  • pow (e: REAL_64): REAL_64
    Current raised to the power of e (ANSI C pow).
  • in_range (lower: REAL_64, upper: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
    Return True if Current is in range [lower..upper]
    See also min, max, compare.
  • compare (other: REAL_64): INTEGER_32
    If current object equal to other, 0 if smaller, -1; if greater, 1.
  • three_way_comparison (other: REAL_64): INTEGER_32
    If current object equal to other, 0 if smaller, -1; if greater, 1.
  • min (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
    Minimum of Current and other.
  • max (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
    Maximum of Current and other.
  • bounded_by (a_min: REAL_64, a_max: REAL_64): REAL_64
    A value that is equal to Current if it is between the limits set by a_min and a_max.
  • set_precision (a_precision: INTEGER_8)
    Set the mantissa precision, used by the ~= operator The nearer to 0, the more precise.
force_to_real_32: REAL_32
force_to_integer_64: INTEGER_64
force_to_integer_32: INTEGER_32
force_to_integer_16: INTEGER_16
force_to_natural_64: NATURAL_64
force_to_natural_32: NATURAL_32
force_to_natural_16: NATURAL_16
zero: REAL_64
is 0.0
constant attribute
Neutral element for "+" and "-".
one: REAL_64
is 1.0
constant attribute
Neutral element for "*" and "/".
infix "~=" (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is Current near equal to other.
hash_code: INTEGER_32
effective function
The hash-code value of Current.
  • good_hash_value: Result >= 0
mantissa_bits: INTEGER_8
is 52
constant attribute
Give the number of bits, corresponding to the mantissa, in the binary representation of the real number.
exponent_bits: INTEGER_8
is 11
constant attribute
Give the number of bits, corresponding to the exponent, in the binary representation of the real number.
sprintf (buffer: NATIVE_ARRAY[CHARACTER], mode: CHARACTER, f: INTEGER_32, value: REAL_64)
Put in the buffer a viewable version of the value using mode with f digits for the fractional part.
Assume the buffer is large enough.
  • mode = 'f' xor mode = 'e'
  • f >= 0
is_equal (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
    • other /= Void
      • other /= Void
      • other /= Void
  • commutative: generating_type = other.generating_type implies Result = other.is_equal(Current)
  • trichotomy: Result = not Current < other and not other < Current
  • Result implies hash_code = other.hash_code
prefix "+": REAL_64
effective function
Unary plus of Current.
prefix "-": REAL_64
Unary minus of Current.
infix "+" (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
Sum with other (commutative).
infix "-" (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
Result of subtracting other.
infix "*" (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
Product by other.
infix "/" (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
Division by other.
  • other /= Void
  • other /= zero
  • divisible(other)
infix "^" (e: INTEGER_32): REAL_64
Raise Current to e-th power (see also pow).
infix "<" (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
Is Current strictly less than other?
See also >, <=, >=, min, max.
  • other_exists: other /= Void
  • asymmetric: Result implies not other < Current
infix "<=" (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
Is Current less than or equal other?
See also >=, <, >, min, max.
  • other_exists: other /= Void
  • definition: Result = Current < other or is_equal(other)
infix ">" (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
Is Current strictly greater than other?
See also <, >=, <=, min, max.
  • other_exists: other /= Void
  • definition: Result = other < Current
infix ">=" (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
Is Current greater than or equal than other?
See also <=, >, <, min, max.
  • other_exists: other /= Void
  • definition: Result = other <= Current
abs: REAL_64
effective function
is_not_a_number: BOOLEAN
Also known as NaN in IEEE-754.
is_infinity: BOOLEAN
Is either plus or minus infinity?
is_zero: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is either -0.0 or +0.0 ?
  • definition: Result = Current = zero or else Current = - zero
precision: INTEGER_8
effective function
is_subnormal: BOOLEAN
Is it too small to be represented in normalized format.
  • Result = Current = zero or else Current = - zero
is_normal: BOOLEAN
The most general situation (see ensure).
  • Result = not is_subnormal or is_infinity or is_not_a_number
divisible (other: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
May Current be divided by other ?
  • other /= Void
rounded: REAL_64
Round to nearest integer away from zero.
floor: REAL_64
Largest integral value no greater than Current.
ceiling: REAL_64
Smallest integral value no smaller than Current.
to_string: STRING
effective function
Convert Current into a new allocated STRING using 6 as the default number of digits for the fractional part.
Example: (1.5).to_string will return "1.500000".
Note: see also to_string_format, to_string_scientific as well as append_in to save memory.
to_string_format (f: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
Convert Current into a new allocated STRING using f digits for fractional part.
Example: (1.5).to_string_format(2) will return "1.50".
Note: see also to_string_scientific, to_string as well as append_in_format to save memory.
  • f >= 0
to_string_scientific (f: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
Convert Current into a new allocated STRING, using the scientific notation with f digits for the fractional part.
Example: (155.5).to_string_scientific(4) will return "1.5550e+02".
Note: see also to_string, to_string_format as well as append_in_scientific to save memory.
append_in (buffer: STRING)
effective procedure
Append the equivalent of to_string at the end of buffer.
Thus you can save memory because no other STRING is allocated for the job.
  • buffer /= Void
append_in_format (str: STRING, f: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Append the equivalent of to_string_format at the end of buffer.
Thus you can save memory because no other STRING is allocated for the job.
  • str /= Void
  • f >= 0
append_in_scientific (str: STRING, f: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Append the equivalent of to_string_scientific at the end of buffer.
Thus you can save memory because no other STRING is allocated for the job.
  • str /= Void
  • f >= 0
effective procedure
Append terse printable representation of current object in tagged_out_memory.
    • locked: tagged_out_locked
      • locked: tagged_out_locked
      • locked: tagged_out_locked
  • still_locked: tagged_out_locked
  • not_cleared: tagged_out_memory.count >= old tagged_out_memory.count
  • append_only: old tagged_out_memory.twin.is_equal(tagged_out_memory.substring(1, old tagged_out_memory.count))
effective procedure
Append a viewable information in tagged_out_memory in order to affect the behavior of out, tagged_out, etc.
    • locked: tagged_out_locked
      • locked: tagged_out_locked
      • locked: tagged_out_locked
  • still_locked: tagged_out_locked
sqrt: REAL_64
Square root of Current.
  • Current >= zero
sin: REAL_64
Sine of Current.
cos: REAL_64
Cosine of Current.
tan: REAL_64
Tangent of Current.
asin: REAL_64
Arc Sine of Current.
acos: REAL_64
Arc Cosine of Current.
atan: REAL_64
Arc Tangent of Current.
atan2 (x: REAL_64): REAL_64
Arc Tangent of Current / x.
sinh: REAL_64
Hyperbolic Sine of Current.
cosh: REAL_64
Hyperbolic Cosine of Current.
tanh: REAL_64
Hyperbolic Tangent of Current.
exp: REAL_64
Exponential of Current.
log: REAL_64
Natural Logarithm of Current.
log10: REAL_64
Base-10 Logarithm of Current.
pow (e: REAL_64): REAL_64
Current raised to the power of e (ANSI C pow).
sign: INTEGER_8
effective function
Sign of Current (0 -1 or 1).
  • Result.in_range(-1, 1)
once function
in_range (lower: REAL_64, upper: REAL_64): BOOLEAN
effective function
Return True if Current is in range [lower..upper]
See also min, max, compare.
  • Result = Current >= lower and Current <= upper
compare (other: REAL_64): INTEGER_32
effective function
If current object equal to other, 0 if smaller, -1; if greater, 1.
See also min, max, in_range.
  • other_exists: other /= Void
  • equal_zero: Result = 0 = is_equal(other)
  • smaller_negative: Result = -1 = Current < other
  • greater_positive: Result = 1 = Current > other
three_way_comparison (other: REAL_64): INTEGER_32
effective function
If current object equal to other, 0 if smaller, -1; if greater, 1.
See also min, max, in_range.
  • other_exists: other /= Void
  • equal_zero: Result = 0 = is_equal(other)
  • smaller_negative: Result = -1 = Current < other
  • greater_positive: Result = 1 = Current > other
min (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
effective function
Minimum of Current and other.
See also max, in_range.
  • other /= Void
  • Result <= Current and then Result <= other
  • compare(Result) = 0 or else other.compare(Result) = 0
max (other: REAL_64): REAL_64
effective function
Maximum of Current and other.
See also min, in_range.
  • other /= Void
  • Result >= Current and then Result >= other
  • compare(Result) = 0 or else other.compare(Result) = 0
bounded_by (a_min: REAL_64, a_max: REAL_64): REAL_64
effective function
A value that is equal to Current if it is between the limits set by a_min and a_max.
Otherwise it's a_min if Current is smaller or a_max if Current is greater It's a shortcut for Current.min(a_max).max(a_min) also known as "clamp" in the widespread C library Glib
  • correctness: Result.in_range(a_min, a_max)
set_precision (a_precision: INTEGER_8)
effective procedure
Set the mantissa precision, used by the ~= operator The nearer to 0, the more precise.
  • a_precision >= 0
precision_ref: REFERENCE[INTEGER_8]
once function