The address of a memory region containing the text of Current, useful to interact with the C language.
A NATIVELY_STORED_STRING implementation usually gives direct access
to its internal storage (may be dangerous).
Other non-natively stored heirs provide access to an Eiffel-owned
buffer containing a copy of its content.
To be compatible with C, a null character is added at the end
of the internal storage. This extra null character is not
part of the Eiffel STRING.
Can contents be read as a REAL ?
Fails for numbers where the base or "10 ^ exponent" are not in
the range Minimum_real ...
Maximum_real. Parsing is done
positive. That means if Minimum_real.abs is not equal to
Maximum_real it will not work correctly. Furthermore the
arithmetic package used must support the value 'inf' for a
number greater than Maximum_real.
Result is True if and only if the following two conditions
1. In the following BNF grammar, the value of Current can be
produced by "Real_literal", if leading or trailing separators
are ignored.
The string must looks like a REAL (or like an
INTEGER because the fractional part is optional). For an exact definition see 'is_real'.
Note that this conversion might not be exact.
Please note that we picked the same values used in MESSAGE_FORMATTER.
It may also be written like
"always_print_state, normal_state, after_delimiter_state, after_brace_state: INTEGER is unique"
but I'm not sure that the compiler will actually choose sequential
values necessary in the last if tense in the arg query
A value that is equal to Current if it is between the limits set by
a_min and a_max.
Otherwise it's a_min if Current is smaller or a_max if Current
is greater
It's a shortcut for Current.min(a_max).max(a_min) also known as
"clamp" in the widespread C library Glib