Point of view
All features
class SE_C_MODE
C mode as used by the compiler itself (different from C_MODE which is used by the installer)
Direct parents
Insert list: ANY
Creation features
c_compiler: STRING
writable attribute
c_compiler_path: STRING
writable attribute
c_linker_path: STRING
writable attribute
c_strip_path: STRING
writable attribute
c_compiler_options: STRING
writable attribute
c_linker_options: STRING
writable attribute
cpp_compiler: STRING
writable attribute
cpp_compiler_path: STRING
writable attribute
cpp_strip_path: STRING
writable attribute
cpp_linker_path: STRING
writable attribute
cpp_compiler_options: STRING
writable attribute
cpp_linker_options: STRING
writable attribute
smarteiffel_options: STRING
writable attribute
make (a_c_compiler: STRING, a_c_compiler_path: STRING, a_c_linker_path: STRING, a_c_strip_path: STRING, a_c_compiler_options: STRING, a_c_linker_options: STRING, a_cpp_compiler: STRING, a_cpp_compiler_path: STRING, a_cpp_linker_path: STRING, a_cpp_strip_path: STRING, a_cpp_compiler_options: STRING, a_cpp_linker_options: STRING, a_smarteiffel_options: STRING)
effective procedure