is "Usage: compiler_like [options] <RootClass> <RootProcedure> ...
or: compiler_like [options] <ACEfileName>.ace
Option summary:
-help Display this help information
-version Display Liberty Eiffel version information
-verbose Display detailed information about what
compiler_like is doing
Optimization and debugging levels (specify at most one; default is -all_check):
-boost Enable all optimizations,
but disable all run-time checks
-no_check Enable Void target and system-level checking
-require_check Enable precondition checking (implies -no_check)
-ensure_check Enable postcondition checking (implies -require_check)
-invariant_check Enable class invariant checking (implies -ensure_check)
-loop_check Enable loop variant and invariant checking
(implies -invariant_check)
-all_check Enable 'check' blocks (implies -loop_check)
-debug_check Enable 'debug' blocks (implies -all_check)
-flat_check Each assertion will be executed in no_check mode
Use with any mode from require_check to debug_check
Warning levels:
-style_warning Print warnings about style violations
-no_warning Don't print any warnings
constant attribute