Point of view
All features
deferred class ERRNO
Access to C errno variable
Copyright (C) 2010-2022: Paolo Redaelli This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Direct parents
Insert list: ANY
Known children
errno: INTEGER_32
number of last error
e2big: INTEGER_32
Argument list too long (POSIX.1)
eacces: INTEGER_32
Permission denied (POSIX.1)
eaddrinuse: INTEGER_32
Address already in use (POSIX.1)
eaddrnotavail: INTEGER_32
Address not available (POSIX.1)
eafnosupport: INTEGER_32
Address family not supported (POSIX.1)
eagain: INTEGER_32
Resource temporarily unavailable (may be the same value as EWOULDBLOCK) (POSIX.1)
ealready: INTEGER_32
Connection already in progress (POSIX.1)
ebade: INTEGER_32
Invalid exchange
ebadf: INTEGER_32
Bad file descriptor (POSIX.1)
ebadfd: INTEGER_32
File descriptor in bad state
ebadmsg: INTEGER_32
Bad message (POSIX.1)
ebadr: INTEGER_32
Invalid request descriptor
ebadrqc: INTEGER_32
Invalid request code
ebadslt: INTEGER_32
Invalid slot
ebusy: INTEGER_32
Device or resource busy (POSIX.1)
ecanceled: INTEGER_32
Operation canceled (POSIX.1)
echild: INTEGER_32
No child processes (POSIX.1)
echrng: INTEGER_32
Channel number out of range
ecomm: INTEGER_32
Communication error on send
econnaborted: INTEGER_32
Connection aborted (POSIX.1)
econnrefused: INTEGER_32
Connection refused (POSIX.1)
econnreset: INTEGER_32
Connection reset (POSIX.1)
edeadlk: INTEGER_32
Resource deadlock avoided (POSIX.1)
edeadlock: INTEGER_32
Synonym for EDEADLK
edestaddrreq: INTEGER_32
Destination address required (POSIX.1)
edom: INTEGER_32
Mathematics argument out of domain of function (POSIX.1, C99)
edquot: INTEGER_32
Disk quota exceeded (POSIX.1)
eexist: INTEGER_32
File exists (POSIX.1)
efault: INTEGER_32
Bad address (POSIX.1)
efbig: INTEGER_32
File too large (POSIX.1)
ehostdown: INTEGER_32
Host is down
ehostunreach: INTEGER_32
Host is unreachable (POSIX.1)
eidrm: INTEGER_32
Identifier removed (POSIX.1)
eilseq: INTEGER_32
Illegal byte sequence (POSIX.1, C99)
einprogress: INTEGER_32
Operation in progress (POSIX.1)
eintr: INTEGER_32
Interrupted function call (POSIX.1); see signal(7).
einval: INTEGER_32
Invalid argument (POSIX.1)
Input/output error (POSIX.1)
eisconn: INTEGER_32
Socket is connected (POSIX.1)
eisdir: INTEGER_32
Is a directory (POSIX.1)
eisnam: INTEGER_32
Is a named type file
ekeyexpired: INTEGER_32
Key has expired
ekeyrejected: INTEGER_32
Key was rejected by service
ekeyrevoked: INTEGER_32
Key has been revoked
el2hlt: INTEGER_32
Level 2 halted
el2nsync: INTEGER_32
Level 2 not synchronized
el3hlt: INTEGER_32
Level 3 halted
el3rst: INTEGER_32
Level 3 halted
elibacc: INTEGER_32
Cannot access a needed shared library
elibbad: INTEGER_32
Accessing a corrupted shared library
elibmax: INTEGER_32
Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
elibscn: INTEGER_32
lib section in a.out corrupted
elibexec: INTEGER_32
Cannot exec a shared library directly
eloop: INTEGER_32
Too many levels of symbolic links (POSIX.1)
emediumtype: INTEGER_32
Wrong medium type
emfile: INTEGER_32
Too many open files (POSIX.1)
emlink: INTEGER_32
Too many links (POSIX.1)
emsgsize: INTEGER_32
Message too long (POSIX.1)
emultihop: INTEGER_32
Multihop attempted (POSIX.1)
enametoolong: INTEGER_32
Filename too long (POSIX.1)
enetdown: INTEGER_32
Network is down (POSIX.1)
enetreset: INTEGER_32
Connection aborted by network (POSIX.1)
enetunreach: INTEGER_32
Network unreachable (POSIX.1)
enfile: INTEGER_32
Too many open files in system (POSIX.1)
enobufs: INTEGER_32
No buffer space available (POSIX.1 (XSI STREAMS option))
enodata: INTEGER_32
No message is available on the STREAM head read queue (POSIX.1)
enodev: INTEGER_32
No such device (POSIX.1)
enoent: INTEGER_32
No such file or directory (POSIX.1)
enoexec: INTEGER_32
Exec format error (POSIX.1)
enokey: INTEGER_32
Required key not available
enolck: INTEGER_32
No locks available (POSIX.1)
enolink: INTEGER_32
Link has been severed (POSIX.1)
enomedium: INTEGER_32
No medium found
enomem: INTEGER_32
Not enough space (POSIX.1)
enomsg: INTEGER_32
No message of the desired type (POSIX.1)
enonet: INTEGER_32
Machine is not on the network
enopkg: INTEGER_32
Package not installed
enoprotoopt: INTEGER_32
Protocol not available (POSIX.1)
enospc: INTEGER_32
No space left on device (POSIX.1)
enosr: INTEGER_32
No STREAM resources (POSIX.1 (XSI STREAMS option))
enostr: INTEGER_32
enosys: INTEGER_32
Function not implemented (POSIX.1)
enotblk: INTEGER_32
Block device required
enotconn: INTEGER_32
The socket is not connected (POSIX.1)
enotdir: INTEGER_32
Not a directory (POSIX.1)
enotempty: INTEGER_32
Directory not empty (POSIX.1)
enotsock: INTEGER_32
Not a socket (POSIX.1)
enotsup: INTEGER_32
Operation not supported (POSIX.1)
enotty: INTEGER_32
Inappropriate I/O control operation (POSIX.1)
enotuniq: INTEGER_32
Name not unique on network
enxio: INTEGER_32
No such device or address (POSIX.1)
eopnotsupp: INTEGER_32
Operation not supported on socket (POSIX.1) (ENOTSUP and EOPNOTSUPP have the same value on Linux, but according to POSIX.1 these error values should be distinct.)
eoverflow: INTEGER_32
Value too large to be stored in data type (POSIX.1)
eperm: INTEGER_32
Operation not permitted (POSIX.1)
epfnosupport: INTEGER_32
Protocol family not supported
epipe: INTEGER_32
Broken pipe (POSIX.1)
eproto: INTEGER_32
Protocol error (POSIX.1)
eprotonosupport: INTEGER_32
Protocol not supported (POSIX.1)
eprototype: INTEGER_32
Protocol wrong type for socket (POSIX.1)
erange: INTEGER_32
Result too large (POSIX.1, C99)
eremchg: INTEGER_32
Remote address changed
eremote: INTEGER_32
Object is remote
eremoteio: INTEGER_32
Remote I/O error
erestart: INTEGER_32
Interrupted system call should be restarted
erofs: INTEGER_32
Read-only file system (POSIX.1)
eshutdown: INTEGER_32
Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
espipe: INTEGER_32
Invalid seek (POSIX.1)
esocktnosupport: INTEGER_32
Socket type not supported
esrch: INTEGER_32
No such process (POSIX.1)
estale: INTEGER_32
Stale file handle (POSIX.1) This error can occur for NFS and for other file systems
estrpipe: INTEGER_32
Streams pipe error
etime: INTEGER_32
Timer expired (POSIX.1 (XSI STREAMS option)) (POSIX.1 says "STREAM ioctl(2) timeout")
etimedout: INTEGER_32
Connection timed out (POSIX.1)
etxtbsy: INTEGER_32
Text file busy (POSIX.1)
euclean: INTEGER_32
Structure needs cleaning
eunatch: INTEGER_32
Protocol driver not attached
eusers: INTEGER_32
Too many users
ewouldblock: INTEGER_32
Operation would block (may be same value as EAGAIN) (POSIX.1)
exdev: INTEGER_32
Improper link (POSIX.1)
exfull: INTEGER_32
Exchange full