Point of view
All features
The history of read lines.
Note: items may be Void.
Direct parents
Inherit list: TRAVERSABLE
Class invariant
Creation features
      History List Management
2.3.3 Information About the History List These functions return information about the entire history list or individual list entries.
 -- Function: HIST_ENTRY ** history_list (void)
     Return a NULL terminated array of HIST_ENTRY * which is the
     current input history.  Element 0 of this list is the beginning of
     time.  If there is no history, return NULL.
Moving Around the History List
Searching These functions allow searching of the history list for entries containing a specific string. Searching may be performed both forward and backward from the current history position. The search may be "anchored", meaning that the string must match at the beginning of the history entry.
History File Management
History expansion
Other features:
Agent-based features:
Agent-based features:
  • is_equal (other: READ_LINE_HISTORY): BOOLEAN
    Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
  • wrapper_or_void (a_pointer: POINTER): ITEM_
    A wrapper for a_pointer or Void if a_pointer default_pointer (NULL in C).
Utility features
Wrapper related exceptions
Various exceptions codes:
Status report:
Basic operations:
  • die (code: INTEGER_32)
    Terminate execution with exit status code, without triggering an exception.
  • raise (name: STRING)
    Raise a developer exception of name name.
  • throw (a_exception: EXCEPTION)
Non-Standard Extensions:
External calls
variable-size types
C type definitions (typedefs)
  • comparison_fn_t: POINTER
    typedef comparison_fn_t from /usr/include/stdlib.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • timer_t: POINTER
    typedef timer_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • clockid_t: INTEGER_32
    typedef clockid_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • time_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef time_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • clock_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef clock_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uintmax_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uintmax_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • intmax_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef intmax_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uintptr_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uintptr_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • intptr_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef intptr_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_fast64_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uint_fast64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_fast32_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uint_fast32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_fast16_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uint_fast16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_fast8_t: CHARACTER
    typedef uint_fast8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_fast64_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef int_fast64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_fast32_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef int_fast32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_fast16_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef int_fast16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_fast8_t: CHARACTER
    typedef int_fast8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_least64_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uint_least64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_least32_t: NATURAL_32
    typedef uint_least32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_least16_t: NATURAL_16
    typedef uint_least16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint_least8_t: CHARACTER
    typedef uint_least8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_least64_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef int_least64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_least32_t: INTEGER_32
    typedef int_least32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_least16_t: INTEGER_16
    typedef int_least16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int_least8_t: CHARACTER
    typedef int_least8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint64_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef uint64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint32_t: NATURAL_32
    typedef uint32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint16_t: NATURAL_16
    typedef uint16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • uint8_t: CHARACTER
    typedef uint8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int64_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef int64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int32_t: INTEGER_32
    typedef int32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int16_t: INTEGER_16
    typedef int16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • int8_t: CHARACTER
    typedef int8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • ssize_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef ssize_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • off64_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef off64_t from /usr/include/stdio.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • off_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef off_t from /usr/include/stdio.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • size_t: NATURAL_64
    typedef size_t from /usr/include/stdlib.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • ptrdiff_t: INTEGER_64
    typedef ptrdiff_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • error_t: INTEGER_32
    typedef error_t from /usr/include/errno.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
Low-level setters
Low-level queries
Structure size
C type definitions (typedefs)
  • histdata_t: POINTER
    typedef histdata_t from /usr/include/readline/history.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • keymap: POINTER
    typedef Keymap from /usr/include/readline/keymaps.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
add (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Place a_string at the end of the history list.
 The associated data field (if any) is set to NULL.
  • a_string /= Void
add_time (a_stamp: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Change the time stamp associated with the most recent history entry to a_stamp.
  • a_stamp /= Void
remove (an_offset: INTEGER_32): HISTORY_ENTRY
effective function
The history entry at an_offset removed from the history.
Note: the C library returns the removed element in order to free the line, data, and containing structure. This may be useful for an higher level interface to the library. Result will be different from item(an_offset) because the library will mostly copy it elsewhere before returning it.
  • removed: count = old count - 1
  • different_object: Result /= old item(an_offset)
effective procedure
Clear the history list by deleting all the entries.
stifle (a_max: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Stifle the history list, remembering only the last a_max entries.
is_stifled: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is history stifled?
current_position: INTEGER_32
effective function
offset of the current history element
current_entry: HISTORY_ENTRY
effective function
The history entry at the current_position.
May be Void if there is no entry there.
item (an_offset: INTEGER_32): HISTORY_ENTRY
effective function
The history entry at position an_offset.
Voidif there is no entry Note that the C library allows an_offset to be greater than the history length, giving a Void Result.
  • valid_index(an_offset)
effective function
The very first item.
See also last, item.
  • not is_empty
  • definition: Result = item(lower)
effective function
The last item.
See also first, item.
  • not is_empty
  • definition: Result = item(upper)
total_bytes: INTEGER_32
effective function
the number of bytes that the primary history entries are using computed as the sum of the lengths of all the lines in the history.
effective function
  • Result /= Void
  • Result.generation = generation
set_position (a_position: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Set the current history offset to a_position, an absolute index into the list.
search (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING, forward: BOOLEAN): INTEGER_32
effective function
Search the history for a_string, starting at the current history offset.
 If forward is true then the search is through previous
entries, otherwise through subsequent entries.  If a_string
found, then the current history index is set to that history entry,
and Result is the offset in the line of the entry where STRING was
found.  Otherwise, nothing is changed, and a -1 is returned.
search_prefix (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING, forward: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
Search the history for a_string, starting at the current history offset.
 The search is anchored: matching lines must begin with
a_string.  If forward ir False then the search is through
previous entries, otherwise through subsequent entries.  If
a_string is found, then the current history index is set to that
entry, and is_successful set to True.  Otherwise, nothing
changed, and is_successful set to False.
  • a_string /= Void
search_from_position (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING, forward: BOOLEAN, a_position: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
The index of the first occurrence of a_string in the history list, starting at a_position.
 If forward is False the search proceeds
backward from a_position, otherwise forward.  Result will be -1 if
a_string is not found.
from_file (a_file_name: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Add the contents of a_file_name to the history list, a line at a time.
 If a_file_name is Void, then read from ~/.history.
Updates is_successful (and C errno)
from_file_range (a_file_name: ABSTRACT_STRING, a_lower: INTEGER_32, an_upper: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Read a range of lines from a_file_name, adding them to the history list.
 Start reading at line a_lower end at an_upper.  If
a_lower is zero, start at the beginning.  If an_upper is less
than a_lower, then read until the end of the file.  If
a_file_name is Void, then read from ~/.history.  is_successful
and errno are updated..
write (a_file_name: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Write the current history to a_file_name, overwriting it if necessary.
 If a_file_name is Void, then write the history list to
~/.history. is_successful and errno are updated.
append_to_file (elements: INTEGER_32, a_file_name: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Append the last elements of the history list to a_file_name.
FILENAME is NULL, then append to ~/.history.  is_successful and errno are updater.
truncate_file (a_file_name: ABSTRACT_STRING, a_number_of_lines: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Truncate the history file a_file_name, leaving only the last a_number_of_lines lines.
 If ia_file_name is Void, then ~/.history is truncated.
is_successful and errno are updated.
  • a_number_of_lines >= 0
expand (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING): STRING
effective function
a_string expanded using the current content of the history.
See hasnt_been_expanded, has_been_expanded, error_in_expansion. If an error ocurred in expansion, then Result contains a descriptive error message.
hasnt_been_expanded: BOOLEAN
effective function
If no expansions took place (or, if the only change in the text was the removal of escape characters preceding the history expansion character);
has_been_expanded: BOOLEAN
effective function
Has last call to expand actually produced an expansion of the argument?
error_in_expansion: BOOLEAN
effective function
Was there an error in the expansion?
lower: INTEGER_32
effective function
Minimum index.
See also upper, valid_index, item.
count: INTEGER_32
effective function
Number of available items in the hoard.
See also is_empty
  • Result >= 0
is_empty: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the hoard empty ?
See also count.
  • definition: Result = count = 0
upper: INTEGER_32
effective function
Maximum index.
See also lower, valid_index, item.
max_entries: INTEGER_32
effective function
The maximum number of history entries.
Change it with stifle
is_successful: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
Was last command successful?
once function
last_expansion_result: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
effective function
The wrapper for a_pointer.
It could be newly created or retrieved from a cache, a dictionary, from the underlying object, depending on the implementation. See also wrapper_or_void: when a_pointer is the default pointer (known as NULL in C) Result will be Void.
  • pointer_not_null: p.is_not_null
  • non_void: Result /= Void
  • correct: Result.handle = p
enumerate: ENUMERATE[E_]
effective function
get_new_iterator: ITERATOR[E_]
effective function
This feature is obsolete: Use `new_iterator' instead. This historical SmartEiffel feature is badly named.
for_each (action: PROCEDURE[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]])
effective procedure
Apply action to every item of Current.
See also for_all, exists, aggregate.
  • action /= Void
for_all (test: FUNCTION[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Do all items satisfy test?
See also for_each, exists, aggregate.
  • test /= Void
exists (test: FUNCTION[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Does at least one item satisfy test?
See also for_each, for_all, aggregate.
  • test /= Void
aggregate (action: FUNCTION[TUPLE[TUPLE 2[E_, E_], E_]], initial: E_): E_
effective function
Aggregate all the elements starting from the initial value.
See also for_each, for_all, exists.
  • action /= Void
effective procedure
Append terse printable representation of current object in tagged_out_memory.
  • locked: tagged_out_locked
  • still_locked: tagged_out_locked
  • not_cleared: tagged_out_memory.count >= old tagged_out_memory.count
  • append_only: old tagged_out_memory.twin.is_equal(tagged_out_memory.substring(1, old tagged_out_memory.count))
generation: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
effective procedure
do_all (action: ROUTINE[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]])
effective procedure
Apply action to every item of Current.
This feature is obsolete: Use `for_each` instead. This feature is not secure because it accepts a FUNCTION, the result of which is lost.
_inline_agent1 (a: ROUTINE[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]], e: E_)
effective procedure
valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
True when i is valid (i.e., inside actual bounds).
See also lower, upper, item.
is_equal (other: READ_LINE_HISTORY): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
  • other /= Void
  • commutative: generating_type = other.generating_type implies Result = other.is_equal(Current)
is_real_singleton: BOOLEAN
effective function
  • assertion_check_only: Result
once function
This pool is unique in the whole system.
A memory is kept for each singleton type (type, not class) in the system.
current_is_not_an_expanded_type: BOOLEAN
effective function
Check that the dynamic type of the SINGLETON is not an expanded type.
wrapper_or_void (a_pointer: POINTER): ITEM_
effective function
A wrapper for a_pointer or Void if a_pointer default_pointer (NULL in C).
A commodity feature to replace the following code snippet: my_gobject: A_WRAPPER local p: POINTER do
  p := get_foo(handle)
  if p.is_not_null then
    Result := factory.wrapper(p)
my_gobject: A_G_OBJECT_HEIR
    Result := factory.wrapper_or_void(get_foo(handle))
  • null_pointer_returns_void: a_pointer.is_null implies Result = Void
  • correct: a_pointer.is_not_null implies Result /= Void and then Result.handle = a_pointer
null_or (a_wrapper: WRAPPER): POINTER
effective function
The handle of a_wrapper, or the default_pointer if a_wrapper is Void
  • definition: Result = default_pointer or else a_wrapper /= Void and then Result = a_wrapper.handle
null_or_string (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING): POINTER
effective function
A pointer to a memory area containing the content of a_string or default_pointer if a_string is Void.
The memory area may be the internal buffer of a_string or a newly allocated one.
  • definition: Result = default_pointer or a_string /= Void implies Result = a_string.to_external
null_or_array (a_collection: WRAPPER_COLLECTION[WRAPPER]): POINTER
effective function
A pointer to the contenct of a_collection or NULL (default_pointer) if a_collection is Void
  • definition: a_collection = Void implies Result.is_null and a_collection /= Void implies Result.is_not_null
collection_to_c_array (a_collection: COLLECTION[WRAPPER]): FAST_ARRAY[POINTER]
effective function
An array containing the pointers to the objects wrapped by a_collection wrappers.
TODO: avoid creating a new array whenever possible.
  • a_collection /= Void
  • not a_collection.is_empty
pointer_to_unwrapped_deferred_object: STRING
is "A C function returned a pointer to an unwrapped object which is wrapped by a deferred class. It is not possible to create a correct wrapper."
constant attribute
retrieved_object_mismatch: STRING
is "Retrieved_object_mismatch: the Eiffel wrapper associated with a pointer is not an actual wrapper for the object referred by that pointer "
constant attribute
copying_an_uncopyable: STRING
is "Trying to copy an uncopyable wrapper: such objects are usually shortly lived"
constant attribute
Check_instruction: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
Exception code for violated check.
Class_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
Exception code for violated class invariant.
Developer_exception: INTEGER_32
is 3
constant attribute
Exception code for developer exception.
See also: raise, throw
Incorrect_inspect_value: INTEGER_32
is 4
constant attribute
Exception code for inspect statement.
This exception occurs when Void is passed as the expression to inspect ("inspect on STRING only). This exception also occurs when the inspected value selects no branch (when the keyword "else" not used, one "when" branch _must_ be selected). Some value which is not one of the inspect constants, if there is no Else_part r
Loop_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 5
constant attribute
Exception code for violated loop invariant
Loop_variant: INTEGER_32
is 6
constant attribute
Exception code for non-decreased loop variant
No_more_memory: INTEGER_32
is 7
constant attribute
Exception code for failed memory allocation
Postcondition: INTEGER_32
is 8
constant attribute
Exception code for violated postcondition.
Precondition: INTEGER_32
is 9
constant attribute
Exception code for violated precondition.
Routine_failure: INTEGER_32
is 10
constant attribute
Exception code for failed routine.
Os_signal: INTEGER_32
is 11
constant attribute
Exception code for a signal received from the OS.
Void_attached_to_expanded: INTEGER_32
is 12
constant attribute
Exception code for attachment of Void value to expanded entity.
Void_call_target: INTEGER_32
is 13
constant attribute
Exception code for feature applied to Void reference
System_level_type_error: INTEGER_32
is 14
constant attribute
Exception code for the system-level type error (this kind of error mostly arise with covariant redefinition).
exception_name: STRING
effective function
name_of_exception (a_exception: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
developer_exception: EXCEPTION
effective function
The last developer-thrown exception.
developer_exception_name: STRING
effective function
Name of last developer-raised exception.
is_developer_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_named_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_exception_of_name (name: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception of name name?
assertion_violation: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to a violated assertion or non-decreasing variant?
exception: INTEGER_32
Code of last exception that occurred.
is_signal: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to an external event (operating system signal) ?
die (code: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Terminate execution with exit status code, without triggering an exception.
raise (name: STRING)
effective procedure
Raise a developer exception of name name.
  • name /= Void
throw (a_exception: EXCEPTION)
effective procedure
  • a_exception /= Void
signal_number: INTEGER_32
Signal Number received from OS.
 Zero if exception is not an OS signal.
named_exception: NAMED_EXCEPTION
once function
developer_exception_memory: REFERENCE[EXCEPTION]
once function
raise_exception (code: INTEGER_32)
add_history (argument_1: POINTER)
function add_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) add_history
add_history_time (argument_1: POINTER)
function add_history_time (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) add_history_time
append_history (argument_1: INTEGER_32, argument_2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function append_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) append_history
function clear_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) clear_history
current_history: POINTER
function current_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) current_history
free_history_entry (argument_1: POINTER): POINTER
function free_history_entry (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) free_history_entry
get_history_event (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: POINTER, argument_3: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function get_history_event (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) get_history_event
history_arg_extract (argument_1: INTEGER_32, argument_2: INTEGER_32, argument_3: POINTER): POINTER
function history_arg_extract (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_arg_extract
history_base: INTEGER_32
address_of_history_base: POINTER
Address of history_base
set_history_base (a_value: INTEGER_32)
Set variable history_base value
history_comment_char: CHARACTER
address_of_history_comment_char: POINTER
Address of history_comment_char
set_history_comment_char (a_value: CHARACTER)
Set variable history_comment_char value
history_expand (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function history_expand (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_expand
history_expansion_char: CHARACTER
address_of_history_expansion_char: POINTER
Address of history_expansion_char
set_history_expansion_char (a_value: CHARACTER)
Set variable history_expansion_char value
history_get (argument_1: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function history_get (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_get
history_get_history_state: POINTER
function history_get_history_state (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_get_history_state
history_get_time (argument_1: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function history_get_time (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_get_time
history_inhibit_expansion_function: POINTER
address_of_history_inhibit_expansion_function: POINTER
Address of history_inhibit_expansion_function
set_history_inhibit_expansion_function (a_value: POINTER)
Set variable history_inhibit_expansion_function value
history_is_stifled: INTEGER_32
function history_is_stifled (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_is_stifled
history_length: INTEGER_32
address_of_history_length: POINTER
Address of history_length
set_history_length (a_value: INTEGER_32)
Set variable history_length value
history_list: POINTER
function history_list (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_list
history_max_entries: INTEGER_32
address_of_history_max_entries: POINTER
Address of history_max_entries
set_history_max_entries (a_value: INTEGER_32)
Set variable history_max_entries value
history_no_expand_chars: POINTER
address_of_history_no_expand_chars: POINTER
Address of history_no_expand_chars
set_history_no_expand_chars (a_value: POINTER)
Set variable history_no_expand_chars value
history_quotes_inhibit_expansion: INTEGER_32
address_of_history_quotes_inhibit_expansion: POINTER
Address of history_quotes_inhibit_expansion
set_history_quotes_inhibit_expansion (a_value: INTEGER_32)
Set variable history_quotes_inhibit_expansion value
history_search (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function history_search (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_search
history_search_delimiter_chars: POINTER
address_of_history_search_delimiter_chars: POINTER
Address of history_search_delimiter_chars
set_history_search_delimiter_chars (a_value: POINTER)
Set variable history_search_delimiter_chars value
history_search_pos (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: INTEGER_32, argument_3: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function history_search_pos (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_search_pos
history_search_prefix (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function history_search_prefix (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_search_prefix
history_set_history_state (argument_1: POINTER)
function history_set_history_state (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_set_history_state
history_set_pos (argument_1: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function history_set_pos (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_set_pos
history_subst_char: CHARACTER
address_of_history_subst_char: POINTER
Address of history_subst_char
set_history_subst_char (a_value: CHARACTER)
Set variable history_subst_char value
history_tokenize (argument_1: POINTER): POINTER
function history_tokenize (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_tokenize
history_total_bytes: INTEGER_32
function history_total_bytes (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_total_bytes
history_truncate_file (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function history_truncate_file (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) history_truncate_file
history_word_delimiters: POINTER
address_of_history_word_delimiters: POINTER
Address of history_word_delimiters
set_history_word_delimiters (a_value: POINTER)
Set variable history_word_delimiters value
history_write_timestamps: INTEGER_32
address_of_history_write_timestamps: POINTER
Address of history_write_timestamps
set_history_write_timestamps (a_value: INTEGER_32)
Set variable history_write_timestamps value
max_input_history: INTEGER_32
address_of_max_input_history: POINTER
Address of max_input_history
set_max_input_history (a_value: INTEGER_32)
Set variable max_input_history value
next_history: POINTER
function next_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) next_history
previous_history: POINTER
function previous_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) previous_history
read_history (argument_1: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function read_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) read_history
read_history_range (argument_1: POINTER, argument_2: INTEGER_32, argument_3: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function read_history_range (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) read_history_range
remove_history (argument_1: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function remove_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) remove_history
replace_history_entry (argument_1: INTEGER_32, argument_2: POINTER, argument_3: POINTER): POINTER
function replace_history_entry (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) replace_history_entry
stifle_history (argument_1: INTEGER_32)
function stifle_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) stifle_history
unstifle_history: INTEGER_32
function unstifle_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) unstifle_history
function using_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) using_history
where_history: INTEGER_32
function where_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) where_history
write_history (argument_1: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function write_history (in /usr/include/readline/history.h) write_history
long: INTEGER_64
effective function
a query with the same type of c 'long int'.
useful when dealing with code that uses long int variable: just insert th class and mark the type as 'like long'
long_unsigned: NATURAL_64
effective function
a query with the same type of c 'long unsigned int'.
useful when dealing with code that uses long int variable: just insert th class and mark the type as 'like long_unsigned'
comparison_fn_t: POINTER
effective function
typedef comparison_fn_t from /usr/include/stdlib.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
timer_t: POINTER
effective function
typedef timer_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
clockid_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef clockid_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
time_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef time_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
clock_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef clock_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uintmax_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uintmax_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
intmax_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef intmax_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uintptr_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uintptr_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
intptr_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef intptr_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast64_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_fast64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast32_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_fast32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast16_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_fast16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef uint_fast8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_fast64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast32_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_fast32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast16_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_fast16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef int_fast8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least64_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_least64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least32_t: NATURAL_32
effective function
typedef uint_least32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least16_t: NATURAL_16
effective function
typedef uint_least16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef uint_least8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_least64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least32_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef int_least32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least16_t: INTEGER_16
effective function
typedef int_least16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef int_least8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint64_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint32_t: NATURAL_32
effective function
typedef uint32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint16_t: NATURAL_16
effective function
typedef uint16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef uint8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int32_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef int32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int16_t: INTEGER_16
effective function
typedef int16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
effective function
typedef int8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
ssize_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef ssize_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
off64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef off64_t from /usr/include/stdio.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
off_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef off_t from /usr/include/stdio.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
size_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef size_t from /usr/include/stdlib.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
ptrdiff_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef ptrdiff_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
error_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef error_t from /usr/include/errno.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
hist_entry_struct_set_line (a_structure: POINTER, a_value: POINTER)
Setter for line field of HIST_ENTRY_STRUCT structure.
TODO: setter description
hist_entry_struct_set_timestamp (a_structure: POINTER, a_value: POINTER)
Setter for timestamp field of HIST_ENTRY_STRUCT structure.
TODO: setter description
hist_entry_struct_set_data (a_structure: POINTER, a_value: POINTER)
Setter for data field of HIST_ENTRY_STRUCT structure.
TODO: setter description
hist_entry_struct_get_line (a_structure: POINTER): POINTER
Query for line field of HIST_ENTRY_STRUCT structure.
TODO: getter description
hist_entry_struct_get_timestamp (a_structure: POINTER): POINTER
Query for timestamp field of HIST_ENTRY_STRUCT structure.
TODO: getter description
hist_entry_struct_get_data (a_structure: POINTER): POINTER
Query for data field of HIST_ENTRY_STRUCT structure.
TODO: getter description
histdata_t: POINTER
effective function
typedef histdata_t from /usr/include/readline/history.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
keymap: POINTER
effective function
typedef Keymap from /usr/include/readline/keymaps.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default