Point of view
All features
           A socket of type ZMQ_PUSH is used by a pipeline node to send messages to downstream pipeline nodes. Messages are load-balanced to all
           connected downstream nodes. The zmq_recv() function is not implemented for this socket type.

           When a ZMQ_PUSH socket enters an exceptional state due to having reached the high water mark for all downstream nodes, or if there are no
           downstream nodes at all, then any zmq_send(3) operations on the socket shall block until the exceptional state ends or at least one downstream
           node becomes available for sending; messages are not discarded.

           Deprecated alias: ZMQ_DOWNSTREAM.

           Table 7. Summary of ZMQ_PUSH characteristics
           Compatible peer sockets     ZMQ_PULL

           Direction                   Unidirectional

           Send/receive pattern        Send only

           Incoming routing strategy   N/A

           Outgoing routing strategy   Load-balanced

           ZMQ_HWM option action       Block
Direct parents
Creation features
post (a_message: ZMQ_MESSAGE)
effective procedure
Enqueue a_message to be sent by Current socket.
This command non-blocking as all Eiffel commands are in a concurrent enviroment. Processing will flow to the next commands and queris without waiting for the command to finish. If you need a syncronous, blocking behaviour please use the has_sent query. Note: a_message is destroyed (nullified) by this command. If you want to send the same message to multiple sockets you have to copy it (with twin or copy). Note: A successful invocation does not indicate that the message has been transmitted to the network, only that it has been queued on the socket and 0MQ has assumed responsibility for the message. is_successful and errno are updated. Possible errno values:
  • eagain: Non-blocking mode was requested and the message cannot be sent at the moment.
  • enotsup: the send operation is not supported by this socket type.
  • efsm: send operation cannot be performed on this socket at the moment due to the socket not being in the appropriate state. This error may occur with socket types that switch between several states, such as ZMQ_REP. See the messaging patterns section of ZMQ_SOCKET for more information.
  • eterm: The 0MQ context associated with the specified socket was terminated.
  • enotsock: The provided socket was invalid.
  • eintr: The operation was interrupted by delivery of a signal before the message was sent.
  • efault: Invalid message. This class does not offer an analogue of this command that blocks the control flow until a_message has been queued or an error occurred. In fact, in order to adhere to command-query-separation principle "a query shall never change the state of the system" so an eventual "is_sent(a_message: ZMQ_MESSAGE): BOOLEAN' could not change `a_message' yet since the underlying implementation (C) will nullify the given message given a copy would be required. This requirement coupled with the zero-copy architecture requirement that significately concour to the efficiency of ZMQ means that an Eiffel wrapper shall not offer such a query. O
  • a_message /= Void
send (a_message: ZMQ_MESSAGE)
effective procedure
Enqueue a_message to be sent by Current socket.
This command blocks the control flow until finished. If you need a asyncronous, non-blocking behaviour please use the post command. Note: a_message is destroyed (nullified) by this command. If you want to send the same message to multiple sockets you have to copy it (with twin or copy). Note: A successful invocation does not indicate that the message has been transmitted to the network, only that it has been queued on the socket and 0MQ has assumed responsibility for the message. is_successful and errno are updated. Possible errno values:
  • eagain: Non-blocking mode was requested and the message cannot be sent at the moment.
  • enotsup: the send operation is not supported by this socket type.
  • efsm: send operation cannot be performed on this socket at the moment due to the socket not being in the appropriate state. This error may occur with socket types that switch between several states, such as ZMQ_REP. See the messaging patterns section of ZMQ_SOCKET for more information.
  • eterm: The 0MQ context associated with the specified socket was terminated.
  • enotsock: The provided socket was invalid.
  • eintr: The operation was interrupted by delivery of a signal before the message was sent.
  • efault: Invalid message.
  • a_message /= Void
from_external_pointer (a_pointer: POINTER)
effective procedure
  • handle = a_pointer
is_equal (another: ZMQ_PUSH_SOCKET): BOOLEAN
effective function
      • another /= Void
      • another /= Void
      • another /= Void
      • another /= Void
  • commutative: generating_type = another.generating_type implies Result = another.is_equal(Current)
copy (another: ZMQ_PUSH_SOCKET)
effective procedure
      • not immutable
      • same_dynamic_type(another)
      • not immutable
      • same_dynamic_type(another)
      • not immutable
      • same_dynamic_type(another)
      • not immutable
      • same_dynamic_type(another)
  • is_equal(another)
effective procedure
Action to be executed just before garbage collection reclaims an object.
bind (an_address: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Bind Current socket to a particular transport.
           The zmq_bind() function shall create an endpoint for accepting connections and bind it to the socket referenced by the socket

      The endpoint argument is a string consisting of two parts as follows: transport://address. The transport part specifies the
      underlying transport protocol to use. The meaning of the address part is specific to the underlying transport protocol

      The following transports are defined:

          local in-process (inter-thread) communication transport, see zmq_inproc(7)

          local inter-process communication transport, see zmq_ipc(7)

          unicast transport using TCP, see zmq_tcp(7)

      pgm, epgm
          reliable multicast transport using PGM, see zmq_pgm(7)

      With the exception of ZMQ_PAIR sockets, a single socket may be connected to multiple endpoints using zmq_connect(), while
      simultaneously accepting incoming connections from multiple endpoints bound to the socket using zmq_bind(). Refer to
      zmq_socket(3) for a description of the exact semantics involved when connecting or binding a socket to multiple endpoints.
  • an_address /= Void
connect (an_address: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Connect Current socket to the endpoint specified by an_address.
an_address consists of two parts as follows: transport://address. The transport part specifies the underlying transport protocol to use. The meaning of the address part is specific to the underlying transport protocolselected. The following transports are defined:
  • inproc: local in-process (inter-thread) communication transport, see zmq_inproc(7) manpage
  • ipc: local inter-process communication transport, see zmq_ipc(7) manpage
  • tcp: unicast transport using TCP, see zmq_tcp(7) manpage.
  • pgm, epgm: reliable multicast transport using PGM, see zmq_pgm(7) With the exception of ZMQ_PAIR sockets, a single socket may be connected to multiple endpoints using connect, while simultaneously accepting incoming connections from multiple endpoints bound to the socket using bind. See each effective heirs of ZMQ_SOCKET and creation procedures in ZMQ_CONTEXT for a description of the exact semantics involved when connecting or binding a socket to multiple endpoints. Note: The connection will not be performed immediately but as needed by 0MQ. Thus a successful invocation of connect does not indicate that a physical connection was or can actually be established.
  • an_address /= Void
type: INTEGER_32
effective function
The type of Current socket.
It is specified at creation time and cannot be modified afterwards.
      Option value type    int
      Option value unit    N/A
      Default value       N/A
      Applicable socket types    all
zmq_noblock: INTEGER_32
zmq_sndmore: INTEGER_32
zmq_type: INTEGER_32
set_handle (a_ptr: POINTER)
effective procedure
Set a non-null handle.
Raises an No_more_memory exception if a_ptr.is_null. Use this, if you want to check the result of some external allocation function.
handle: POINTER
writable attribute
Pointer to the underlying C "thing" (i.e. a struct)
reference: POINTER
effective function
The address of handle.
Usuful to be passed to C functions that asks for pointer to pointer to struct (i.e. "GError **error")
integer_to_size_t (an_integer: INTEGER_32): NATURAL_64
Comodity feature to cast an integer into an actual size_t
null_or (a_wrapper: WRAPPER): POINTER
effective function
The handle of a_wrapper, or the default_pointer if a_wrapper is Void
  • definition: Result = default_pointer or else a_wrapper /= Void and then Result = a_wrapper.handle
null_or_string (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING): POINTER
effective function
A pointer to a memory area containing the content of a_string or default_pointer if a_string is Void.
The memory area may be the internal buffer of a_string or a newly allocated one.
  • definition: Result = default_pointer or a_string /= Void implies Result = a_string.to_external
null_or_array (a_collection: WRAPPER_COLLECTION[WRAPPER]): POINTER
effective function
A pointer to the contenct of a_collection or NULL (default_pointer) if a_collection is Void
  • definition: a_collection = Void implies Result.is_null and a_collection /= Void implies Result.is_not_null
collection_to_c_array (a_collection: COLLECTION[WRAPPER]): FAST_ARRAY[POINTER]
effective function
An array containing the pointers to the objects wrapped by a_collection wrappers.
TODO: avoid creating a new array whenever possible.
  • a_collection /= Void
  • not a_collection.is_empty
pointer_to_unwrapped_deferred_object: STRING
is "A C function returned a pointer to an unwrapped object which is wrapped by a deferred class. It is not possible to create a correct wrapper."
constant attribute
retrieved_object_mismatch: STRING
is "Retrieved_object_mismatch: the Eiffel wrapper associated with a pointer is not an actual wrapper for the object referred by that pointer "
constant attribute
copying_an_uncopyable: STRING
is "Trying to copy an uncopyable wrapper: such objects are usually shortly lived"
constant attribute
Check_instruction: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
Exception code for violated check.
Class_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
Exception code for violated class invariant.
Developer_exception: INTEGER_32
is 3
constant attribute
Exception code for developer exception.
See also: raise, throw
Incorrect_inspect_value: INTEGER_32
is 4
constant attribute
Exception code for inspect statement.
This exception occurs when Void is passed as the expression to inspect ("inspect on STRING only). This exception also occurs when the inspected value selects no branch (when the keyword "else" not used, one "when" branch _must_ be selected). Some value which is not one of the inspect constants, if there is no Else_part
Loop_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 5
constant attribute
Exception code for violated loop invariant
Loop_variant: INTEGER_32
is 6
constant attribute
Exception code for non-decreased loop variant
No_more_memory: INTEGER_32
is 7
constant attribute
Exception code for failed memory allocation
Postcondition: INTEGER_32
is 8
constant attribute
Exception code for violated postcondition.
Precondition: INTEGER_32
is 9
constant attribute
Exception code for violated precondition.
Routine_failure: INTEGER_32
is 10
constant attribute
Exception code for failed routine.
Os_signal: INTEGER_32
is 11
constant attribute
Exception code for a signal received from the OS.
Void_attached_to_expanded: INTEGER_32
is 12
constant attribute
Exception code for attachment of Void value to expanded entity.
Void_call_target: INTEGER_32
is 13
constant attribute
Exception code for feature applied to Void reference
System_level_type_error: INTEGER_32
is 14
constant attribute
Exception code for the system-level type error (this kind of error mostly arise with covariant redefinition).
exception_name: STRING
effective function
name_of_exception (a_exception: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
developer_exception: EXCEPTION
effective function
The last developer-thrown exception.
developer_exception_name: STRING
effective function
Name of last developer-raised exception.
is_developer_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_named_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_exception_of_name (name: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception of name name?
assertion_violation: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to a violated assertion or non-decreasing variant?
exception: INTEGER_32
Code of last exception that occurred.
is_signal: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to an external event (operating system signal) ?
die (code: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Terminate execution with exit status code, without triggering an exception.
raise (name: STRING)
effective procedure
Raise a developer exception of name name.
  • name /= Void
throw (a_exception: EXCEPTION)
effective procedure
  • a_exception /= Void
signal_number: INTEGER_32
Signal Number received from OS.
 Zero if exception is not an OS signal.
named_exception: NAMED_EXCEPTION
once function
developer_exception_memory: REFERENCE[EXCEPTION]
once function
raise_exception (code: INTEGER_32)
address_of (a_pointer: POINTER): POINTER
content_of (a_pointer: POINTER): POINTER
The pointer referenced by a_pointer which has to be a pointer to a pointer (i.e.: void **).
Note: the type cannot be checked by Eiffel AFAIK. Paolo 2006-05-08q.
strings_array_from (a_pointer: POINTER): FAST_ARRAY[FIXED_STRING]
effective function
Build a FAST_ARRAY of STRINGs from a_pointer which must be of a NULL-terminated array of C strings, that is a "char**" String contents and array itself are copied.
sized_strings_array_from (a_pointer: POINTER, a_size: INTEGER_32): FAST_ARRAY[FIXED_STRING]
effective function
Build a FAST_ARRAY of STRINGs from a_pointer which must be of a array of C strings of a_size elements.
The actual C type must be "char**" String contents and array itself are copied.
a64l (a_s: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function a64l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) a64l
function abort (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) abort
abs (a_x: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function abs (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) abs
aligned_alloc (an_alignment: NATURAL_64, a_size: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function aligned_alloc (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) aligned_alloc
at_quick_exit (a_func: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function at_quick_exit (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) at_quick_exit
atexit (a_func: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function atexit (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) atexit
atof (a_nptr: POINTER): REAL_64
function atof (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) atof
atoi (a_nptr: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function atoi (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) atoi
atol (a_nptr: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function atol (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) atol
atoll (a_nptr: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function atoll (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) atoll
bsearch (a_key: POINTER, a_base: POINTER, a_nmemb: NATURAL_64, a_size: NATURAL_64, a_compar: POINTER): POINTER
function bsearch (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) bsearch
calloc (a_nmemb: NATURAL_64, a_size: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function calloc (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) calloc
canonicalize_file_name (a_name: POINTER): POINTER
function canonicalize_file_name (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) canonicalize_file_name
cfree (a_ptr: POINTER)
function cfree (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) cfree
clearenv: INTEGER_32
function clearenv (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) clearenv
drand48: REAL_64
function drand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) drand48
drand48_r (a_buffer: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function drand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) drand48_r
ecvt (a_value: REAL_64, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER): POINTER
function ecvt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) ecvt
ecvt_r (a_value: REAL_64, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER, a_buf: POINTER, a_len: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function ecvt_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) ecvt_r
erand48 (a_xsubi: POINTER): REAL_64
function erand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) erand48
erand48_r (a_xsubi: POINTER, a_buffer: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function erand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) erand48_r
exit (a_status: INTEGER_32)
function exit (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) exit
fcvt (a_value: REAL_64, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER): POINTER
function fcvt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) fcvt
fcvt_r (a_value: REAL_64, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER, a_buf: POINTER, a_len: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function fcvt_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) fcvt_r
free (a_ptr: POINTER)
function free (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) free
gcvt (a_value: REAL_64, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_buf: POINTER): POINTER
function gcvt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) gcvt
getenv (a_name: POINTER): POINTER
function getenv (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) getenv
getloadavg (a_loadavg: POINTER, a_nelem: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function getloadavg (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) getloadavg
getpt: INTEGER_32
function getpt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) getpt
getsubopt (an_optionp: POINTER, a_tokens: POINTER, a_valuep: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function getsubopt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) getsubopt
grantpt (a_fd: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function grantpt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) grantpt
initstate (a_seed: NATURAL_32, a_statebuf: POINTER, a_statelen: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function initstate (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) initstate
initstate_r (a_seed: NATURAL_32, a_statebuf: POINTER, a_statelen: NATURAL_64, a_buf: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function initstate_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) initstate_r
jrand48 (a_xsubi: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function jrand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) jrand48
jrand48_r (a_xsubi: POINTER, a_buffer: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function jrand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) jrand48_r
l64a (a_n: INTEGER_64): POINTER
function l64a (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) l64a
labs (a_x: INTEGER_64): INTEGER_64
function labs (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) labs
lcong48 (a_param: POINTER)
function lcong48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) lcong48
lcong48_r (a_param: POINTER, a_buffer: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function lcong48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) lcong48_r
llabs (a_x: INTEGER_64): INTEGER_64
function llabs (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) llabs
lrand48: INTEGER_64
function lrand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) lrand48
lrand48_r (a_buffer: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function lrand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) lrand48_r
malloc (a_size: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function malloc (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) malloc
mblen (a_s: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function mblen (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mblen
mbstowcs (a_pwcs: POINTER, a_s: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): NATURAL_64
function mbstowcs (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mbstowcs
mbtowc (a_pwc: POINTER, a_s: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function mbtowc (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mbtowc
memcpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function memcpy (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) memcpy
mkdtemp (a_template: POINTER): POINTER
function mkdtemp (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkdtemp
mkostemp (a_template: POINTER, a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function mkostemp (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkostemp
mkostemp64 (a_template: POINTER, a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function mkostemp64 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkostemp64
mkostemps (a_template: POINTER, a_suffixlen: INTEGER_32, a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function mkostemps (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkostemps
mkostemps64 (a_template: POINTER, a_suffixlen: INTEGER_32, a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function mkostemps64 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkostemps64
mkstemp (a_template: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function mkstemp (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkstemp
mkstemp64 (a_template: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function mkstemp64 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkstemp64
mkstemps (a_template: POINTER, a_suffixlen: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function mkstemps (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkstemps
mkstemps64 (a_template: POINTER, a_suffixlen: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function mkstemps64 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mkstemps64
mktemp (a_template: POINTER): POINTER
function mktemp (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mktemp
mrand48: INTEGER_64
function mrand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mrand48
mrand48_r (a_buffer: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function mrand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) mrand48_r
nrand48 (a_xsubi: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function nrand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) nrand48
nrand48_r (a_xsubi: POINTER, a_buffer: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function nrand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) nrand48_r
on_exit (a_func: POINTER, an_arg: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function on_exit (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) on_exit
posix_memalign (a_memptr: POINTER, an_alignment: NATURAL_64, a_size: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function posix_memalign (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) posix_memalign
posix_openpt (an_oflag: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function posix_openpt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) posix_openpt
ptsname (a_fd: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function ptsname (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) ptsname
ptsname_r (a_fd: INTEGER_32, a_buf: POINTER, a_buflen: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function ptsname_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) ptsname_r
putenv (a_string: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function putenv (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) putenv
qecvt (a_value: REAL_EXTENDED, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER): POINTER
function qecvt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qecvt
qecvt_r (a_value: REAL_EXTENDED, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER, a_buf: POINTER, a_len: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function qecvt_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qecvt_r
qfcvt (a_value: REAL_EXTENDED, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER): POINTER
function qfcvt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qfcvt
qfcvt_r (a_value: REAL_EXTENDED, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_decpt: POINTER, a_sign: POINTER, a_buf: POINTER, a_len: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function qfcvt_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qfcvt_r
qgcvt (a_value: REAL_EXTENDED, a_ndigit: INTEGER_32, a_buf: POINTER): POINTER
function qgcvt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qgcvt
qsort (a_base: POINTER, a_nmemb: NATURAL_64, a_size: NATURAL_64, a_compar: POINTER)
function qsort (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qsort
qsort_r (a_base: POINTER, a_nmemb: NATURAL_64, a_size: NATURAL_64, a_compar: POINTER, an_arg: POINTER)
function qsort_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) qsort_r
quick_exit (a_status: INTEGER_32)
function quick_exit (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) quick_exit
rand: INTEGER_32
function rand (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) rand
rand_r (a_seed: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function rand_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) rand_r
random: INTEGER_64
function random (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) random
random_r (a_buf: POINTER, a_result: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function random_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) random_r
realloc (a_ptr: POINTER, a_size: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function realloc (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) realloc
realpath (a_name: POINTER, a_resolved: POINTER): POINTER
function realpath (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) realpath
rpmatch (a_response: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function rpmatch (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) rpmatch
secure_getenv (a_name: POINTER): POINTER
function secure_getenv (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) secure_getenv
seed48 (a_seed16v: POINTER): POINTER
function seed48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) seed48
seed48_r (a_seed16v: POINTER, a_buffer: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function seed48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) seed48_r
setenv (a_name: POINTER, a_value: POINTER, a_replace: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function setenv (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) setenv
setkey (a_key: POINTER)
function setkey (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) setkey
setstate (a_statebuf: POINTER): POINTER
function setstate (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) setstate
setstate_r (a_statebuf: POINTER, a_buf: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function setstate_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) setstate_r
srand (a_seed: NATURAL_32)
function srand (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) srand
srand48 (a_seedval: INTEGER_64)
function srand48 (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) srand48
srand48_r (a_seedval: INTEGER_64, a_buffer: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function srand48_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) srand48_r
srandom (a_seed: NATURAL_32)
function srandom (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) srandom
srandom_r (a_seed: NATURAL_32, a_buf: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function srandom_r (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) srandom_r
strtod (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER): REAL_64
function strtod (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtod
strtod_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_loc: POINTER): REAL_64
function strtod_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtod_l
strtof (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER): REAL_32
function strtof (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtof
strtof_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_loc: POINTER): REAL_32
function strtof_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtof_l
strtol (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_64
function strtol (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtol
strtol_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32, a_loc: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function strtol_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtol_l
strtold (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER): REAL_EXTENDED
function strtold (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtold
strtold_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_loc: POINTER): REAL_EXTENDED
function strtold_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtold_l
strtoll (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_64
function strtoll (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoll
strtoll_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32, a_loc: POINTER): INTEGER_64
function strtoll_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoll_l
strtoq (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_64
function strtoq (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoq
strtoul (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32): NATURAL_64
function strtoul (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoul
strtoul_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32, a_loc: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function strtoul_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoul_l
strtoull (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32): NATURAL_64
function strtoull (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoull
strtoull_l (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32, a_loc: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function strtoull_l (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtoull_l
strtouq (a_nptr: POINTER, an_endptr: POINTER, a_base: INTEGER_32): NATURAL_64
function strtouq (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) strtouq
system (a_command: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function system (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) system
unlockpt (a_fd: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function unlockpt (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) unlockpt
unsetenv (a_name: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function unsetenv (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) unsetenv
valloc (a_size: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function valloc (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) valloc
wcstombs (a_s: POINTER, a_pwcs: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): NATURAL_64
function wcstombs (in /usr/include/stdlib.h) wcstombs
long: INTEGER_64
effective function
a query with the same type of c 'long int'.
useful when dealing with code that uses long int variable: just insert th class and mark the type as 'like long'
long_unsigned: NATURAL_64
effective function
a query with the same type of c 'long unsigned int'.
useful when dealing with code that uses long int variable: just insert th class and mark the type as 'like long_unsigned'
comparison_fn_t: POINTER
effective function
typedef comparison_fn_t from /usr/include/stdlib.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
timer_t: POINTER
effective function
typedef timer_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
clockid_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef clockid_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
time_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef time_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
clock_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef clock_t from /usr/include/time.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uintmax_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uintmax_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
intmax_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef intmax_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uintptr_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uintptr_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
intptr_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef intptr_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast64_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_fast64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast32_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_fast32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast16_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_fast16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_fast8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef uint_fast8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_fast64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast32_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_fast32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast16_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_fast16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_fast8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef int_fast8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least64_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint_least64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least32_t: NATURAL_32
effective function
typedef uint_least32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least16_t: NATURAL_16
effective function
typedef uint_least16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint_least8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef uint_least8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int_least64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least32_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef int_least32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least16_t: INTEGER_16
effective function
typedef int_least16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int_least8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef int_least8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint64_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef uint64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint32_t: NATURAL_32
effective function
typedef uint32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint16_t: NATURAL_16
effective function
typedef uint16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
uint8_t: CHARACTER
effective function
typedef uint8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef int64_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int32_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef int32_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
int16_t: INTEGER_16
effective function
typedef int16_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
effective function
typedef int8_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
ssize_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef ssize_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
off64_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef off64_t from /usr/include/stdio.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
off_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef off_t from /usr/include/stdio.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
size_t: NATURAL_64
effective function
typedef size_t from /usr/include/stdlib.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
ptrdiff_t: INTEGER_64
effective function
typedef ptrdiff_t from /usr/include/stdint.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
error_t: INTEGER_32
effective function
typedef error_t from /usr/include/errno.h Empty by design, used for anchored declarations.
  • Result.is_default
bcmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function bcmp (in /usr/include/string.h) bcmp
bcopy (a_src: POINTER, a_dest: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64)
function bcopy (in /usr/include/string.h) bcopy
bzero (a_s: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64)
function bzero (in /usr/include/string.h) bzero
ffs (an_i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function ffs (in /usr/include/string.h) ffs
ffsl (a_l: INTEGER_64): INTEGER_32
function ffsl (in /usr/include/string.h) ffsl
ffsll (a_ll: INTEGER_64): INTEGER_32
function ffsll (in /usr/include/string.h) ffsll
memccpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_c: INTEGER_32, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function memccpy (in /usr/include/string.h) memccpy
memcmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function memcmp (in /usr/include/string.h) memcmp
memfrob (a_s: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function memfrob (in /usr/include/string.h) memfrob
memmem (a_haystack: POINTER, a_haystacklen: NATURAL_64, a_needle: POINTER, a_needlelen: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function memmem (in /usr/include/string.h) memmem
memmove (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function memmove (in /usr/include/string.h) memmove
mempcpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function mempcpy (in /usr/include/string.h) mempcpy
memset (a_s: POINTER, a_c: INTEGER_32, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function memset (in /usr/include/string.h) memset
stpcpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER): POINTER
function stpcpy (in /usr/include/string.h) stpcpy
stpncpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function stpncpy (in /usr/include/string.h) stpncpy
strcasecmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strcasecmp (in /usr/include/string.h) strcasecmp
strcasecmp_l (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_loc: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strcasecmp_l (in /usr/include/string.h) strcasecmp_l
strcat (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER): POINTER
function strcat (in /usr/include/string.h) strcat
strcmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strcmp (in /usr/include/string.h) strcmp
strcoll (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strcoll (in /usr/include/string.h) strcoll
strcoll_l (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_l: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strcoll_l (in /usr/include/string.h) strcoll_l
strcpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER): POINTER
function strcpy (in /usr/include/string.h) strcpy
strcspn (a_s: POINTER, a_reject: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function strcspn (in /usr/include/string.h) strcspn
strdup (a_s: POINTER): POINTER
function strdup (in /usr/include/string.h) strdup
strerror (an_errnum: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function strerror (in /usr/include/string.h) strerror
strerror_l (an_errnum: INTEGER_32, a_l: POINTER): POINTER
function strerror_l (in /usr/include/string.h) strerror_l
strerror_r (an_errnum: INTEGER_32, a_buf: POINTER, a_buflen: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function strerror_r (in /usr/include/string.h) strerror_r
strfry (a_string: POINTER): POINTER
function strfry (in /usr/include/string.h) strfry
strlen (a_s: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function strlen (in /usr/include/string.h) strlen
strncasecmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function strncasecmp (in /usr/include/string.h) strncasecmp
strncasecmp_l (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64, a_loc: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strncasecmp_l (in /usr/include/string.h) strncasecmp_l
strncat (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function strncat (in /usr/include/string.h) strncat
strncmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function strncmp (in /usr/include/string.h) strncmp
strncpy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function strncpy (in /usr/include/string.h) strncpy
strndup (a_string: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): POINTER
function strndup (in /usr/include/string.h) strndup
strnlen (a_string: POINTER, a_maxlen: NATURAL_64): NATURAL_64
function strnlen (in /usr/include/string.h) strnlen
strsep (a_stringp: POINTER, a_delim: POINTER): POINTER
function strsep (in /usr/include/string.h) strsep
strsignal (a_sig: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function strsignal (in /usr/include/string.h) strsignal
strspn (a_s: POINTER, an_accept: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function strspn (in /usr/include/string.h) strspn
strtok (a_s: POINTER, a_delim: POINTER): POINTER
function strtok (in /usr/include/string.h) strtok
strtok_r (a_s: POINTER, a_delim: POINTER, a_save_ptr: POINTER): POINTER
function strtok_r (in /usr/include/string.h) strtok_r
strverscmp (a_s1: POINTER, a_s2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function strverscmp (in /usr/include/string.h) strverscmp
strxfrm (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64): NATURAL_64
function strxfrm (in /usr/include/string.h) strxfrm
strxfrm_l (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER, a_n: NATURAL_64, a_l: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function strxfrm_l (in /usr/include/string.h) strxfrm_l
zmq_bind (a_s: POINTER, an_addr: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_bind (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_bind
zmq_close (a_s: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_close (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_close
zmq_connect (a_s: POINTER, an_addr: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_connect (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_connect
zmq_device (a_device: INTEGER_32, an_insocket: POINTER, an_outsocket: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_device (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_device
zmq_errno: INTEGER_32
function zmq_errno (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_errno
zmq_getsockopt (a_s: POINTER, an_option: INTEGER_32, an_optval: POINTER, an_optvallen: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_getsockopt (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_getsockopt
zmq_init (an_io_threads: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function zmq_init (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_init
zmq_msg_close (a_msg: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_msg_close (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_close
zmq_msg_copy (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_msg_copy (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_copy
zmq_msg_data (a_msg: POINTER): POINTER
function zmq_msg_data (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_data
zmq_msg_init (a_msg: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_msg_init (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_init
zmq_msg_init_data (a_msg: POINTER, a_data: POINTER, a_size: NATURAL_64, a_ffn: POINTER, a_hint: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_msg_init_data (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_init_data
zmq_msg_init_size (a_msg: POINTER, a_size: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function zmq_msg_init_size (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_init_size
zmq_msg_move (a_dest: POINTER, a_src: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_msg_move (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_move
zmq_msg_size (a_msg: POINTER): NATURAL_64
function zmq_msg_size (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_msg_size
zmq_poll (an_items: POINTER, a_nitems: INTEGER_32, a_timeout: INTEGER_64): INTEGER_32
function zmq_poll (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_poll
zmq_recv (a_s: POINTER, a_msg: POINTER, a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function zmq_recv (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_recv
zmq_send (a_s: POINTER, a_msg: POINTER, a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
function zmq_send (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_send
zmq_setsockopt (a_s: POINTER, an_option: INTEGER_32, an_optval: POINTER, an_optvallen: NATURAL_64): INTEGER_32
function zmq_setsockopt (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_setsockopt
zmq_socket (a_context: POINTER, a_type: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function zmq_socket (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_socket
zmq_strerror (an_errnum: INTEGER_32): POINTER
function zmq_strerror (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_strerror
zmq_term (a_context: POINTER): INTEGER_32
function zmq_term (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_term
zmq_version (a_major: POINTER, a_minor: POINTER, a_patch: POINTER)
function zmq_version (in /usr/include/zmq.h) zmq_version
is_successful: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
Was last command successful?
is_unsuccessful: BOOLEAN
effective function
handle_return_value (a_return_value: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
zmq_exception: ZMQ_EXCEPTION
effective function
errno: INTEGER_32
number of last error
e2big: INTEGER_32
Argument list too long (POSIX.1)
eacces: INTEGER_32
Permission denied (POSIX.1)
eaddrinuse: INTEGER_32
Address already in use (POSIX.1)
eaddrnotavail: INTEGER_32
Address not available (POSIX.1)
eafnosupport: INTEGER_32
Address family not supported (POSIX.1)
eagain: INTEGER_32
Resource temporarily unavailable (may be the same value as EWOULDBLOCK) (POSIX.1)
ealready: INTEGER_32
Connection already in progress (POSIX.1)
ebade: INTEGER_32
Invalid exchange
ebadf: INTEGER_32
Bad file descriptor (POSIX.1)
ebadfd: INTEGER_32
File descriptor in bad state
ebadmsg: INTEGER_32
Bad message (POSIX.1)
ebadr: INTEGER_32
Invalid request descriptor
ebadrqc: INTEGER_32
Invalid request code
ebadslt: INTEGER_32
Invalid slot
ebusy: INTEGER_32
Device or resource busy (POSIX.1)
ecanceled: INTEGER_32
Operation canceled (POSIX.1)
echild: INTEGER_32
No child processes (POSIX.1)
echrng: INTEGER_32
Channel number out of range
ecomm: INTEGER_32
Communication error on send
econnaborted: INTEGER_32
Connection aborted (POSIX.1)
econnrefused: INTEGER_32
Connection refused (POSIX.1)
econnreset: INTEGER_32
Connection reset (POSIX.1)
edeadlk: INTEGER_32
Resource deadlock avoided (POSIX.1)
edeadlock: INTEGER_32
Synonym for EDEADLK
edestaddrreq: INTEGER_32
Destination address required (POSIX.1)
edom: INTEGER_32
Mathematics argument out of domain of function (POSIX.1, C99)
edquot: INTEGER_32
Disk quota exceeded (POSIX.1)
eexist: INTEGER_32
File exists (POSIX.1)
efault: INTEGER_32
Bad address (POSIX.1)
efbig: INTEGER_32
File too large (POSIX.1)
ehostdown: INTEGER_32
Host is down
ehostunreach: INTEGER_32
Host is unreachable (POSIX.1)
eidrm: INTEGER_32
Identifier removed (POSIX.1)
eilseq: INTEGER_32
Illegal byte sequence (POSIX.1, C99)
einprogress: INTEGER_32
Operation in progress (POSIX.1)
eintr: INTEGER_32
Interrupted function call (POSIX.1); see signal(7).
einval: INTEGER_32
Invalid argument (POSIX.1)
Input/output error (POSIX.1)
eisconn: INTEGER_32
Socket is connected (POSIX.1)
eisdir: INTEGER_32
Is a directory (POSIX.1)
eisnam: INTEGER_32
Is a named type file
ekeyexpired: INTEGER_32
Key has expired
ekeyrejected: INTEGER_32
Key was rejected by service
ekeyrevoked: INTEGER_32
Key has been revoked
el2hlt: INTEGER_32
Level 2 halted
el2nsync: INTEGER_32
Level 2 not synchronized
el3hlt: INTEGER_32
Level 3 halted
el3rst: INTEGER_32
Level 3 halted
elibacc: INTEGER_32
Cannot access a needed shared library
elibbad: INTEGER_32
Accessing a corrupted shared library
elibmax: INTEGER_32
Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
elibscn: INTEGER_32
lib section in a.out corrupted
elibexec: INTEGER_32
Cannot exec a shared library directly
eloop: INTEGER_32
Too many levels of symbolic links (POSIX.1)
emediumtype: INTEGER_32
Wrong medium type
emfile: INTEGER_32
Too many open files (POSIX.1)
emlink: INTEGER_32
Too many links (POSIX.1)
emsgsize: INTEGER_32
Message too long (POSIX.1)
emultihop: INTEGER_32
Multihop attempted (POSIX.1)
enametoolong: INTEGER_32
Filename too long (POSIX.1)
enetdown: INTEGER_32
Network is down (POSIX.1)
enetreset: INTEGER_32
Connection aborted by network (POSIX.1)
enetunreach: INTEGER_32
Network unreachable (POSIX.1)
enfile: INTEGER_32
Too many open files in system (POSIX.1)
enobufs: INTEGER_32
No buffer space available (POSIX.1 (XSI STREAMS option))
enodata: INTEGER_32
No message is available on the STREAM head read queue (POSIX.1)
enodev: INTEGER_32
No such device (POSIX.1)
enoent: INTEGER_32
No such file or directory (POSIX.1)
enoexec: INTEGER_32
Exec format error (POSIX.1)
enokey: INTEGER_32
Required key not available
enolck: INTEGER_32
No locks available (POSIX.1)
enolink: INTEGER_32
Link has been severed (POSIX.1)
enomedium: INTEGER_32
No medium found
enomem: INTEGER_32
Not enough space (POSIX.1)
enomsg: INTEGER_32
No message of the desired type (POSIX.1)
enonet: INTEGER_32
Machine is not on the network
enopkg: INTEGER_32
Package not installed
enoprotoopt: INTEGER_32
Protocol not available (POSIX.1)
enospc: INTEGER_32
No space left on device (POSIX.1)
enosr: INTEGER_32
No STREAM resources (POSIX.1 (XSI STREAMS option))
enostr: INTEGER_32
enosys: INTEGER_32
Function not implemented (POSIX.1)
enotblk: INTEGER_32
Block device required
enotconn: INTEGER_32
The socket is not connected (POSIX.1)
enotdir: INTEGER_32
Not a directory (POSIX.1)
enotempty: INTEGER_32
Directory not empty (POSIX.1)
enotsock: INTEGER_32
Not a socket (POSIX.1)
enotsup: INTEGER_32
Operation not supported (POSIX.1)
enotty: INTEGER_32
Inappropriate I/O control operation (POSIX.1)
enotuniq: INTEGER_32
Name not unique on network
enxio: INTEGER_32
No such device or address (POSIX.1)
eopnotsupp: INTEGER_32
Operation not supported on socket (POSIX.1) (ENOTSUP and EOPNOTSUPP have the same value on Linux, but according to POSIX.1 these error values should be distinct.)
eoverflow: INTEGER_32
Value too large to be stored in data type (POSIX.1)
eperm: INTEGER_32
Operation not permitted (POSIX.1)
epfnosupport: INTEGER_32
Protocol family not supported
epipe: INTEGER_32
Broken pipe (POSIX.1)
eproto: INTEGER_32
Protocol error (POSIX.1)
eprotonosupport: INTEGER_32
Protocol not supported (POSIX.1)
eprototype: INTEGER_32
Protocol wrong type for socket (POSIX.1)
erange: INTEGER_32
Result too large (POSIX.1, C99)
eremchg: INTEGER_32
Remote address changed
eremote: INTEGER_32
Object is remote
eremoteio: INTEGER_32
Remote I/O error
erestart: INTEGER_32
Interrupted system call should be restarted
erofs: INTEGER_32
Read-only file system (POSIX.1)
eshutdown: INTEGER_32
Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
espipe: INTEGER_32
Invalid seek (POSIX.1)
esocktnosupport: INTEGER_32
Socket type not supported
esrch: INTEGER_32
No such process (POSIX.1)
estale: INTEGER_32
Stale file handle (POSIX.1) This error can occur for NFS and for other file systems
estrpipe: INTEGER_32
Streams pipe error
etime: INTEGER_32
Timer expired (POSIX.1 (XSI STREAMS option)) (POSIX.1 says "STREAM ioctl(2) timeout")
etimedout: INTEGER_32
Connection timed out (POSIX.1)
etxtbsy: INTEGER_32
Text file busy (POSIX.1)
euclean: INTEGER_32
Structure needs cleaning
eunatch: INTEGER_32
Protocol driver not attached
eusers: INTEGER_32
Too many users
ewouldblock: INTEGER_32
Operation would block (may be same value as EAGAIN) (POSIX.1)
exdev: INTEGER_32
Improper link (POSIX.1)
exfull: INTEGER_32
Exchange full