Point of view
All features
expanded class BASIC_DIRECTORY
Very low-level basic tools for file-system directory handling and file path manipulation. This class intended to be platform independent as much as possible. In order to remove from the client side the burden of file path computation, this class tries to compute automatically the system file notation using argument(s) of some of the very first call(s). As soon as the system notation has been properly detected, the result is internally memorized for all objects of type BASIC_DIRECTORY in a common private buffer. Besides the low-level nature of operations one can found in this class, all file path manipulations are done in a smart way (except when the system file path notation has not been detected automatically, which is quite uncommon). As an example, even if the directory separator is internally detected, this information is _intentionally_ kept private to avoid low-level manipulation from the client side. Finally, this class is expanded in order to avoid as much as possible memory allocations.
Also consider high level facade class DIRECTORY if you don't want to deal directly with low level directory streams.
Direct parents
Insert list: ANY
Known children
Insert list: XDG
State of Current basic directory stream:
Connect and disconnect:
  • connect_to (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
    Try to connect Current to some existing directory_path.
  • connect_with (some_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
    Try to connect Current to some directory using some_path which may be either an existing directory path or some arbitrary file path name.
  • connect_to_current_working_directory
    Try to connect Current to the current working directory.
  • disconnect
    Do not forget to call this feature when you have finished with some previously opened directory stream.
File path handling tools:
Disk modification:
directory_stream: POINTER
writable attribute
This pointer memorize the current directory stream being scanned (used to compute is_connected).
current_entry: POINTER
writable attribute
When is_connected, memorize the current entry in the current directory_stream.
is_connected: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is Current connected to some directory stream ?
end_of_input: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is end of input reached ?
connect_to (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to connect Current to some existing directory_path.
After this call, the client supposed to use is_connected to check that the stream is ready to be used.
require ensure
connect_with (some_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to connect Current to some directory using some_path which may be either an existing directory path or some arbitrary file path name.
When some_path is the path of some readable existing directory, this directory is opened and the effect of connect_with is equivalent to connect_to. When some_path is not an existing readable directory path, connect_with tries to open the directory which may contains some_path viewed as a file path name. After this call, the client is supposed to use is_connected to check that the stream is ready to be used and the last_entry buffer to know about the corresponding opened directory path. Whatever the result, some_path is left unchanged.
require ensure
effective procedure
Try to connect Current to the current working directory.
After this call, the client is supposed to use is_connected to check that the stream is ready to be used and the last_entry buffer to know about the name of the current working directory.
require ensure
effective procedure
Do not forget to call this feature when you have finished with some previously opened directory stream.
require ensure
last_entry: STRING
once function
Unique global buffer (once object) to get the last information computed by many routines of this class: read_entry, connect_with connect_to_current_working_directory, compute_parent_directory_of, ...
effective procedure
Read the next entry name and update last_entry and end_of_input accordingly.
compute_parent_directory_of (some_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Using some_path (which may be either a file path or a directory path) tries to compute in the last_entry buffer the parent directory of some_path.
When some_path is a path with no parent directory, the last_entry buffer is_empty after this call. This operation does not perform any disk access.
  • not some_path.is_empty
  • common_buffer_protection: last_entry /= some_path
compute_subdirectory_with (parent_path: ABSTRACT_STRING, entry_name: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to compute in the last_entry buffer the new subdirectory path obtained when trying to concatenate smartly parent_path with some entry_name.
When this fails the last_entry buffer is_empty after this call. This operation does not perform any disk access. Whatever the result, parent_path and entry_name are left unchanged.
  • not parent_path.is_empty
  • not entry_name.is_empty
  • common_buffer_protection1: last_entry /= parent_path
  • common_buffer_protection2: last_entry /= entry_name
compute_file_path_with (parent_path: ABSTRACT_STRING, file_name: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to compute in the last_entry buffer the new file path obtained when trying to concatenate smartly parent_path with some file_name.
When this fails the last_entry buffer is_empty after this call. This operation does not perform any disk access. Whatever the result, parent_path and file_name are left unchanged.
  • not parent_path.is_empty
  • not file_name.is_empty
  • common_buffer_protection1: last_entry /= parent_path
  • common_buffer_protection2: last_entry /= file_name
compute_absolute_file_path_with (path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to compute an absolute path equivalent to path and store it in last_entry.
When this fails the last_entry buffer is_empty after this call. This operation does not perform any disk access. Whatever the result, path is left unchanged.
require ensure
compute_short_name_of (path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to find the short name of the file or directory given by its path and store it in last_entry.
When this fails the last_entry buffer is_empty after the call. This operation does not perform any disk access. Whatever the result, path is left unchanged.
valid_path (path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the syntax of path valid for the system notation?
change_current_working_directory (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to change the current working directory using some directory_path.
 When the operation
possible, the last_entry buffer is updated with the new current working directory path,
otherwise, when the modification is not possible the last_entry buffer is_empty after this
call. Whatever the result, directory_path is left unchanged.
require ensure
current_working_directory: FIXED_STRING
effective function
The current working directory.
Always returns the same once STRING.
once procedure
require_system_notation: BOOLEAN
once function
Same as ensure_system_notation, useful for contracts
create_new_directory (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Try to create a new directory using the directory_path name.
Returns True on success.
require ensure
remove_directory (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Try to remove directory directory_path which must be empty.
Returns True on success.
require ensure
remove_files_of (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to remove all files (not subdirectories) of directory specified by directory_path.
require ensure
remove_recursively (directory_path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Try to remove all files and all subdirectories of directory specified by directory_path.
require ensure
is_case_sensitive: BOOLEAN
effective function
system_notation: DIRECTORY_NOTATION
effective function
system_notation_buffer: REFERENCE[DIRECTORY_NOTATION]
once function
Unique common buffer to memorize the system path notation.
system_notation_detected: BOOLEAN
effective function
unix_notation: BOOLEAN
effective function
The Unix like file path notation looks like:
windows_notation: BOOLEAN
effective function
The Windows like file path notation looks like:
cygwin_notation: BOOLEAN
effective function
The Cygwin like file path notation looks like:
set_notation_using (some_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to detect automatically the file system notation.
reset_notation_using (some_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to detect automatically the file system notation.
effective procedure
tmp_path: STRING
once function
directory_open (path_pointer: POINTER): POINTER
Try to open some existing directory using path.
When Result is_not_null, the directory correctly opened and Result is a valid handle for this directory. Using Result, one can then scan the content of the directory using function basic_directory_read_entry and basic_directory_get_entry_name. Finally, a is_not_null directory must be closed using function basic_directory_close.
  • path_pointer.is_not_null
directory_read_entry (dirstream: POINTER): POINTER
Read an return a new entry using the directory handle dirstream obtained with function basic_directory_open.
When there is no more entry, the Result becomes is_null.
  • dirstream.is_not_null
directory_get_entry_name (entry: POINTER): POINTER
Read an return a new entry using the directory handle dirstream obtained with function basic_directory_open.
When there is no more entry, the Result becomes is_null.
  • entry.is_not_null
directory_close (dirstream: POINTER): BOOLEAN
Try to close some opened dirstream directory.
A True result indicates that the directory correctly closed.
  • dirstream.is_not_null
directory_current_working_directory: POINTER
Try to get the current working directory path.
directory_chdir (destination: POINTER): BOOLEAN
Try to change the current working directory using destination.
directory_mkdir (directory_path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
Try to create a new directory using directory_path.
directory_rmdir (directory_path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
Try to remove directory_path.