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All features
expanded class NUMBER_TOOLS
This class provides abstract creation functions for NUMBERs as well as some other useful tools for NUMBERs.
Because this class is expanded, one may simply declare some entity of type NUMBER_TOOLS to use those NUMBER tools. One may also inherit this class in order to use those tools as well.
Direct parents
Insert list: ANY
from_integer (n: INTEGER_32): NUMBER
effective function
from_integer_64 (n: INTEGER_64): NUMBER
effective function
Uses value n to create a new NUMBER.
  • Result.to_integer_64 = n
from_string (formula: ABSTRACT_STRING): NUMBER
effective function
Parse the contents of formula to create a new NUMBER.
If some error occurs (like for example a division by zero), the Result is Void and the error report is left in the parser_buffer.
require ensure
from_input_stream (input: INPUT_STREAM): NUMBER
effective function
Create a number from a file or standard input
  • input.is_connected
is_number (formula: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the formula a correct notation to create a NUMBER ? Actually, any correct formula using a combination of literal integer constants with + - * / () and ! is a correct notation to create a NUMBER.
Traditional priority rules are used for operators and the ! character denote the factorial computation. Here is the BNF grammar used:
 E0 = E1 R1
 E1 = E2 R2
 E2 = E3 R3
 E3 = "+" E3 | "-" E3 | "(" E0 ")" | "constant"
 R1 = "+" E1 R1 | "-" E1 R1 | ^
 R2 = "*" E2 R2 | "/" E2 R2 | ^
 R3 = "!" | ^
  • not formula.is_empty
parser_buffer: MINI_PARSER_BUFFER
once function
This once function gives access to the unique parser_buffer to allow the memorization of the Current position and the memorization of the last error message.
parse_e0: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_e1: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_e2: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_e3: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_r1: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_r2: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective procedure
parse_constant: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_create_e0: NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_e1: NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_e2: NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_e3: NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_r1 (left: NUMBER): NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_r2 (left: NUMBER): NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_r3 (left: NUMBER): NUMBER
effective function
parse_create_constant: NUMBER
effective function
  • Result /= Void
Integer_expected: STRING
is "Integer constant expected."
constant attribute