Point of view
All features
deferred class GCCXML_NODE
Class invariant
Assigned name
Collection-like command
Syntactic sugar
Type mangling
Auxiliary features
Descriptions reading
Outputting description
Auxiliary features
Various exceptions codes:
Status report:
Basic operations:
  • die (code: INTEGER_32)
    Terminate execution with exit status code, without triggering an exception.
  • raise (name: STRING)
    Raise a developer exception of name name.
  • throw (a_exception: EXCEPTION)
Non-Standard Extensions:
assigned_name: STRING
writable attribute
set_name (a_name: STRING)
effective procedure
Set assigned_name to a_name.
  • a_name /= Void
has_assigned_name: BOOLEAN
effective function
for_each (a_procedure: PROCEDURE[TUPLE 1[GCCXML_NODE]])
effective procedure
Apply 'a_procedure' to all heir nodes of known type.
effective procedure
Recursively descend the tree invoking emit_wrapper on WRAPPER_CLASS nodes.
writable attribute
The name of the node
attribute_name (index: INTEGER_32): UNICODE_STRING
effective function
The name of the i'th attribute
attribute_value (index: INTEGER_32): UNICODE_STRING
effective function
The value of the i'th attribute
attribute_at (a_attribute_name: UNICODE_STRING): UNICODE_STRING
effective function
The value of the attribute given by its name; Void if not set
attributes_count: INTEGER_32
effective function
The number of attributes
child (index: INTEGER_32): XML_NODE
effective function
The i'th child
children_count: INTEGER_32
effective function
The number of children
accept (visitor: VISITOR)
effective procedure
Accept to be visited by the visitor.
  • visitor /= Void
set_attribute (a_attribute_name: UNICODE_STRING, a_attribute_value: UNICODE_STRING)
effective procedure
  • a_attribute_name /= Void
  • a_attribute_value /= Void
add_child (node: XML_NODE)
effective procedure
  • node /= Void
  • node.parent = Void
writable attribute
writable attribute
make (a_name: UNICODE_STRING, a_line: INTEGER_32, a_column: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
  • a_line > 0
  • a_column > 0
line: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
The position of the node in its source file
column: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
The position of the node in its source file
writable attribute
The parent of the node, Void if it is the root
set_parent (a_parent: XML_COMPOSITE_NODE)
effective procedure
  • a_parent /= Void
settings: SETTINGS
once function
The singleton to access all the shared settings
directory: STRING
effective function
Shortcut for settings.directory
once function
once function
verbose: BOOLEAN
effective function
global: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective function
an_id without the type qualifier used by GccXml to mark the identification labels.
"const", "reference" and "volatile" qualifier are represented in a CvQualifiedType node adding 'c', 'r' and 'v' to the identifies. i.e. if "int" has id "_422" a "const int foo" argument type will be of type CvQualifiedType with it "_422c". The same rule is used - as far as I know - also for reference and volatile types. Result is identical to an_id if it does not end with 'c', 'r' and 'v'; otherwise it is a copy of an_id with the last character ('c', 'r' or 'v') removed.
  • not_void: an_id /= Void
log (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
once function
Buffer to render the text of the feature currently being wrapped (a function call, a structure or an enumeration).
formatter: FORMATTER
once function
Shared formatter used to format various strings.
comment: STRING
is " -- "
constant attribute
variadic_function_note: STRING
is " (variadic call) "
constant attribute
unwrappable_function_note: STRING
is " -- Unwrappable function obsolete "Unwrappable C function" "
constant attribute
expanded_class: STRING
is "expanded class "
constant attribute
deferred_class: STRING
is "deferred class "
constant attribute
inherits_string: STRING
is " insert ANY undefine is_equal, copy end "
constant attribute
queries_header: STRING
is "feature {} -- Low-level queries "
constant attribute
setters_header: STRING
is "feature {} -- Low-level setters "
constant attribute
externals_header: STRING
is "feature {} -- External calls "
constant attribute
typedefs_features_header: STRING
is "feature {WRAPPER_HANDLER} -- C type definitions (typedefs) "
constant attribute
footer: STRING
is "end "
constant attribute
automatically_generated_header: STRING
is "-- This file has been created by wrappers_generator. -- Any change will be lost by the next execution of the tool. "
constant attribute
automatically_generated_c_file: STRING
is "/* ** This file has been created by wrappers_generator. ** Any change will be lost by the next execution of the tool. */ "
constant attribute
automatically_patched_header: STRING
is "-- Th file has been automatically created combining the output file -- of wrappers_generator #(1) -- with the differences patches found into #(2) -- Any change will be lost by the next execution of the tool. "
constant attribute
read_descriptions_from (a_file_name: STRING)
effective procedure
Read description comment for classes and features from the file named a_file_name, filling class_descriptions and feature_descriptions.
Leading and trailing spaces are removed. Lines starting with "--" are ignored as comments. Class descriptions are in the form "CLASS_NAME Description text", feature descriptions are "CLASS_NAME.feature Description text".
read_description (a_described: STRING, a_description: COLLECTION[STRING])
effective procedure
When a_described is a valid class name (i.e. "CLASS_NAME_01") a_description is added into class_descriptions; when a_described is a valid class name with a feature name with a dot in the middle (like "ANOTHER_CLASS.my_feature_12_foo"); adds a_description is added into feature_descriptions in the latter.
Leading and trailing spaces are removed from a_described; comments - starting with "--" are skipped; See read_comments for further informations.
emit_description_on (a_description: COLLECTION[STRING], a_formatter: FORMATTER)
effective procedure
Put 'a_description' on 'a_formatter' formatting it as an Eiffel comment with lines shorter that 'description_lenght' characters.
Nothing is done when a_description is Void.
  • a_formatter /= Void
feature_description (a_class_name: STRING, a_feature_name: STRING): COLLECTION[STRING]
effective function
The description of a_feature_name in a_class_name.
Void when there is no description.
  • a_class_name /= Void
description_lenght: INTEGER_32
is 70
constant attribute
once function
Class description comments.
Key is classname.
once function
Feature descriptions dictionary.
The outer dictionary is indexed by classname, the inner one by feature name. So to get the description of feature foo in class BAR you shall invoke feature_descriptions.at("BAR").at("foo")
effective function
True if the path1 file exists and has the very same content as file path2.
  • path1 /= Void
  • path2 /= Void
same_physical_file (path1: ABSTRACT_STRING, path2: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
True if path1 and path2 physically refer to the same file (e.g. symlinks to a same file will return True here)
  • path1 /= Void
  • path2 /= Void
file_exists (path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
  • path /= Void
  • path.count > 0
is_readable (path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
True if path file exists and is either a readable file or an accessible directory.
  • path /= Void
effective function
True if path file exists, is readable and is an empty file.
  • path /= Void
  • not path.is_empty
rename_to (old_path: ABSTRACT_STRING, new_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to change the name or the location of a file.
  • old_path /= Void
  • new_path /= Void
last_rename_succeeded: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True if the last call to rename_to` was successful.
copy_to (source_path: ABSTRACT_STRING, target_path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to copy the source into the target.
  • source_path /= Void
  • target_path /= Void
last_copy_succeeded: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True if the last call to copy_to` was successful.
delete (path: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Try to delete the given path file.
  • path /= Void
last_delete_succeeded: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True if the last call to delete` was successful.
size_of (path: ABSTRACT_STRING): INTEGER_32
effective function
Total size of file path in number of bytes.
When the corresponding file does not exists, the Result is negative.
  • path /= Void
  • path.count > 0
last_change_of (path: ABSTRACT_STRING): TIME
effective function
Of the last modification of path.
  • path /= Void
  • path.count > 0
effective function
Is path a regular file?
  • path /= Void
  • path.count > 0
is_directory (path: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is path a directory?
  • path /= Void
  • path.count > 0
io_remove (path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
To implement delete.
io_rename (old_path: POINTER, new_path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
io_copy (source: POINTER, target: POINTER): BOOLEAN
io_file_exists (path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
io_same_physical_file (path1: POINTER, path2: POINTER): BOOLEAN
fstat_st_size (path: POINTER): INTEGER_32
fstat_st_mtime (path: POINTER): INTEGER_64
fstat_st_is_file (path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
fstat_st_is_dir (path: POINTER): BOOLEAN
once function
once function
tmp_string: STRING
once function
eiffel_feature (a_name: ABSTRACT_STRING): STRING
effective function
Translate a_name content into a proper feature name for the Gnu-Eiffel language.
 "CamelCase" is translated into "camel_case",
"ENOO" is translated into "enoo". Eventual underscores in front of
a_name are removed: "__foo" becomes "foo"; symbols starting with
underscores folloed by a number are prefixed with "a_"; reserved
language names and names of features of class ANY are escaped.
TODO: handle in a fairly
  • name_not_void: a_name /= Void
  • name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty
eiffel_argument (a_name: ABSTRACT_STRING): STRING
effective function
a_name content translated into a proper argument placeholder for the Gnu-Eiffel language.
 "CamelCase" is translated into
"a_camel_case", "ENOO" is translated into "an_enoo". Eventual
underscores in front of a_name are removed: "__foo" becomes
"a_foo". See also eiffel_feature.
  • name_not_void: a_name /= Void
insert_underscores (a_string: STRING)
effective procedure
Insert an underscore ('_') before each uppercase letter following a lowercase one.
  • a_string /= Void
  • not a_string.is_empty
camelcase_translator: REGULAR_EXPRESSION
once function
Insert an underscore ('_') between any lowercase letter followed by an uppercase one
multiple_underscores_remover: REGULAR_EXPRESSION
once function
Replace all multiple occurences of underscore "_" with a single one
once function
Replace all occurences of "<" (shown as "&lt;") with "_of_"
once function
Remove all occurences of ">" (shown as "&gt;")
namespace_separator_translator: REGULAR_EXPRESSION
once function
Replace all occurences of "::" (C++ namespace separator) with "_"
is_public_name (a_name: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Does a_name start with an alphabetical character?
Names starting with underscores or other strange characters are usually considered private in C/C++ languages.
  • not_void: a_name /= Void
  • meaningful_length: a_name.count > 1
eiffel_class_name (a_string: ABSTRACT_STRING, a_suffix: ABSTRACT_STRING): STRING
effective function
An Eiffel class name derived from a_string.
Trailing and tail underscores are removed, dashes are turned into underscores, a_suffix is added at the end if not void, all is made uppercase.
  • a_string /= Void
is_valid_class_name (a_name: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Does a_name represents a valid Eiffel class name?
i.e. does it start with an upper-case letter and contain only upper-case letters, underscores and numbers?
  • a_name /= Void
effective function
A valid, adapted identifier for an Eiffel feature labelled a_name.
Can be either a_name itself or a new string containing an adapatation. Reserved words and those of features belonging to ANY are "escaped", appending a_suffix.
  • name_not_void: a_name /= Void
  • valid_name: a_name.first /= '_'
  • suffix_not_void: a_suffix /= Void
  • suffix_not_empty: not a_suffix.is_empty
  • Result /= Void
once function
once function
The names of the features contained in class ANY.
The following "static" definition of the features of ANY somehow unacceptable in a perfect world. Yet computing it each and every time would enlarge the memory usage of the program quite a lot, not counting the runtime requirements. We will do it when we will cache compilation results. The following "static" definition of the features of ANY somehow unacceptable in a perfect world. Yet computing it each and every time would enlarge the memory usage of the program quite a lot, not counting the runtime requirements. We will do it when we will cache compilation results.
Maximum_character_code: INTEGER_16
Largest supported code for CHARACTER values.
  • meaningful: Result >= 127
Maximum_integer_8: INTEGER_8
is 127
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_8.
Maximum_integer_16: INTEGER_16
is 32767
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_16.
Maximum_integer: INTEGER_32
is 2147483647
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Maximum_integer_32: INTEGER_32
is 2147483647
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Maximum_integer_64: INTEGER_64
is 9223372036854775807
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_64.
Maximum_real_32: REAL_32
is {REAL_32 3.4028234663852885981170418348451692544e+38}
constant attribute
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL_32.
Maximum_real: REAL_64
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: 1.79769313486231570....e+308
Maximum_real_64: REAL_64
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: 1.79769313486231570....e+308
Maximum_real_80: REAL_EXTENDED
Largest supported value of type REAL_80.
Minimum_character_code: INTEGER_16
Smallest supported code for CHARACTER values.
  • meaningful: Result <= 0
Minimum_integer_8: INTEGER_8
is -128
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_8.
Minimum_integer_16: INTEGER_16
is -32768
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_16.
Minimum_integer: INTEGER_32
is -2147483648
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Minimum_integer_32: INTEGER_32
is -2147483648
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Minimum_integer_64: INTEGER_64
is -9223372036854775808
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_64.
Minimum_real_32: REAL_32
is {REAL_32 -3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38}
constant attribute
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL_32.
Minimum_real: REAL_64
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: -1.79769313486231570....e+308
Minimum_real_64: REAL_64
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: -1.79769313486231570....e+308
Minimum_real_80: REAL_64
Smallest supported value of type REAL_80.
  • meaningful: Result <= 0.0
Boolean_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type BOOLEAN.
  • meaningful: Result >= 1
Character_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type CHARACTER.
Integer_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type INTEGER.
  • integer_definition: Result = 32
Real_bits: INTEGER_32
is 64
constant attribute
Number of bits in a value of type REAL.
Pointer_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type POINTER.
Check_instruction: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
Exception code for violated check.
Class_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
Exception code for violated class invariant.
Developer_exception: INTEGER_32
is 3
constant attribute
Exception code for developer exception.
See also: raise, throw
Incorrect_inspect_value: INTEGER_32
is 4
constant attribute
Exception code for inspect statement.
This exception occurs when Void is passed as the expression to inspect ("inspect on STRING only). This exception also occurs when the inspected value selects no branch (when the keyword "else" not used, one "when" branch _must_ be selected). Some value which is not one of the inspect constants, if there is no Else_part
Loop_invariant: INTEGER_32
is 5
constant attribute
Exception code for violated loop invariant
Loop_variant: INTEGER_32
is 6
constant attribute
Exception code for non-decreased loop variant
No_more_memory: INTEGER_32
is 7
constant attribute
Exception code for failed memory allocation
Postcondition: INTEGER_32
is 8
constant attribute
Exception code for violated postcondition.
Precondition: INTEGER_32
is 9
constant attribute
Exception code for violated precondition.
Routine_failure: INTEGER_32
is 10
constant attribute
Exception code for failed routine.
Os_signal: INTEGER_32
is 11
constant attribute
Exception code for a signal received from the OS.
Void_attached_to_expanded: INTEGER_32
is 12
constant attribute
Exception code for attachment of Void value to expanded entity.
Void_call_target: INTEGER_32
is 13
constant attribute
Exception code for feature applied to Void reference
System_level_type_error: INTEGER_32
is 14
constant attribute
Exception code for the system-level type error (this kind of error mostly arise with covariant redefinition).
exception_name: STRING
effective function
name_of_exception (a_exception: INTEGER_32): STRING
effective function
developer_exception: EXCEPTION
effective function
The last developer-thrown exception.
developer_exception_name: STRING
effective function
Name of last developer-raised exception.
is_developer_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_named_exception: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception?
is_developer_exception_of_name (name: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the last exception originally due to a developer exception of name name?
assertion_violation: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to a violated assertion or non-decreasing variant?
exception: INTEGER_32
Code of last exception that occurred.
is_signal: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is last exception originally due to an external event (operating system signal) ?
die (code: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Terminate execution with exit status code, without triggering an exception.
raise (name: STRING)
effective procedure
Raise a developer exception of name name.
  • name /= Void
throw (a_exception: EXCEPTION)
effective procedure
  • a_exception /= Void
signal_number: INTEGER_32
Signal Number received from OS.
 Zero if exception is not an OS signal.
named_exception: NAMED_EXCEPTION
once function
developer_exception_memory: REFERENCE[EXCEPTION]
once function
raise_exception (code: INTEGER_32)