Matcher for regular expressions
Direct parents
Class invariant
Creation features
backtracked search
context management
group facilities
advancing the scan
advancing the scan
matching facilities
positional predicates
Common client features
Control of the exploration
Specific to sequences
Specific to alternatives
internal: allocation and collection
the pools
matching capabilities
substitution capabilities
Error informations
error management
set_scanned_string (string: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Set 'scanned_string' to 'string'.
  • match_reset: not last_match_succeeded
  • has_no_error: not has_error
  • definition: scanned_string = string
  • at_the_begin: position = scanned_string.lower
last_match_succeeded: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True if the last match (match_first or match_next) operation was a success.
group_count: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
The count of groups
effective procedure
Used to prevent 2 substitutions without intermediate matching.
  • True
) or else (
    • last_match_succeeded
) ensure
  • not last_match_succeeded
  • not can_substitute
effective procedure
Starts to match and try to find the first substring of 'scanned_string' that matches the regular expression.
require ensure
effective procedure
Continues to match and try to find the next substring of 'scanned_string' that matches the regular expression.
require ensure
match_from (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, first_index: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
Returns True if Current regular_expression can match the text starting from first_index.
  • text /= Void
  • first_index.in_range(text.lower, text.upper + 1)
  • save_matching_text(text)
  • Result = last_match_succeeded
  • Result implies valid_substrings(text)
  • Result implies last_match_first_index >= first_index
  • Result implies last_match_first_index.in_range(text.lower, text.upper + 1)
  • Result implies last_match_first_index <= last_match_last_index + 1
matches_only_current_position: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
Does the matching occur only from current position?
If that flag is True then:
  * if match succeeds then position is advanced
  * if match fails the position remains
see also 'goto_position'
set_matches_only_current_position (value: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
Sets 'matches_only_current_position' to 'value'.
effective procedure
effective procedure
Set the matched pattern.
  • valid_pattern: pattern.is_valid
writable attribute
The regular expression to be matched.
effective procedure
Main matching routine.
Starting at the current position it tries to match the current scanned_string against the current regular expression.
context_type_frame: INTEGER_32
is -1
constant attribute
context_frame_cut: INTEGER_32
is -2
constant attribute
writable attribute
context_top: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
effective procedure
Clear any saved context.
Called by the features clear and search_first.
effective procedure
Push the current context.
Called each time that an alternative begins.
effective procedure
Restore the context to the last saved one.
The saved context MUST remain available for future use. Called each time that a new alternative (of the previous alternative point) is starting.
effective procedure
Restore the context to the last saved one and drop it.
The saved context MUST be removed. Called each time that the last alternative (of the previous alternative point) is starting. Should be similar to context_restore followed by context_cut.
effective procedure
Remove the last saved context.
Called by cut, cut_all or cut_until.
set_group_first_index (group: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Records the beginning of a group.
set_group_last_index (group: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Records the end of a group.
clear_group (group: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Set 'group' to empty string.
effective procedure
Set all groups to empty string.
saved_look_position: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
the saved position for look ahead or look behind
effective procedure
Begins to look-ahead.
require ensure
effective procedure
Terminates to look-ahead.
require ensure
effective procedure
Begins to look-behind.
require ensure
effective procedure
Terminates to look-behind.
require ensure
direction: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
direction to advance (normal is +1, inverse is -1)
effective procedure
Goes to the next character
effective procedure
Skips the end of line.
Must be at end of a line.
match_character (char: CHARACTER)
effective procedure
If the character 'char' matches then advance and continue else backtrack.
match_character_no_case (char: CHARACTER)
effective procedure
If the character 'char' matches then advance and continue else backtrack.
Case does not care.
  • is_upper_character: char = char.to_upper
match_string (text: STRING)
effective procedure
If the string 'text' matches then advance and continue else backtrack.
match_string_no_case (text: STRING)
effective procedure
If the string 'text' matches then advance and continue else backtrack.
Case does not care.
match_previous_group (group: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
If the previous 'group' matches then advance and continue else backtrack.
match_previous_group_no_case (group: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
If the previous 'group' matches then advance and continue else backtrack.
Case does not care.
is_begin_of_text: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if at begin of the text
is_end_of_text (really: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
effective function
True if at end of the text
is_begin_of_line: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if at begin of a line
is_end_of_line: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if at end of a line
is_begin_of_word: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if at begin of a word
is_end_of_word: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if at end of a word
set_current_node (node: BACKTRACKING_NODE)
effective procedure
Sets the next node of the BACKTRACKING_NODE graph to evaluate.
push_and (node: BACKTRACKING_NODE)
effective procedure
Pushes node in front of the continuation path.
  • node_not_void: node /= Void
push_and_list (list: BACKTRACKING_NODE_AND_LIST)
effective procedure
Pushes list in front of the continuation path.
  • list_not_void: list /= Void
push_or (node: BACKTRACKING_NODE)
effective procedure
Pushes node in front of the possible alternatives.
  • node_not_void: node /= Void
push_or_list (list: BACKTRACKING_NODE_OR_LIST)
effective procedure
Pushes list in front of the possible alternatives.
  • list_not_void: list /= Void
writable attribute
Current node of the BACKTRACKING_NODE graph to be evaluated.
effective procedure
That feature is called to evaluate the current state
effective procedure
Resets all and searches the first solution.
The current state must be set. It is the first state, the root of the search. When the feature returns, 'search_is_success' must be checked to know if a solution was found. When search_is_success=False, it means that there is no solution at all. Conversely, if search_is_success=True, then the first solution is found and 'search_next' can be called to get the next solution if it exists.
effective procedure
Searches the next solution.
When the feature returns, 'search_is_success' must be checked to know if a solution was found. When search_is_success=False at the end, it means that there is no more solution. Conversely, if search_is_success=True, then a solution is found and 'search_next' can be called again to get the next solution.
require ensure
search_is_success: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when search is successful
is_off: BOOLEAN
effective function
True when search is finished
effective procedure
Clears the current state to nothing.
is_cleared: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if no partial data remain in the current state
  • no_solution_when_cleared: Result implies is_off
push_sequence (sequence: ABSTRACT_BACKTRACKING_SEQUENCE)
effective procedure
Pushes the sequence in front of the continuation path.
  • sequence_not_void: sequence /= Void
push_alternative (alternative: ABSTRACT_BACKTRACKING_ALTERNATIVE)
effective procedure
Pushes the alternative before the continuation path.
  • alternative_not_void: alternative /= Void
effective procedure
Continues the exploration of the current path.
effective procedure
Stops the exploration of the current path and tries to explore the next alternative path.
effective procedure
Inserts a cut point into the continuation path.
The inserted cut point records the current top of the alternatives.
effective procedure
Removes the alternatives until the one recorded by the next cut point in the continuation path.
effective procedure
Cuts all alternatives.
stop_search_loop: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True if at the end of a search.
This occurs if either a solution is found (and then search_is_success=True) or no solution is found (and then search_is_success=False). That feature should be modified only by continue and backtrack.
effective procedure
Common search loop to search_first and search_next
effective procedure
Cut all alternatives until 'alternative'.
To cut an alternative is currently to remove it.
Stack of sequences represented by its top (can be Void)
writable attribute
The current continuation path
effective procedure
Removes the current sequence and replace it by the next sequence in the continuation path.
Stack of alternatives represented by its top (can be Void)
effective procedure
Returns to the alternative on the top of the stack and put its saved continuation path as the current continuation path.
require ensure
effective procedure
Returns to the alternative on the top of the stack and put its saved continuation path as the current continuation path.
Remove the alternative from the stack of alternatives. Same as continue_alternative but also removes the alternative.
require ensure
effective procedure
Removes the top sequence.
require ensure
effective procedure
Removes the top alternative.
require ensure
once function
Bank of cut points
once function
once function
once function
once function
effective function
Returns True if Current regular_expression can match the text.
require ensure
match_next (text: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Returns True if Current regular_expression can match the same text one more time.
Must be called after a successful match or math_from or match_next using the same text.
See also match, match_from, last_match_succeeded.
require ensure
last_match_first_index: INTEGER_32
effective function
The starting position in the text where starts the sub-string who is matching the whole pattern.
See also match, match_from.
require ensure
  • Result > 0
last_match_last_index: INTEGER_32
effective function
The last position in the text where starts the sub-string who is matching the whole pattern.
See also match, match_from.
require ensure
last_match_count: INTEGER_32
effective function
Length of the string matching the whole pattern.
effective function
The names of the matched named group.
has_group_name (name: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Is there a group names name?
  • name /= Void
ith_group_matched (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
Did the ith group match during last match?
named_group_matched (name: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Did the group named name match during the last match?
ith_group_first_index (i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
First index in the last matching text of the ith group.
See also group_count.
require ensure
named_group_first_index (name: ABSTRACT_STRING): INTEGER_32
effective function
First index in the last matching text of the group named name.
See also group_names.
ith_group_last_index (i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Last index in the last matching text of the ith group.
require ensure
named_group_last_index (name: ABSTRACT_STRING): INTEGER_32
effective function
Last index in the last matching text of the group named name.
ith_group_count (i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Length of the ith group of Current in the last matching.
named_group_count (name: ABSTRACT_STRING): INTEGER_32
effective function
Length of the group named name in the last matching.
require ensure
for_all_matched_named_groups (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, action: PROCEDURE[TUPLE 2[FIXED_STRING, STRING]])
effective procedure
Call the action for each group that matched during the last match.
The first action argument is the name of the group; the second is its content. The order of the action calls is the ascending order of the group definitions in the pattern.
Note: the same STRING objects may be reused, so be sure to copy them if you want to keep them.
append_heading_text (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, buffer: STRING)
effective procedure
Append in buffer the text before the matching area.
text is the same as used in last matching.
See also append_pattern_text, append_tailing_text, append_ith_group.
require ensure
append_pattern_text (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, buffer: STRING)
effective procedure
Append in buffer the text matching the pattern.
text is the same as used in last matching.
See also append_heading_text, append_tailing_text, append_ith_group.
require ensure
append_tailing_text (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, buffer: STRING)
effective procedure
Append in buffer the text after the matching area.
text is the same as used in last matching.
See also append_heading_text, append_pattern_text, append_ith_group.
require ensure
append_ith_group (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, buffer: STRING, i: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Append in buffer the text of the ith group.
text is the same as used in last matching.
See also append_pattern_text, group_count.
require ensure
append_named_group (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, buffer: STRING, name: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Append in buffer the text of the group named name.
text is the same as used in last matching.
See also append_pattern_text, group_name.
require ensure
named_group_value (text: ABSTRACT_STRING, name: ABSTRACT_STRING): STRING
effective function
Returns the text of the group named name (always the same STRING!)
text is the same as used in last matching.
See also append_named_group, group_name.
prepare_substitution (p: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Set pattern p for substitution.
If pattern p is not compatible with the Current regular expression, the pattern_error_message is updated as well as pattern_error_position.
See also substitute_in, substitute_for, substitute_all_in, substitute_all_for.
  • p /= Void
last_substitution: STRING
effective function
You need to copy this STRING if you want to keep it.
substitute_for (text: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
This call has to be preceded by a successful matching on the same text.
Then the substitution is made on the matching part. The result is in last_substitution.
See also prepare_substitution, last_substitution, substitute_in.
require ensure
substitute_in (text: STRING)
effective procedure
This call has to be preceded by a successful matching on the same text.
Then the substitution is made in text on the matching part (text is modified).
See also prepare_substitution, substitute_for.
require ensure
substitute_all_for (text: ABSTRACT_STRING)
effective procedure
Every matching part is substituted.
No preliminary matching is required. The result is in last_substitution.
See also prepare_substitution, last_substitution, substitute_all_in.
require ensure
substitute_all_in (text: STRING)
effective procedure
Every matching part is substituted.
No preliminary matching is required. text is modified according to the substitutions is any.
See also prepare_substitution, last_substitution, substitute_all_for.
require ensure
can_substitute: BOOLEAN
effective function
Substitution is only allowed when some valid substitution pattern has been registered and after a successful pattern matching.
substitution_pattern_ready: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True if some valid substitution pattern has been registered.
pattern_error_message: STRING
writable attribute
Error message for the substitution pattern.
pattern_error_position: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
Error position in the substitution pattern.
save_matching_text (text: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Used in assertion only.
Side-effect: save the text
  • Result
    Assertion only feature

valid_substrings (text: ABSTRACT_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Used in assertion only.
require ensure
  • Result
    Method for assertion only (error position is element item i)

valid_substitution: BOOLEAN
effective function
Used in assertion only.
  • Result
    Method for assertion only

substitute_all_without_tail (text: ABSTRACT_STRING): INTEGER_32
effective function
Substitute all matching parts from text.
The resulting text in last_substitution, except the end. The part of text from Result up to the end is not copied.
require ensure
substrings_first_indexes: ARRAY[INTEGER_32]
writable attribute
Item(0) is the starting position in the text where starts the substring who is matching the whole pattern.
Next elements are the starting positions in the text of substrings matching sub-elements of the pattern.
Elements before item(0) refers to positions in the substitution_pattern. They are stored in reverse order, the first verbatim string being at index -1, the second one at index -2...
substrings_last_indexes: ARRAY[INTEGER_32]
writable attribute
The ending position of the string starting at position found in matching_position at the same index.
writable attribute
The names of the groups, if those names exist
group_names_memory: COLLECTION[FIXED_STRING]
writable attribute
Cache for group_names
substitution_pattern: STRING
once function
compiled_substitution_pattern: FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER_32]
writable attribute
This array describe the substitution text as a suite of strings from substrings_first_indexes.
last_match_text: STRING
effective function
For assertion only.
effective procedure
last_match_text_memory: STRING
writable attribute
For assertion only.
last_substitution_memory: STRING
writable attribute
_inline_agent38 (s: FIXED_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
_inline_agent39 (s: FIXED_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
_inline_agent40 (s: FIXED_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
_inline_agent41 (i: INTEGER_32, s: FIXED_STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
scanned_string: ABSTRACT_STRING
writable attribute
The expression being currently build.
has_error: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when an error was encountered
effective procedure
Remove the error flag
last_error: STRING
effective function
Returns a string recorded for the error.
require ensure
  • not_void: Result /= Void
set_error (message: STRING)
effective procedure
Set has_error and last_error.
The explaining error string 'last_error' is created as follow: "Error at position 'position': 'message'.".
  • message_not_void: message /= Void
  • has_no_error: not has_error
position: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
The scanned position.
It is the position of 'last_character'.
last_character: CHARACTER
writable attribute
The scanned character.
The last character read from 'scanned_string'.
valid_last_character: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when 'last_character' is valid.
Is like 'scanned_string.valid_index(position)'
valid_previous_character: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if the position-1 is a valid position.
require ensure
previous_character: CHARACTER
effective function
The character at position-1.
require ensure
valid_next_character: BOOLEAN
effective function
True if the position+1 is a valid position.
require ensure
next_character: CHARACTER
effective function
The character at position+1.
require ensure
end_of_input: BOOLEAN
effective function
True when all the characters of 'scanned_string' are scanned.
goto_position (pos: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Change the currently scanned position to 'pos'.
Updates 'last_character' and 'valid_last_character' to reflect the new position value.
require ensure
effective procedure
Reads the next character.
require ensure
effective procedure
Reads an integer value beginning at the currently scanned position.
The read value is stored in 'last_integer'.
require ensure
saved_position: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
The saved position (only one is currently enough).
effective procedure
Saves the current scanning position.
require ensure
effective procedure
Restore the scanning position to the last saved one.
last_string: STRING
writable attribute
A string buffer.
last_integer: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
An integer buffer.