Point of view
All features
class FAST_ARRAY [E_]
General purpose resizable FAST_ARRAYs. The only difference with ARRAY is the fact that the lower bound is actually frozen to 0. The item access is likely to be more efficient as well as loop going from upper to lower just because lower is 0. Keep in mind that even if the lower is frozen to 0 it is really better to use the lower attribute, and not 0 directly, just because you may decide in the future to use another COLLECTION implementation.
Like ARRAY, the FAST_ARRAY implementation uses only one chunk of memory, the storage area which is a NATIVE_ARRAY. One must keep in mind that this internal storage area is always kept left align. Thus, you can expect good performances while using a FAST_ARRAY to modelize a stack behavior with add_last / last / remove_last. Conversely add_first and remove_first are likely to slow down your program if they are too often used. If the fact that lower is stuck to 0 do matter, also consider ARRAY. add_first and remove_first are O(count) commands for FAST_ARRAY.
Direct parents
Known children
Class invariant
Creation features
Creation and modification:
Implementation of deferred:
Garbage collector tuning (very low-level):
  • mark_native_arrays
    For performance reasons, the unused area of storage is always left as it is when some elements are removed.
Implement manifest generic creation (very low-level):
Looking and Searching:
Looking and comparison:
Other features:
Implement manifest generic creation:
Other features:
Agent-based features:
Agent-based features:
Interfacing with C:
lower: INTEGER_32
is 0
constant attribute
Frozen lower bound.
effective procedure
Create a new with empty FAST_ARRAY with capacity 32.
make (new_count: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Make array with range [0 .. new_count - 1].
When new_count = 0 the array is empty.
  • new_count >= 0
with_capacity (needed_capacity: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Create an empty array with at least needed_capacity.
  • needed_capacity >= 0
resize (new_count: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Resize the array.
When new_count is greater than count, new positions are initialized with appropriate default values.
  • new_count >= 0
is_empty: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is the hoard empty ?
See also count.
  • definition: Result = count = 0
item (i: INTEGER_32): E_
effective function
Item at the corresponding index i.
See also lower, upper, valid_index.
      • valid_index(i)
      • valid_index(i)
      • valid_index(i)
      • valid_index(i)
put (element: E_, i: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Make element the item at index i.
    • valid_index(i)
    • valid_index(i)
  • item(i) = element
  • count = old count
add_first (element: E_)
effective procedure
Add a new item in first position : count is increased by one and all other items are shifted right.
See also add_last, first, last, add.
  • first = element
  • count = 1 + old count
  • lower = old lower
  • upper = 1 + old upper
add_last (element: E_)
effective procedure
Add a new item at the end : count is increased by one.
See also add_first, last, first, add.
  • last = element
  • count = 1 + old count
  • lower = old lower
  • upper = 1 + old upper
count: INTEGER_32
effective function
Number of available items in the hoard.
See also is_empty
  • Result >= 0
effective procedure
Discard all items (is_empty is True after that call).
If possible, the actual implementation supposed to keep its internal storage area in order to refill Current in an efficient way.
See also clear_count_and_capacity.
effective procedure
Discard all items (is_empty is True after that call).
If possible, the actual implementation supposed to release its internal storage area for this memory to be used by other objects.
See also clear_count.
copy (other: FAST_ARRAY [E_])
effective procedure
Copy other onto Current.
    • not immutable
    • same_dynamic_type(other)
      • not immutable
      • same_dynamic_type(other)
        • not immutable
        • same_dynamic_type(other)
        • not immutable
        • same_dynamic_type(other)
  • is_equal(other)
set_all_with (v: E_)
effective procedure
Set all items with value v.
See also set_slice_with.
  • count = old count
from_collection (model: TRAVERSABLE[E_])
effective procedure
Initialize the current object with the contents of model.
    • model /= Void
    • useful_work: model /= Current
    • model /= Void
    • useful_work: model /= Current
  • count = model.count
fast_is_equal (other: FAST_ARRAY [E_]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Do both collections have the same lower, upper, and items?
The basic = is used for comparison of items.
See also is_equal, same_items.
  • Result implies lower = other.lower and upper = other.upper
is_equal (other: FAST_ARRAY [E_]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Do both collections have the same lower, upper, and items?
Feature is_equal is used for comparison of items.
See also fast_is_equal, same_items.
    • other /= Void
      • other /= Void
        • other /= Void
        • other /= Void
  • commutative: generating_type = other.generating_type implies Result = other.is_equal(Current)
  • Result implies lower = other.lower and upper = other.upper
all_default: BOOLEAN
effective function
Do all items have their type's default value?
Note: for non Void items, the test is performed with the is_default predicate.
See also clear_all.
occurrences (element: E_): INTEGER_32
effective function
Number of occurrences of element using is_equal for comparison.
  • Result >= 0
fast_occurrences (element: E_): INTEGER_32
effective function
Number of occurrences of element using basic = for comparison.
See also occurrences, index_of.
  • Result >= 0
first_index_of (element: E_): INTEGER_32
effective function
Give the index of the first occurrence of element using is_equal for comparison.
Answer upper + 1 when element is not inside.
See also fast_first_index_of, index_of, last_index_of, reverse_index_of.
  • definition: Result = index_of(element, lower)
index_of (element: E_, start_index: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Using is_equal for comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence of element at or after start_index.
Return upper + 1 if the search for element failed.
See also fast_index_of, reverse_index_of, first_index_of.
  • Result.in_range(start_index, upper + 1)
  • valid_index(Result) implies (create {SAFE_EQUAL}).test(element, item(Result))
reverse_index_of (element: E_, start_index: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Using is_equal for comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence of element at or before start_index.
Search is done in reverse direction, which means from the start_index down to the lower index . Answer lower -1 when the search fail.
See also fast_reverse_index_of, last_index_of, index_of.
    • valid_index(start_index)
    • valid_index(start_index)
  • Result.in_range(lower - 1, start_index)
  • valid_index(Result) implies item(Result).is_equal(element)
fast_first_index_of (element: E_): INTEGER_32
effective function
Give the index of the first occurrence of element using basic = for comparison.
Answer upper + 1 when element is not inside.
See also first_index_of, last_index_of, fast_last_index_of.
  • definition: Result = fast_index_of(element, lower)
fast_index_of (element: E_, start_index: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Using basic = for comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence of element at or after start_index.
Answer upper + 1 when element when the search fail.
See also index_of, fast_reverse_index_of, fast_first_index_of.
  • Result.in_range(start_index, upper + 1)
  • valid_index(Result) implies element = item(Result)
fast_reverse_index_of (element: E_, start_index: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
effective function
Using basic = comparison, gives the index of the first occurrence of element at or before start_index.
Search is done in reverse direction, which means from the start_index down to the lower index . Answer lower -1 when the search fail.
See also reverse_index_of, fast_index_of, fast_last_index_of.
    • valid_index(start_index)
    • valid_index(start_index)
  • Result.in_range(lower - 1, start_index)
  • valid_index(Result) implies item(Result) = element
subarray (min: INTEGER_32, max: INTEGER_32): FAST_ARRAY [E_]
effective function
New collection consisting of items at indexes in [min .. max].
Result has the same dynamic type as Current. See also slice.
  • lower <= min
  • max <= upper
  • min <= max + 1
  • same_dynamic_type(Result)
  • Result.count = max - min + 1
  • Result.lower = min or Result.lower = 0
slice (min: INTEGER_32, max: INTEGER_32): FAST_ARRAY [E_]
effective function
New collection consisting of items at indexes in [min..max].
Result has the same dynamic type as Current. The lower index of the Result is the same as lower.
See also from_collection, move, replace_all.
    • lower <= min
    • max <= upper
    • min <= max + 1
    • lower <= min
    • max <= upper
    • min <= max + 1
  • same_dynamic_type(Result)
  • Result.count = max - min + 1
  • Result.lower = lower
force (element: E_, index: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Make element the item at index, enlarging the collection if necessary (new bounds except index are initialized with default values).
See also put, item, swap.
    • index >= lower
    • index >= lower
  • upper = index.max(old upper)
  • item(index) = element
effective procedure
Remove the first element of the collection.
    • not is_empty
    • not is_empty
  • lower = old lower
  • count = old count - 1
  • lower = old lower + 1 xor upper = old upper - 1
remove_head (n: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Remove the n elements of the collection.
    • n > 0 and n <= count
    • n > 0 and n <= count
  • count = old count - n
  • lower = old lower + n xor upper = old upper - n
remove (index: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Remove the item at position index.
Followings items are shifted left by one position.
See also remove_first, remove_head, remove_tail, remove_last.
    • valid_index(index)
    • valid_index(index)
  • count = old count - 1
  • upper = old upper - 1
new_iterator: ITERATOR[E_]
effective function
  • Result /= Void
  • Result.generation = generation
effective procedure
For performance reasons, the unused area of storage is always left as it is when some elements are removed.
No time is lost to clean the released area with a Void or a 0 value. (Look for example the remove_last implementation.) Thus, the unused area of storage may contains references of actually unreachable objects. The following mark_native_arrays actually replace the default behavior (the call is automatic) in order to mark only reachable objects.
manifest_make (needed_capacity: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Manifest creation of a FAST_ARRAY[E_].
  • needed_capacity > 0
manifest_put (index: INTEGER_32, element: E_)
effective procedure
    • index >= 0
    • index >= 0
infix "@" (i: INTEGER_32): E_
effective function
The infix notation which is actually just a synonym for item.
See also item.
require ensure
  • definition: Result = item(i)
swap (i1: INTEGER_32, i2: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Swap item at index i1 with item at index i2.
See also item, put.
require ensure
set_slice_with (v: ANY, lower_index: INTEGER_32, upper_index: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Set all items in range [lower_index .. upper_index] with v.
See also set_all_with.
require ensure
effective procedure
Set every item to its default value.
The count is not affected.
See also clear, all_default.
add (element: ANY, index: INTEGER_32)
deferred procedure
Add a new element at rank index : count is increased by one and range [index .. upper] is shifted right by one position.
require ensure
append_collection (other: COLLECTION[E_])
effective procedure
Append other to Current.
This feature is obsolete: Use `append_traversable' instead.
append_traversable (other: TRAVERSABLE[E_])
effective procedure
Append other to Current.
See also add_last, add_first, add.
  • other /= Void
deferred procedure
Remove the last item.
require ensure
remove_tail (n: INTEGER_32)
deferred procedure
Remove the last n item(s).
require ensure
has (x: ANY): BOOLEAN
effective function
Look for x using is_equal for comparison.
  • definition: Result = valid_index(first_index_of(x))
fast_has (x: ANY): BOOLEAN
effective function
Look for x using basic = for comparison.
See also has, fast_index_of, index_of.
  • definition: Result = valid_index(fast_first_index_of(x))
last_index_of (element: ANY): INTEGER_32
effective function
Using is_equal for comparison, gives the index of the last occurrence of element at or before upper.
Search is done in reverse direction, which means from the upper down to the lower index . Answer lower -1 when the search fail.
See also fast_last_index_of, reverse_index_of, index_of.
  • definition: Result = reverse_index_of(element, upper)
fast_last_index_of (element: ANY): INTEGER_32
effective function
Using basic = for comparison, gives the index of the last occurrence of element at or before upper.
Search is done in reverse direction, which means from the upper down to the lower index . Answer lower -1 when the search fail.
See also fast_reverse_index_of, last_index_of.
  • definition: Result = fast_reverse_index_of(element, upper)
is_equal_map (other: FAST_ARRAY [E_]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Do both collections have the same lower, upper, and items?
This feature is obsolete: Use `is_equal' instead.
same_items (other: COLLECTION[E_]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Do both collections have the same items?
The basic = is used for comparison of items and indices are not considered (for example this routine may yield True with Current indexed in range [1..2] and other indexed in range [2..3]).
See also is_equal, fast_is_equal.
  • other /= Void
replace_all (old_value: ANY, new_value: ANY)
deferred procedure
Replace all occurrences of the element old_value by new_value using is_equal for comparison.
See also fast_replace_all, move.
fast_replace_all (old_value: ANY, new_value: ANY)
deferred procedure
Replace all occurrences of the element old_value by new_value using basic = for comparison.
See also replace_all, move.
move (lower_index: INTEGER_32, upper_index: INTEGER_32, distance: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Move range lower_index ..
upper_index by distance positions. Negative distance moves towards lower indices. Free places get default values.
See also slice, replace_all.
require ensure
deferred procedure
Reverse the order of the elements.
manifest_semicolon_check: BOOLEAN
is False
constant attribute
enumerate: ENUMERATE[E_]
effective function
get_new_iterator: ITERATOR[E_]
effective function
This feature is obsolete: Use `new_iterator' instead. This historical SmartEiffel feature is badly named.
for_each (action: PROCEDURE[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]])
effective procedure
Apply action to every item of Current.
See also for_all, exists, aggregate.
  • action /= Void
for_all (test: FUNCTION[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Do all items satisfy test?
See also for_each, exists, aggregate.
  • test /= Void
exists (test: FUNCTION[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]]): BOOLEAN
effective function
Does at least one item satisfy test?
See also for_each, for_all, aggregate.
  • test /= Void
aggregate (action: FUNCTION[TUPLE[TUPLE 2[E_, E_], E_]], initial: E_): E_
effective function
Aggregate all the elements starting from the initial value.
See also for_each, for_all, exists.
  • action /= Void
effective procedure
Append terse printable representation of current object in tagged_out_memory.
  • locked: tagged_out_locked
  • still_locked: tagged_out_locked
  • not_cleared: tagged_out_memory.count >= old tagged_out_memory.count
  • append_only: old tagged_out_memory.twin.is_equal(tagged_out_memory.substring(1, old tagged_out_memory.count))
generation: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
effective procedure
do_all (action: ROUTINE[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]])
effective procedure
Apply action to every item of Current.
This feature is obsolete: Use `for_each` instead. This feature is not secure because it accepts a FUNCTION, the result of which is lost.
_inline_agent1 (a: ROUTINE[TUPLE[TUPLE 1[E_]]], e: E_)
effective procedure
upper: INTEGER_32
deferred function
Maximum index.
See also lower, valid_index, item.
valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
True when i is valid (i.e., inside actual bounds).
See also lower, upper, item.
first: E_
deferred function
The very first item.
See also last, item.
require ensure
last: E_
deferred function
The last item.
See also first, item.
require ensure
storage: NATIVE_ARRAY[E_]
writable attribute
Internal access to storage location.
from_external (a_storage: POINTER, a_capacity: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
  • a_capacity > 0 implies a_storage.is_not_null
capacity: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
Internal storage capacity in number of item.
to_external: POINTER
effective function
Gives C access into the internal storage of the ARRAY.
Result is pointing the element at index lower.
NOTE: do not free/realloc the Result. Resizing of the array
      can makes this pointer invalid.
require ensure
  • Result.is_not_null
set_upper (new_upper: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
mark_item (native_array: NATIVE_ARRAY[E_], index: INTEGER_32)
To be used _only_ inside the definition of mark_native_arrays.
Forces the garbage collector to continue the marking process on the index-th element of the native_array. The element at index can be Void or not Void (the Void-ness test performed inside the mark_item itself).