Direct parents
Inherit list: CLUSTERS
Class invariant
Creation features
Open loadpath files
Tree handling
Liberty Eiffel specific
Tree handling
Path transformation
  • is_launcher: BOOLEAN
    If True, the clusters list will not be retrieved (it means that the tool is only used to start other tools; it does not load classes itself)
an option to minimize generic types
Hard-coded class names:
Hard coded feature names:
Operator/Infix/Prefix/Alias list:
Other names:
The keywords section:
Most of them are message parts:
Some other names:
The known keys of the INI file:
to_string: STRING
effective function
name: STRING
writable attribute
path: STRING
writable attribute
connect (a_system_path: STRING, loadpath: LOADPATH): TEXT_FILE_READ
effective function
  • Result = Void or else not files.fast_has(Result)
  • Result = Void or else Result.is_connected
  • Result = Void or else Result.path.same_as(a_system_path)
  • Result = Void or else = Result
disconnect (in: TEXT_FILE_READ)
effective procedure
require ensure
  • not in.is_connected
  • files.fast_has(in)
  • connected.fast_occurrences(in) = 0
once function
once function
effective procedure
show_cycle (tree: CLASSES)
effective procedure
effective procedure
make (a_distance: INTEGER_32, a_name: STRING, a_path: STRING, a_system_path: STRING, loadpath: LOADPATH, discard_silently: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
create_subtree (loadpath_file: STRING, a_path: STRING, loadpath: LOADPATH, discard_silently: BOOLEAN)
effective procedure
new_path (notation: DIRECTORY_NOTATION, a_path: STRING, a_entry: STRING): STRING
effective function
  • notation.is_valid_path(a_path)

  • not notation.is_absolute_path(a_entry)
  • ensure
    new_name (a_name: STRING, index: INTEGER_32): STRING
    effective function
    find_physical_cluster (system_path: STRING): CLUSTER
    effective function
    add_classes (a_classes: CLASSES)
    effective procedure
    Object sin: knowing your heirs -- here, LOADPATH and UNIVERSE
    • a_classes.parent = Void
    • a_classes.parent = Current
    • classeses.fast_has(a_classes)
    cluster_named (cluster_name: STRING): CLUSTER
    effective function
    • not cluster_name.is_empty
    • string_aliaser.registered_one(cluster_name)
    • Result /= Void implies
    clusters_of (class_name: CLASS_NAME, skip: CLASSES, clusters: FAST_ARRAY[CLUSTER], distances: FAST_ARRAY[INTEGER_32], current_distance: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    • coherent: clusters.count = distances.count
    • obviously: skip /= Current
    • grow_only: clusters.count >= old clusters.count
    • still_coherent: clusters.count = distances.count
    • all_kept: old clusters.twin.for_all(clusters.fast_has())
    cluster_by_directory_path (path: STRING): CLUSTER
    effective function
    • not path.is_empty
    class_text_count: INTEGER_32
    effective function
    loaded_class_count: INTEGER_32
    effective function
    cluster_count: INTEGER_32
    effective function
    has_class (class_name: HASHED_STRING): BOOLEAN
    effective function
    has_cluster (c: CLUSTER): BOOLEAN
    effective function
    • c /= Void
    for_all (action: PROCEDURE[TUPLE 1[CLASS_TEXT]])
    effective procedure
    for_all_filtered (name_guard: FUNCTION[TUPLE 1[CLASS_NAME], BOOLEAN], action: PROCEDURE[TUPLE 1[CLASS_TEXT]])
    effective procedure
    for_all_clusters (action: PROCEDURE[TUPLE 1[CLUSTER]])
    effective procedure
    cluster_at (index: INTEGER_32): CLUSTER
    effective function
    • index.in_range(1, cluster_count)
    effective procedure
    Look for some class(es) to be loaded first because of some "include" option.
    • using_ace_file: ace.file_path /= Void
    pretty_in (txt: STRING)
    effective procedure
    When pretty-printing the ACE file
    • txt /= Void
    view_in (msg: STRING)
    effective procedure
    Append in msg a viewable version of the Current as well as some other informations to help the user to fix the problem.
    • msg /= Void
    get_started (level: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    show (tab: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    Tree display in verbose mode
    classeses: FAST_ARRAY[CLASSES]
    writable attribute
    Sorted by growing distance.
    Pretty name ain't it :-)
    parent: CLUSTERS
    writable attribute
    Void only for Universe
    distance: INTEGER_32
    writable attribute
    Distance to the parent
    classes_notation: UNIX_DIRECTORY_NOTATION
    once function
    Cluster paths are UNIX-like
    set_parent (a_parent: CLUSTERS)
    effective procedure
    is_classes_path (path: STRING): BOOLEAN
    effective function
    is_system_path (path: STRING): BOOLEAN
    effective function
    system_notation: DIRECTORY_NOTATION
    once function
    • Result /= Void
    classes_path_to_system_path (classes_path: STRING): STRING
    effective function
    require ensure
    system_path_to_classes_path (system_path: STRING): STRING
    effective function
    require ensure
    show_tabs (tabs: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    basic_directory: BASIC_DIRECTORY
    writable attribute
    smart_eiffel: SMART_EIFFEL
    once function
    eiffel_parser: EIFFEL_PARSER
    once function
    ace: ACE
    once function
    ini_parser: INI_PARSER
    once function
    plugin_config: INI_PARSER
    once function
    error_handler: ERROR_HANDLER
    once function
    string_aliaser: STRING_ALIASER
    once function
    once function
    pretty_printer: PRETTY_PRINTER
    once function
    mini_buffer: MINI_BUFFER
    once function
    nb_errors: INTEGER_32
    effective function
    • Result >= 0
    system_tools: SYSTEM_TOOLS
    once function
    introspection_handler: INTROSPECTION_HANDLER
    once function
    assignment_test_pool: ASSIGNMENT_TEST_POOL
    once function
    precomputable_routine_detector: PRECOMPUTABLE_ROUTINE_DETECTOR
    once function
    feature_accumulator: FEATURE_ACCUMULATOR
    once function
    live_type_extra_collectors: FAST_ARRAY[LIVE_TYPE_EXTRA_COLLECTOR]
    once function
    is_launcher: BOOLEAN
    effective function
    If True, the clusters list will not be retrieved (it means that the tool is only used to start other tools; it does not load classes itself)
    effective procedure
    is_launcher_memory: REFERENCE[BOOLEAN]
    once function
    parser_buffer: PARSER_BUFFER
    once function
    id_provider: ID_PROVIDER
    once function
    manifest_string_pool: MANIFEST_STRING_POOL
    once function
    manifest_generic_pool: MANIFEST_GENERIC_POOL
    once function
    once_routine_pool: ONCE_ROUTINE_POOL
    once function
    agent_pool: AGENT_POOL
    once function
    cecil_pool: CECIL_POOL
    effective function
    cecil_pool_memory: REFERENCE[CECIL_POOL]
    once function
    once procedure
    short_printer: SHORT_PRINTER
    once function
    echo: ECHO
    once function
    assignment_handler: ASSIGNMENT_HANDLER
    once function
    thread_pool: THREAD_POOL
    once function
    exceptions: EXCEPTIONS
    writable attribute
    exceptions_handler: EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER
    once function
    nb_warnings: INTEGER_32
    effective function
    • Result >= 0
    tmp_path: STRING
    once function
    tmp_file_read: TEXT_FILE_READ
    once function
    class_any: CLASS_TEXT
    once function
    omitted_client_list: CLIENT_LIST
    once function
    (To avoid multiple creation(s).)
    any_default_create_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    any_default_rescue_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    any_copy_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    any_is_equal_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    any_deep_twin_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    any_is_deep_equal_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    boolean_and_then_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
    once function
    manifest_make_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    manifest_put_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    manifest_semicolon_check_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    manifest_initialize_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    calloc_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    put_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    item_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    is_empty_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    make_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    from_external_sized_copy_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    count_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    storage_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    capacity_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    storage_lower_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    mark_item_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    mark_native_arrays_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    and_then_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    or_else_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    twin_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    copy_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    is_equal_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    deep_twin_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    deep_twin_from_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    is_deep_equal_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    deep_memcmp_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    se_atexit_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    default_rescue_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    default_create_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    flush_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    clear_all_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    from_pointer_name: HASHED_STRING
    once function
    no_errors: BOOLEAN
    effective function
    character_coding (c: CHARACTER, str: STRING)
    effective procedure
    Append in str the Eiffel coding of the character (Table in chapter 25 of ETL, page 423).%%%%%%%%
    When the % letter notation exists, it is returned in priority: '%N' gives "%N", '%T' gives "%T", etc. When % letter notation does not exists (not in the ETL table), numbered coding used ("%/1/", "%/2/" etc).
    eiffel_suffix: STRING
    is ".e"
    constant attribute
    Eiffel Source file suffix.
    c_suffix: STRING
    is ".c"
    constant attribute
    C files suffix.
    h_suffix: STRING
    is ".h"
    constant attribute
    Heading C files suffix.
    c_plus_plus_suffix: STRING
    is ".cpp"
    constant attribute
    C++ files suffix.
    backup_suffix: STRING
    is ".bak"
    constant attribute
    Backup suffix for command pretty.
    class_suffix: STRING
    is ".class"
    constant attribute
    dot_precedence: INTEGER_32
    is 12
    constant attribute
    The highest precedence value according to ETL.
    atomic_precedence: INTEGER_32
    is 13
    constant attribute
    Used for atomic elements.
    append_u1 (str: STRING, u1: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    append_u2 (str: STRING, u2: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    append_u4 (str: STRING, u4: INTEGER_32)
    effective procedure
    is_install: BOOLEAN
    effective function
    effective procedure
    install_memory: REFERENCE[BOOLEAN]
    once function
    unrelated_code: INTEGER_8
    is 0
    constant attribute
    inserts_code: INTEGER_8
    is 1
    constant attribute
    inherits_code: INTEGER_8
    is 2
    constant attribute
    once function
    shrink_generic_types: BOOLEAN
    effective function
    shrink_generic_types_memory: REFERENCE[BOOLEAN]
    once function
    Set the item to True if you want less generic type duplication
    as_any: STRING
    is "ANY"
    constant attribute
    as_array: STRING
    is "ARRAY"
    constant attribute
    as_boolean: STRING
    is "BOOLEAN"
    constant attribute
    as_character: STRING
    is "CHARACTER"
    constant attribute
    as_disposable: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_exceptions: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_fixed_array: STRING
    is "FAST_ARRAY"
    constant attribute
    as_function: STRING
    is "FUNCTION"
    constant attribute
    as_integer_general: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_integer_8: STRING
    is "INTEGER_8"
    constant attribute
    as_integer_16: STRING
    is "INTEGER_16"
    constant attribute
    as_integer_32: STRING
    is "INTEGER_32"
    constant attribute
    as_integer: STRING
    is "INTEGER"
    constant attribute
    as_integer_64: STRING
    is "INTEGER_64"
    constant attribute
    as_internals: STRING
    is "INTERNALS"
    constant attribute
    as_internals_handler: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_native_array: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_native_array_collector: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_native_array_internals: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_natural: STRING
    is "NATURAL"
    constant attribute
    as_natural_8: STRING
    is "NATURAL_8"
    constant attribute
    as_natural_16: STRING
    is "NATURAL_16"
    constant attribute
    as_natural_32: STRING
    is "NATURAL_32"
    constant attribute
    as_natural_64: STRING
    is "NATURAL_64"
    constant attribute
    as_natural_general: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_platform: STRING
    is "PLATFORM"
    constant attribute
    as_pointer: STRING
    is "POINTER"
    constant attribute
    as_predicate: STRING
    is "PREDICATE"
    constant attribute
    as_procedure: STRING
    is "PROCEDURE"
    constant attribute
    as_real_general: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_real_32: STRING
    is "REAL_32"
    constant attribute
    as_real: STRING
    is "REAL"
    constant attribute
    as_real_64: STRING
    is "REAL_64"
    constant attribute
    as_real_80: STRING
    is "REAL_80"
    constant attribute
    as_real_128: STRING
    is "REAL_128"
    constant attribute
    as_real_extended: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_routine: STRING
    is "ROUTINE"
    constant attribute
    as_set: STRING
    is "SET"
    constant attribute
    as_string: STRING
    is "STRING"
    constant attribute
    as_text_file_read: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_text_file_write: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_thread_context: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_thread_lock: STRING
    is "THREAD_LOCK"
    constant attribute
    as_tuple: STRING
    is "TUPLE"
    constant attribute
    as_type: STRING
    is "TYPE"
    constant attribute
    as_typed_internals: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_unicode_string: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_weak_reference: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_a1: STRING
    is "a1"
    constant attribute
    as_add_last: STRING
    is "add_last"
    constant attribute
    as_agent: STRING
    is "agent"
    constant attribute
    as_allocated_bytes: STRING
    is "allocated_bytes"
    constant attribute
    as_alloc_native_data: STRING
    is "alloc_native_data"
    constant attribute
    as_as_16_ne: STRING
    is "as_16_ne"
    constant attribute
    as_as_32_ne: STRING
    is "as_32_ne"
    constant attribute
    as_atan2: STRING
    is "atan2"
    constant attribute
    as_blank: STRING
    is "blank"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_clear: STRING
    is "bit_clear"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_put: STRING
    is "bit_put"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_rotate: STRING
    is "bit_rotate"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_set: STRING
    is "bit_set"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_xor: STRING
    is "bit_xor"
    constant attribute
    as_boolean_bits: STRING
    is "Boolean_bits"
    constant attribute
    as_call: STRING
    is "call"
    constant attribute
    as_calloc: STRING
    is "calloc"
    constant attribute
    as_capacity: STRING
    is "capacity"
    constant attribute
    as_ceiling: STRING
    is "ceiling"
    constant attribute
    as_character_bits: STRING
    is "Character_bits"
    constant attribute
    as_clear_all: STRING
    is "clear_all"
    constant attribute
    as_count: STRING
    is "count"
    constant attribute
    as_code: STRING
    is "code"
    constant attribute
    as_collecting: STRING
    is "collecting"
    constant attribute
    as_collection_off: STRING
    is "collection_off"
    constant attribute
    as_collection_on: STRING
    is "collection_on"
    constant attribute
    as_collector_counter: STRING
    is "collector_counter"
    constant attribute
    as_copy: STRING
    is "copy"
    constant attribute
    as_c_inline_c: STRING
    is "c_inline_c"
    constant attribute
    as_c_inline_h: STRING
    is "c_inline_h"
    constant attribute
    as_default_create: STRING
    is "default_create"
    constant attribute
    as_default_rescue: STRING
    is "default_rescue"
    constant attribute
    as_deep_memcmp: STRING
    is "deep_memcmp"
    constant attribute
    as_deep_twin: STRING
    is "deep_twin"
    constant attribute
    as_deep_twin_from: STRING
    is "deep_twin_from"
    constant attribute
    as_dispose: STRING
    is "dispose"
    constant attribute
    as_die_with_code: STRING
    is "die_with_code"
    constant attribute
    as_element_sizeof: STRING
    is "element_sizeof"
    constant attribute
    as_exception: STRING
    is "exception"
    constant attribute
    as_for_object: STRING
    is "for_object"
    constant attribute
    as_type_can_be_assigned_to_attribute: STRING
    is "type_can_be_assigned_to_attribute"
    constant attribute
    as_type_can_be_assigned_to_item: STRING
    is "type_can_be_assigned_to_item"
    constant attribute
    as_type_attribute_count: STRING
    is "type_attribute_count"
    constant attribute
    as_type_attribute_generator: STRING
    is "type_attribute_generator"
    constant attribute
    as_type_attribute_generating_type: STRING
    is "type_attribute_generating_type"
    constant attribute
    as_type_attribute_is_expanded: STRING
    is "type_attribute_is_expanded"
    constant attribute
    as_type_attribute_name: STRING
    is "type_attribute_name"
    constant attribute
    as_fifth: STRING
    is "fifth"
    constant attribute
    as_first: STRING
    is "first"
    constant attribute
    as_floor: STRING
    is "floor"
    constant attribute
    as_flush: STRING
    is "flush"
    constant attribute
    as_fourth: STRING
    is "fourth"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_integer_16: STRING
    is "force_to_integer_16"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_integer_32: STRING
    is "force_to_integer_32"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_integer_64: STRING
    is "force_to_integer_64"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_natural_16: STRING
    is "force_to_natural_16"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_natural_32: STRING
    is "force_to_natural_32"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_natural_64: STRING
    is "force_to_natural_64"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_real_32: STRING
    is "force_to_real_32"
    constant attribute
    as_force_to_real_64: STRING
    is "force_to_real_64"
    constant attribute
    as_free_native_data: STRING
    is "free_native_data"
    constant attribute
    as_from_external_sized_copy: STRING
    is "from_external_sized_copy"
    constant attribute
    as_from_pointer: STRING
    is "from_pointer"
    constant attribute
    as_full_collect: STRING
    is "full_collect"
    constant attribute
    as_generating_type: STRING
    is "generating_type"
    constant attribute
    as_generator: STRING
    is "generator"
    constant attribute
    as_io: STRING
    is "io"
    constant attribute
    as_integer_bits: STRING
    is "Integer_bits"
    constant attribute
    as_internals_from_generating_type: STRING
    is "internals_from_generating_type"
    constant attribute
    as_is_basic_expanded_type: STRING
    is "is_basic_expanded_type"
    constant attribute
    as_is_deep_equal: STRING
    is "is_deep_equal"
    constant attribute
    as_is_equal: STRING
    is "is_equal"
    constant attribute
    as_do_at_exit: STRING
    is "do_at_exit"
    constant attribute
    as_is_empty: STRING
    is "is_empty"
    constant attribute
    as_is_finished: STRING
    is "is_finished"
    constant attribute
    as_is_infinity: STRING
    is "is_infinity"
    constant attribute
    as_is_locked: STRING
    is "is_locked"
    constant attribute
    as_is_normal: STRING
    is "is_normal"
    constant attribute
    as_is_not_a_number: STRING
    is "is_not_a_number"
    constant attribute
    as_is_not_null: STRING
    is "is_not_null"
    constant attribute
    as_is_started: STRING
    is "is_started"
    constant attribute
    as_is_subnormal: STRING
    is "is_subnormal"
    constant attribute
    as_item: STRING
    is "item"
    constant attribute
    as_last: STRING
    is "last"
    constant attribute
    as_lock: STRING
    is "lock"
    constant attribute
    as_lower: STRING
    is "lower"
    constant attribute
    as_low_8: STRING
    is "low_8"
    constant attribute
    as_low_16: STRING
    is "low_16"
    constant attribute
    as_low_32: STRING
    is "low_32"
    constant attribute
    as_native_array_internals_from_generating_type: STRING
    is "native_array_internals_from_generating_type"
    constant attribute
    as_make: STRING
    is "make"
    constant attribute
    as_make_blank: STRING
    is "make_blank"
    constant attribute
    as_mark_item: STRING
    is "mark_item"
    constant attribute
    as_mark_native_arrays: STRING
    is "mark_native_arrays"
    constant attribute
    as_minimum_character_code: STRING
    is "Minimum_character_code"
    constant attribute
    as_minimum_double: STRING
    is "Minimum_double"
    constant attribute
    as_minimum_real: STRING
    is "Minimum_real"
    constant attribute
    as_manifest_creation: STRING
    is "manifest_creation"
    constant attribute
    as_manifest_initialize: STRING
    is "manifest_initialize"
    constant attribute
    as_manifest_make: STRING
    is "manifest_make"
    constant attribute
    as_manifest_put: STRING
    is "manifest_put"
    constant attribute
    as_manifest_semicolon_check: STRING
    is "manifest_semicolon_check"
    constant attribute
    as_maximum_character_code: STRING
    is "Maximum_character_code"
    constant attribute
    as_maximum_double: STRING
    is "Maximum_double"
    constant attribute
    as_maximum_real: STRING
    is "Maximum_real"
    constant attribute
    as_native_data: STRING
    is "native_data"
    constant attribute
    as_notify: STRING
    is "notify"
    constant attribute
    as_notify_all: STRING
    is "notify_all"
    constant attribute
    as_object_as_pointer: STRING
    is "object_as_pointer"
    constant attribute
    as_object_attribute: STRING
    is "object_attribute"
    constant attribute
    as_object_invariant: STRING
    is "object_invariant"
    constant attribute
    as_object_memory: STRING
    is "object_memory"
    constant attribute
    as_object_size: STRING
    is "object_size"
    constant attribute
    as_pointer_bits: STRING
    is "Pointer_bits"
    constant attribute
    as_pow_postfix: STRING
    is "pow"
    constant attribute
    as_print: STRING
    is "print"
    constant attribute
    as_print_on: STRING
    is "print_on"
    constant attribute
    as_print_run_time_stack: STRING
    is "print_run_time_stack"
    constant attribute
    as_put: STRING
    is "put"
    constant attribute
    as_put_0: STRING
    is "put_0"
    constant attribute
    as_put_1: STRING
    is "put_1"
    constant attribute
    as_put_16_be: STRING
    is "put_16_be"
    constant attribute
    as_put_16_le: STRING
    is "put_16_le"
    constant attribute
    as_put_16_ne: STRING
    is "put_16_ne"
    constant attribute
    as_put_32_be: STRING
    is "put_32_be"
    constant attribute
    as_put_32_le: STRING
    is "put_32_le"
    constant attribute
    as_put_32_ne: STRING
    is "put_32_ne"
    constant attribute
    as_raise_exception: STRING
    is "raise_exception"
    constant attribute
    as_real_bits: STRING
    is "Real_bits"
    constant attribute
    as_realloc: STRING
    is "realloc"
    constant attribute
    as_rounded: STRING
    is "rounded"
    constant attribute
    as_run: STRING
    is "run"
    constant attribute
    as_same_dynamic_type: STRING
    is "same_dynamic_type"
    constant attribute
    as_second: STRING
    is "second"
    constant attribute
    as_se_argc: STRING
    is "se_argc"
    constant attribute
    as_se_argv: STRING
    is "se_argv"
    constant attribute
    as_se_atexit: STRING
    is "se_atexit"
    constant attribute
    as_se_fault: STRING
    is "se_fault"
    constant attribute
    as_sedb_breakpoint: STRING
    is "sedb_breakpoint"
    constant attribute
    as_set_item: STRING
    is "set_item"
    constant attribute
    as_set_object_attribute: STRING
    is "set_object_attribute"
    constant attribute
    as_signal_number: STRING
    is "signal_number"
    constant attribute
    as_slice_copy: STRING
    is "slice_copy"
    constant attribute
    as_standard_copy: STRING
    is "standard_copy"
    constant attribute
    as_standard_is_equal: STRING
    is "standard_is_equal"
    constant attribute
    as_standard_twin: STRING
    is "standard_twin"
    constant attribute
    as_status: STRING
    is "status"
    constant attribute
    as_std_error: STRING
    is "std_error"
    constant attribute
    as_std_input: STRING
    is "std_input"
    constant attribute
    as_std_output: STRING
    is "std_output"
    constant attribute
    as_stderr: STRING
    is "stderr"
    constant attribute
    as_stdin: STRING
    is "stdin"
    constant attribute
    as_stdout: STRING
    is "stdout"
    constant attribute
    as_storage: STRING
    is "storage"
    constant attribute
    as_storage_lower: STRING
    is "storage_lower"
    constant attribute
    as_third: STRING
    is "third"
    constant attribute
    as_timed_wait: STRING
    is "timed_wait"
    constant attribute
    as_to_character: STRING
    is "to_character"
    constant attribute
    as_to_integer_8: STRING
    is "to_integer_8"
    constant attribute
    as_to_integer_16: STRING
    is "to_integer_16"
    constant attribute
    as_to_integer_32: STRING
    is "to_integer_32"
    constant attribute
    as_to_integer_64: STRING
    is "to_integer_64"
    constant attribute
    as_to_internals: STRING
    is "to_internals"
    constant attribute
    as_to_natural_8: STRING
    is "to_natural_8"
    constant attribute
    as_to_natural_16: STRING
    is "to_natural_16"
    constant attribute
    as_to_natural_32: STRING
    is "to_natural_32"
    constant attribute
    as_to_natural_64: STRING
    is "to_natural_64"
    constant attribute
    as_to_pointer: STRING
    is "to_pointer"
    constant attribute
    as_trace_switch: STRING
    is "trace_switch"
    constant attribute
    as_twin: STRING
    is "twin"
    constant attribute
    as_type_generating_type: STRING
    is "type_generating_type"
    constant attribute
    as_type_generator: STRING
    is "type_generator"
    constant attribute
    as_type_is_expanded: STRING
    is "type_is_expanded"
    constant attribute
    as_type_item_generating_type: STRING
    is "type_item_generating_type"
    constant attribute
    as_type_item_generator: STRING
    is "type_item_generator"
    constant attribute
    as_type_item_is_expanded: STRING
    is "type_item_is_expanded"
    constant attribute
    as_unlock: STRING
    is "unlock"
    constant attribute
    as_upper: STRING
    is "upper"
    constant attribute
    as_valid_generating_type_for_internals: STRING
    is "valid_generating_type_for_internals"
    constant attribute
    as_valid_generating_type_for_native_array_internals: STRING
    is "valid_generating_type_for_native_array_internals"
    constant attribute
    as_wait: STRING
    is "wait"
    constant attribute
    as_with_capacity: STRING
    is "with_capacity"
    constant attribute
    as_and: STRING
    is "and"
    constant attribute
    as_and_then: STRING
    is "and then"
    constant attribute
    as_at: STRING
    is "@"
    constant attribute
    as_backslash_backslash: STRING
    is "\\"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_and: STRING
    is "&"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_not: STRING
    is "~"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_or: STRING
    is "|"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_rotate_left: STRING
    is "#<<"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_rotate_right: STRING
    is "#>>"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_shift_right_unsigned: STRING
    is "|>>>"
    constant attribute
    as_brackets: STRING
    is "[]"
    constant attribute
    as_eq: STRING
    is "="
    constant attribute
    as_ge: STRING
    is ">="
    constant attribute
    as_gt: STRING
    is ">"
    constant attribute
    as_implies: STRING
    is "implies"
    constant attribute
    as_le: STRING
    is "<="
    constant attribute
    as_lt: STRING
    is "<"
    constant attribute
    as_minus: STRING
    is "-"
    constant attribute
    as_muls: STRING
    is "*"
    constant attribute
    as_neq: STRING
    is "/="
    constant attribute
    as_not: STRING
    is "not"
    constant attribute
    as_or: STRING
    is "or"
    constant attribute
    as_or_else: STRING
    is "or else"
    constant attribute
    as_parentheses: STRING
    is "()"
    constant attribute
    as_plus: STRING
    is "+"
    constant attribute
    as_pow: STRING
    is "^"
    constant attribute
    as_sharp_backslash_backslash: STRING
    is "#\\"
    constant attribute
    as_sharp_minus: STRING
    is "#-"
    constant attribute
    as_sharp_muls: STRING
    is "#*"
    constant attribute
    as_sharp_plus: STRING
    is "#+"
    constant attribute
    as_sharp_slash_slash: STRING
    is "#//"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_shift_left: STRING
    is "|<<"
    constant attribute
    as_bit_shift_right: STRING
    is "|>>"
    constant attribute
    as_slash: STRING
    is "/"
    constant attribute
    as_slash_slash: STRING
    is "//"
    constant attribute
    as_xor: STRING
    is "xor"
    constant attribute
    as_arguments: STRING
    is "arguments"
    constant attribute
    as_current: STRING
    is "Current"
    constant attribute
    as_native_array_character: STRING
    constant attribute
    as_last_result: STRING
    is "last_result"
    constant attribute
    as_like_current: STRING
    is "like Current"
    constant attribute
    as_method: STRING
    is "method"
    constant attribute
    as_open_arguments: STRING
    is "open_arguments"
    constant attribute
    as_open_argument_indices: STRING
    is "open_argument_indices"
    constant attribute
    as_open_argument_index: STRING
    is "open_argument_index"
    constant attribute
    as_open_argument_count: STRING
    is "open_argument_count"
    constant attribute
    as_precursor: STRING
    is "Precursor"
    constant attribute
    as_result: STRING
    is "Result"
    constant attribute
    as_target: STRING
    is "target"
    constant attribute
    as_void: STRING
    is "Void"
    constant attribute
    fz_adapt: STRING
    is "adapt"
    constant attribute
    fz_alias: STRING
    is "alias"
    constant attribute
    fz_all: STRING
    is "all"
    constant attribute
    fz_as: STRING
    is "as"
    constant attribute
    fz_assertion: STRING
    is "assertion"
    constant attribute
    fz_assertion_flat_check: STRING
    is "assertion_flat_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_assign: STRING
    is "assign"
    constant attribute
    fz_begin_c_compile: STRING
    is "# Beginning of parallelizable section"
    constant attribute
    fz_boost: STRING
    is "boost"
    constant attribute
    fz_check: STRING
    is "check"
    constant attribute
    fz_class: STRING
    is "class"
    constant attribute
    fz_cluster: STRING
    is "cluster"
    constant attribute
    fz_convert: STRING
    is "convert"
    constant attribute
    fz_create: STRING
    is "create"
    constant attribute
    fz_creation: STRING
    is "creation"
    constant attribute
    fz_debug: STRING
    is "debug"
    constant attribute
    fz_default: STRING
    is "default"
    constant attribute
    fz_deferred: STRING
    is "deferred"
    constant attribute
    fz_do: STRING
    is "do"
    constant attribute
    fz_else: STRING
    is "else"
    constant attribute
    fz_elseif: STRING
    is "elseif"
    constant attribute
    fz_end: STRING
    is "end"
    constant attribute
    fz_end_c_compile: STRING
    is "# End of parallelizable section"
    constant attribute
    fz_ensure: STRING
    is "ensure"
    constant attribute
    fz_exclude: STRING
    is "exclude"
    constant attribute
    fz_expanded: STRING
    is "expanded"
    constant attribute
    fz_export: STRING
    is "export"
    constant attribute
    fz_external: STRING
    is "external"
    constant attribute
    fz_false: STRING
    is "False"
    constant attribute
    fz_feature: STRING
    is "feature"
    constant attribute
    fz_from: STRING
    is "from"
    constant attribute
    fz_frozen: STRING
    is "frozen"
    constant attribute
    fz_generate: STRING
    is "generate"
    constant attribute
    fz_if: STRING
    is "if"
    constant attribute
    fz_include: STRING
    is "include"
    constant attribute
    fz_indexing: STRING
    is "indexing"
    constant attribute
    fz_infix: STRING
    is "infix"
    constant attribute
    fz_inherit: STRING
    is "inherit"
    constant attribute
    fz_insert: STRING
    is "insert"
    constant attribute
    fz_inline: STRING
    is "inline"
    constant attribute
    fz_inspect: STRING
    is "inspect"
    constant attribute
    fz_invariant: STRING
    is "invariant"
    constant attribute
    fz_is: STRING
    is "is"
    constant attribute
    fz_like: STRING
    is "like"
    constant attribute
    fz_local: STRING
    is "local"
    constant attribute
    fz_loop: STRING
    is "loop"
    constant attribute
    fz_no: STRING
    is "no"
    constant attribute
    fz_note: STRING
    is "note"
    constant attribute
    fz_obsolete: STRING
    is "obsolete"
    constant attribute
    fz_old: STRING
    is "old"
    constant attribute
    fz_once: STRING
    is "once"
    constant attribute
    fz_option: STRING
    is "option"
    constant attribute
    fz_prefix: STRING
    is "prefix"
    constant attribute
    fz_redefine: STRING
    is "redefine"
    constant attribute
    fz_rename: STRING
    is "rename"
    constant attribute
    fz_require: STRING
    is "require"
    constant attribute
    fz_rescue: STRING
    is "rescue"
    constant attribute
    fz_retry: STRING
    is "retry"
    constant attribute
    fz_runtime: STRING
    is "runtime"
    constant attribute
    fz_separate: STRING
    is "separate"
    constant attribute
    fz_reference: STRING
    is "reference"
    constant attribute
    fz_then: STRING
    is "then"
    constant attribute
    fz_trace: STRING
    is "trace"
    constant attribute
    fz_true: STRING
    is "True"
    constant attribute
    fz_undefine: STRING
    is "undefine"
    constant attribute
    fz_unique: STRING
    is "unique"
    constant attribute
    fz_until: STRING
    is "until"
    constant attribute
    fz_use: STRING
    is "use"
    constant attribute
    fz_variant: STRING
    is "variant"
    constant attribute
    fz_when: STRING
    is "when"
    constant attribute
    fz_yes: STRING
    is "yes"
    constant attribute
    fz_cad: STRING
    is "Cyclic anchored definition."
    constant attribute
    fz_dtideena: STRING
    is " has no compiler-defined `deep_twin' or `is_deep_equal' because the corresponding allocated size is not part of the NATIVE_ARRAY object. The client class of this NATIVE_ARRAY type is supposed to use a `capacity' attribute which contains the corresponding number of allocated items (see STRING or ARRAY for example)."
    constant attribute
    fz_error_stars: STRING
    is "****** "
    constant attribute
    fz_vuar4: STRING
    is "The $ operator must be followed by the final name of a feature which is not a constant attribute or by the name of some local variable as well."
    constant attribute
    fz_bin: STRING
    is "bin"
    constant attribute
    fz_c_shift_left: STRING
    is "<<"
    constant attribute
    fz_c_shift_right: STRING
    is ">>"
    constant attribute
    fz_install: STRING
    is "install"
    constant attribute
    fz_jobs: STRING
    is "jobs"
    constant attribute
    fz_no_check: STRING
    is "no_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_none: STRING
    is "none"
    constant attribute
    fz_libertyeiffel: STRING
    is "LibertyEiffel"
    constant attribute
    fz_seconf: STRING
    constant attribute
    The environment name pointing to the config file.
    fz_conf_general: STRING
    is "General"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_loadpath: STRING
    is "Loadpath"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_environment: STRING
    is "Environment"
    constant attribute
    since version 2
    fz_conf_se_tools: STRING
    is "Tools"
    constant attribute
    since version 3
    fz_conf_bin: STRING
    is "bin"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_lib: STRING
    is "lib"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_sys: STRING
    is "sys"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_short: STRING
    is "short"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_tools: STRING
    is "tools"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_os: STRING
    is "os"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_flavor: STRING
    is "flavor"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_jobs: STRING
    is "jobs"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_boost: STRING
    is "boost"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_no_check: STRING
    is "no_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_require_check: STRING
    is "require_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_ensure_check: STRING
    is "ensure_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_invariant_check: STRING
    is "invariant_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_loop_check: STRING
    is "loop_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_all_check: STRING
    is "all_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_debug_check: STRING
    is "debug_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_flat_check: STRING
    is "flat_check"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_smarteiffel_options: STRING
    is "smarteiffel_options"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_undefined: STRING
    is "undefined"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_tag: STRING
    is "tag"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_compiler_type: STRING
    is "c_compiler_type"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_compiler_path: STRING
    is "c_compiler_path"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_linker_path: STRING
    is "c_linker_path"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_strip_path: STRING
    is "c_strip_path"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_compiler_options: STRING
    is "c_compiler_options"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_linker_options: STRING
    is "c_linker_options"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_cpp_compiler_type: STRING
    is "cpp_compiler_type"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_cpp_compiler_path: STRING
    is "cpp_compiler_path"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_cpp_compiler_options: STRING
    is "cpp_compiler_options"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_cpp_linker_path: STRING
    is "cpp_linker_path"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_cpp_strip_path: STRING
    is "cpp_strip_path"
    constant attribute
    fz_conf_cpp_linker_options: STRING
    is "cpp_linker_options"
    constant attribute