Singleton object in charge of Eiffel parsing. This singleton is shared via the GLOBALS.eiffel_parser once function.
Direct parents
Inherit list: PARSER
Insert list: SINGLETON
Class invariant
Creation features
To add extra contextual information:
  • is_launcher: BOOLEAN
    If True, the clusters list will not be retrieved (it means that the tool is only used to start other tools; it does not load classes itself)
an option to minimize generic types
Hard-coded class names:
Hard coded feature names:
Operator/Infix/Prefix/Alias list:
Other names:
The keywords section:
Most of them are message parts:
Some other names:
The known keys of the INI file:
  • is_equal (other: EIFFEL_PARSER): BOOLEAN
    Is other attached to an object considered equal to current object?
no_rescue: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
is_running: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when the parser is running (i.e. parsing of the current class is not finished).
total_time: INTEGER_64
writable attribute
predefined_type_mark (tm: STRING, sp: POSITION): TYPE_MARK
effective function
  • tm /= Void
analyse_class (class_name: CLASS_NAME, a_cluster: CLUSTER): CLASS_TEXT
effective function
require ensure
analyse_buffer: CLASS_TEXT
effective function
Scan the header of the parser_buffer in order to find the name of the class in order to launch analyse_class with the appropriate argument.
(This is used for to handle the "include" option of ACE files.)
effective procedure
connect_to_cecil (a_path: STRING): STRING
effective function
Return the cecil file user's include path (first information).
end_of_input: BOOLEAN
effective function
parse_c_name: STRING
effective function
parse_type_mark: TYPE_MARK
effective function
parse_feature_name: FEATURE_NAME
effective function
parse_cecil_is_creation: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective procedure
a_creation_keyword: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective procedure
effective procedure
effective procedure
effective procedure
effective procedure
Expression_syntax_flag: INTEGER_8
is 0
constant attribute
Any possible complex expression.
Instruction_syntax_flag: INTEGER_8
is 1
constant attribute
Any possible complex instruction.
Atomic_syntax_flag: INTEGER_8
is 2
constant attribute
Simple value with no dot.
When_inspect_syntax_flag: INTEGER_8
is 3
constant attribute
Expression in "when" part of "inspect".
current_id: INTEGER_16
writable attribute
This is the id of the last_class_text or the id of the ACE file or of some cecil file path.
cluster: CLUSTER
writable attribute
The current cluster of the class being analyzed
last_class_text: CLASS_TEXT
writable attribute
The one being parsed.
inside_function_flag: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when a function (an ordinary one as well as a once function) is being parsed.
inside_ensure_flag: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True during the parsing of a ensure clause.
inside_rescue_flag: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True during the parsing of a rescue clause.
inside_class_invariant_flag: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True during the parsing of a class invariant.
tuple_flag: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when we are parsing the special tuple.e file.
formal_generic_list: FORMAL_GENERIC_LIST
writable attribute
Void or not empty list of formal generic arguments.
arguments: FORMAL_ARG_LIST
writable attribute
Void or actual formal arguments list.
local_vars: LOCAL_VAR_LIST
writable attribute
Void or actual local variables list.
closure_arguments: RING_ARRAY[FORMAL_ARG_LIST]
writable attribute
closure_local_vars: RING_ARRAY[LOCAL_VAR_LIST]
writable attribute
writable attribute
Dummy variable to call functions.
last_expression: EXPRESSION
writable attribute
last_type_mark: TYPE_MARK
writable attribute
last_class_name: CLASS_NAME
writable attribute
last_feature_declaration: FEATURE_TEXT
writable attribute
last_feature_name: FEATURE_NAME
writable attribute
last_feature_name_list: FEATURE_NAME_LIST
writable attribute
last_formal_generic_type_mark: FORMAL_GENERIC_TYPE_MARK
writable attribute
last_instruction: INSTRUCTION
writable attribute
last_parent_edge: PARENT_EDGE
writable attribute
last_tag_mark: TAG_NAME
writable attribute
S_just_started_manifest_number_or_generic_manifest: INTEGER_32
is 0
constant attribute
S_after_sign_of_some_number: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
S_after_open_curly_brace: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
S_inside_some_number: INTEGER_32
is 3
constant attribute
S_inside_a_real_just_after_the_dot: INTEGER_32
is 4
constant attribute
S_after_real_waiting_the_closing_curly: INTEGER_32
is 5
constant attribute
S_after_integer_waiting_the_closing_curly: INTEGER_32
is 6
constant attribute
S_first_hexadecimal_digit: INTEGER_32
is 7
constant attribute
S_inside_hexadecimal: INTEGER_32
is 8
constant attribute
S_after_hexadecimal_waiting_the_closing_curly: INTEGER_32
is 9
constant attribute
S_after_type_mark: INTEGER_32
is 10
constant attribute
S_inside_fractional_part_of_a_real: INTEGER_32
is 11
constant attribute
S_just_after_the_e_of_exponent_part_of_a_real: INTEGER_32
is 12
constant attribute
S_inside_exponent_part_of_a_real: INTEGER_32
is 13
constant attribute
S_inside_manifest_generic: INTEGER_32
is 14
constant attribute
S_finished_with_no_error_and_true: INTEGER_32
is 20
constant attribute
S_finished_with_no_error_and_false: INTEGER_32
is 21
constant attribute
a_manifest_or_type_test (syntax_flag: INTEGER_8): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ manifest_or_type_test_expression -> manifest_or_type_test [ "." after_a_dot ]
 ++ manifest_or_type_test -> integer |
 ++                      real |
 ++                      "{" type_mark integer "}" |
 ++                      "{" type_mark real "}" |
 ++                      open_argument |
 ++                      "{" type_mark "} ?:= expression |
  ++                      "{" type_mark [ { expression "," ... } ] "<<" { expression "," ...} ">>" "}"
  ++ open_argument -> "{" type_mark "}"

 When True, the result is made available in `last_expression'.

require ensure
integer_overflow_error (l: INTEGER_32, c: INTEGER_32, normal_integer_view: STRING)
effective procedure
a_argument_ (args: FORMAL_ARG_LIST, closure_rank: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
a_argument: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective function
check_name_rank_and_closure (name: LOCAL_ARGUMENT_DEF)
effective procedure
a_formal_arg_list: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ formal_arg_list -> ["(" {declaration_group ";" ...} ")"]
 ++ declaration_group -> {identifier "," ...}+ ":" type_mark
effective procedure
a_local_name_def: BOOLEAN
effective function
Used inside a_local_var_list in order to detect a LOCAL_NAME_DEF name.
See also a_local_name_ref and use the good one.
S_waiting_for_the_first_name_of_a_group: INTEGER_32
is 0
constant attribute
S_waiting_for_colon_or_semicolon: INTEGER_32
is 1
constant attribute
S_waiting_for_a_second_local_name: INTEGER_32
is 2
constant attribute
S_waiting_for_a_type_mark: INTEGER_32
is 3
constant attribute
S_waiting_for_optional_colon: INTEGER_32
is 4
constant attribute
check_local_var_rank_and_closure (name: LOCAL_NAME_DEF)
effective procedure
effective procedure
 ++ local_var_list -> [{declaration_group ";" ...}]
 ++ declaration_group -> {identifier "," ...}+ ":" type_mark
a_local_name_ref_ (vars: LOCAL_VAR_LIST, closure_rank: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
effective function
Used to detect the usage of some local variable.
See also a_local_name_def and use the good one.
a_local_name_ref: BOOLEAN
effective function
get_comment: COMMENT
effective function
effective function
  • c1 /= '%N' and c2 /= '%N'
effective function
  • c1 /= '%N' and c2 /= '%N' and c3 /= '%N'
skip1unless2 (c1: CHARACTER, c2: CHARACTER): BOOLEAN
effective function
a_character_constant (syntax_flag: INTEGER_8): BOOLEAN
effective function
an_allowed_expression_in_when_of_inspect: BOOLEAN
effective function
Only True for static values allowed in "when of inspect".
a_class_name: BOOLEAN
effective function
The class name found is left in the token_buffer.
  • no_class_name_looks_like_a_keyword: Result implies not token_buffer.isa_keyword
a_base_class_name: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective procedure
Read the current class text name which is just after the "class" keyword.
a_formal_generic_type_mark: BOOLEAN
effective function
freeop_prefix: INTEGER_8
is 1
constant attribute
freeop_infix: INTEGER_8
is 2
constant attribute
freeop_alias: INTEGER_8
is 3
constant attribute
a_free_operator_definition (freeop: INTEGER_8, sp: POSITION): BOOLEAN
effective function
A free operator name definition (the one which comes after the "infix" keyword or the "prefix" keyword at the definition place).
A free operator must start and finish with one of the following character: +-*/\=<>@#|&~
a_free_operator_usage (freeop: INTEGER_8): BOOLEAN
effective function
Syntactically, a free operator must start and finish with one of the following set of characters: +-*/\=<>@#|&~ Because of priority, traditional operators are not handled here.
a_retry: BOOLEAN
effective function
a_address_of: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ address_of -> "$" identifier
effective function
 ++ actuals -> "(" {actual "," ...} ")"
a_actuals_until (close: CHARACTER, allow_empty: BOOLEAN): EFFECTIVE_ARG_LIST
effective function
 ++ actuals -> "(" {actual "," ...} ")"
 ++                ^
just_after_a_dot (do_instruction: BOOLEAN, target: EXPRESSION): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ after_a_dot -> identifier [actuals] ["." after_a_dot]
  • target /= Void
a_alias_parentheses (do_instruction: BOOLEAN, target: EXPRESSION): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ alias_parentheses -> "(" {actual "," ...} ")"
 ++                      ^
  • target /= Void
  • cc = '('
a_alias_brackets (do_instruction: BOOLEAN, target: EXPRESSION): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ alias_brackets -> "[" {actual "," ...} "]"
 ++                   ^
  • target /= Void
  • cc = '['
a_assignment_or_procedure_call: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ assignment_or_procedure_call -> "(" expression ")" r10 |
 ++                       "Precursor" ["{" type_mark "}"] [actuals] r10 |
 ++                       "Current" r10 |
 ++                       "Result" r10 |
 ++                       local_variable r10 |
 ++                       formal_argument r10 |
 ++                       writable ":=" expression |
 ++                       writable "?=" expression |
 ++                       writable "::=" expression |
 ++                       identifier procedure_call
a_assignment_call_assigner (do_expression: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
effective function
a_assertion_buffer: FAST_ARRAY[ASSERTION]
once function
Used only inside a_assertion.
effective function
 ++ assertion -> {assertion_clause ";" ...}
 ++ assertion_clause -> [identifier ":"] [expression] [comment]
brackets_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
parentheses_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
slash_slash_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
backslash_backslash_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
muls_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
slash_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
once function
once function
implies_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
once function
sharp_plus_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
sharp_minus_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
sharp_muls_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
plus_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
minus_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
once function
update_last_manifest_string (p: POSITION, once_flag: BOOLEAN, unicode_flag: BOOLEAN, string: STRING, source_view: STRING)
effective procedure
effective procedure
Expand an environment variable in curly brackets into buffer, if variable expansion is active.
Else just append '$' to buffer.
a_binary (sp: POSITION): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ binary -> "<=" | ">=" | "//" | "\\" |
 ++           "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "<" | ">" | "^" |
 ++           xor" | "implies" | "and then" | "and" |
  ++           "or else" | "or" | "#+" | "#-" | "#*"
a_boolean_constant: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ boolean_constant -> "True" | "False"
a_check: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ check -> "check" assertion [indexing] "end"
effective procedure
 ++ class_declaration -> [indexing]
 ++                      ["expanded" | "deferred" | "separate"]
 ++                      "class" class_text_name
 ++                      ["[" formal_generic_list "]"]
 ++                      [comment]
 ++                      ["obsolete" manifest_string]
 ++                      ["inherit" inherit_text]
 ++                      ["insert" inherit_text]
 ++                      {{"creation"|"create"} creation_clause ...}
 ++                      ["convert" convert_clause]
 ++                      {"feature" feature_clause ...}
 ++                      ["invariant" assertion]
 ++                      [indexing]
 ++                      "end"
a_static_type_mark (for_client_list: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ base_type_mark -> "ANY" | ARRAY "[" type_mark "]" | "BOOLEAN" |
 ++         "CHARACTER" | "DOUBLE" | "INTEGER" |
 ++         "POINTER" | "REAL" | "STRING" | "TUPLE" |
 ++ static_type_mark -> base_type_mark |
 ++               class_text_name ["[" {type_mark "," ...} "]"]
a_type_mark_inside_client_list: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective procedure
 ++ conversion_list -> type_mark_list
a_clients: CLIENT_LIST
effective function
 ++ clients -> type_mark_list
  • Result /= Void
a_type_mark_list: TYPE_MARK_LIST
effective function
 ++ type_mark_list -> "{" { class_text_name "," ... } "}"
a_compound1: INSTRUCTION
effective function
 ++ compound -> {instruction ";" ...}
  • cc /= ';'
a_compound2 (compound_of: STRING, terminator: STRING): INSTRUCTION
effective function
Call a_compound1 and then enforce the terminator at the end.
a_exp2 (compound_of: STRING, terminator: STRING): EXPRESSION
effective function
Call a_expression and then enforce the terminator at the end.
  • Result /= Void
a_conditional_exp: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ conditional_exp -> "if" expression "then" expression
 ++                    [ {"elseif" expression "then" expression ...}+ ]
 ++                    [ "else" expression ]
 ++                    "end"
a_conditional: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ conditional -> "if" expression "then" compound
 ++                [ {"elseif" expression "then" compound ...}+ ]
 ++                [ "else" compound ]
 ++                "end"
no_void_after_elseif_check (expression: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
a_then_compound: INSTRUCTION
effective function
 ++ then_compound -> "then" compound
a_then_exp: EXPRESSION
effective function
 ++ then_exp -> "then" expression
a_old_creation: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ old_creation -> "!"[type_mark]"!"
 ++                 ["." procedure_name [actuals]]
a_c_inline_c: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ c_inline_c -> "c_inline_c" "(" manifest_string ")"
a_c_inline_h: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ c_inline_h -> "c_inline_h" "(" manifest_string ")"
a_create_instruction: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ create_instruction -> "create" ["{" type "}"] writable
 ++                       ["." procedure_name [actuals]]
a_create_expression: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ create_expression -> "create" "{" type "}" ["." procedure_name [actuals]]
a_creation_clause (sp: POSITION, with_clients: BOOLEAN): CREATION_CLAUSE
effective function
 ++ creation_clause -> [clients] [comment] feature_list
a_convert_clause (sp: POSITION)
effective procedure
 ++ convert_clause -> {feature_name conversion_clause ...}
effective procedure
 ++ conversion_clause -> conversion_procedure |
 ++                      conversion_query
a_conversion_procedure: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ conversion_procedure -> '(' conversion_list ')'
a_conversion_query: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ conversion_query -> ':' conversion_list
a_debug: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ debug -> "debug" "(" {manifest_string "," ...} ")"
 ++                  compound "end"
a_expression: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ expression -> "<<" { expression "," ... } ">>" |
 ++               e1 r1
effective function
 ++ e1 -> e2 r2
effective function
 ++ e2 -> e3 r3
effective function
 ++ e3 -> e4 r4
effective function
 ++ e4 -> e5 r5
effective function
 ++ e5 -> e6 r6
effective function
 ++ e6 -> e7 r7
effective function
 ++ e7 -> e8 r8
effective function
 ++ e8 -> "not" e8 |
 ++       "+" e8 |
 ++       "-" e8 |
 ++       free_operator e8 !
 ++       e9
effective function
 ++ e9 -> e10 |
 ++       "old" e10
a_e10: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ e10 -> "(" expression ")" r10 |
 ++       "[" {Expression "," ...} "]" |
 ++       "True" | "False" |
 ++       "?" |
 ++       character_constant |
 ++       manifest_string |
 ++       manifest_or_type_test |
 ++       "Precursor" ["{" type_mark "}"] [actuals] r10 |
 ++       "agent" expression |
 ++       "Result" r10 |
 ++       "Current" r10 |
 ++       "Void" r10 |
 ++       local_variable r10 |
 ++       argument r10 |
 ++       identifier ?:= expression
 ++       function_call r10 |
++        a_condition_exp r10
inline_agent_counter: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
once function
effective function
a_inline_agent: FEATURE_TEXT
effective function
 ++ inline_agent -> formal_arg_list
 ++                 [":" type]
 ++                 "is" routine
inline_agent_no_name: FEATURE_NAME
once function
a_external: FEATURE_TEXT
effective function
 ++ external -> "<external-specification>" external_name
 ++ external_name -> ["alias" manifest_string]
a_external_specification: NATIVE
effective function
a_external_name: MANIFEST_STRING
effective function
a_feature_name_list: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ feature_name_list -> {feature_name "," ...}
Gives True when list is not empty.
a_feature_name: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ feature_name -> prefix |
 ++                 infix |
 ++                 simple_feature_name
effective procedure
 ++ feature_clause -> [clients] [comment] feature_declaration_list
a_possibly_frozen_feature_name: BOOLEAN
effective function
a_feature_declaration: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ feature_declaration -> {["frozen"] feature_name "," ...}+
 ++                        formal_arg_list
 ++                        [":" type]
 ++                        ["is" "unique" |
 ++                         "is" manifest_constant |
 ++                         "is" routine]
effective procedure
effective procedure
 ++ formal_generic_list -> ["[" {formal_generic "," ...} "]"]
 ++ formal_generic -> class_text_name ["->" static_type_mark]
a_function_call: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ function_call -> [actuals] r10 |
 ++                   ^
a_index_clause (a_indexingable: INDEXINGABLE, a_spec: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ index_clause -> [identifier ":"] {index_value "," ...}+
  • a_indexingable /= Void
a_index_value: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ index_value -> identifier | manifest_constant
a_indexing (a_indexingable: INDEXINGABLE, a_spec: STRING)
effective procedure
 ++ indexing -> "indexing" {index_clause ";" ...}
a_infix: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ infix -> "infix" """ binary """
 ++          "infix" """ free_operator """
a_inspect: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ inspect -> "inspect" expression
 ++            {when_part ...}
 ++            ["else" compound]
 ++            "end"
a_instruction: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ instruction -> check | debug | conditional | retry |
 ++                inspect | loop | old_creation |
 ++                c_inline_c | c_inline_h |
 ++                create_instruction |
 ++                assignment_or_procedure_call [":=" expression ]
 ++                expression [":=" expression ]
eiffel_parser_stamp: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
a_loop: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ loop -> "from" compound
 ++         ["invariant"] assertion
 ++         ["variant" [identifier ":"] expression]
 ++         "until" expression
 ++         "loop" compound
 ++         "end"
effective procedure
 ++ new_export_list -> ["export" {new_export_item ";" ...}]
 ++ new_export_item -> clients "all" |
 ++                    clients feature_list
effective procedure
 ++ inherit_text -> ["external" ***]
 ++                 ["inherit" {parent ";" ...}]
 ++                 ["insert" {parent ";" ...} ]
a_parent_edge (is_insert_flag: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ parent -> static_type_mark
 ++           ["rename" rename_list]
 ++           new_export_list
 ++           ["undefine" feature_name_list]
 ++           ["redefine" feature_name_list]
 ++           ["end"]
effective function
 ++ alias -> "alias" """ unary """
 ++          "alias" """ free_operator """
a_prefix: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ prefix -> "prefix" """ unary """
 ++           "prefix" """ free_operator """
a_procedure_call: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ procedure_call -> [actuals] r10 |
 ++                   ^
effective procedure
 ++ rename_list -> {rename_pair "," ...}
a_rename_pair: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ rename_pair -> identifier "as" identifier
a_routine (expect_routine: BOOLEAN): FEATURE_TEXT
effective function
 ++ routine -> [indexing]
 ++            ["obsolete" manifest_string]
 ++            ["require" ["else"] assertion]
 ++            ["local" entity_declaration_list]
 ++            routine_body
 ++            ["ensure" ["then"] assertion]
 ++            ["rescue" compound]
 ++            "end"
  • expect_routine implies Result /= Void
a_routine_body (expected: BOOLEAN): FEATURE_TEXT
effective function
 ++ routine_body -> "deferred" |
 ++                 "external" external |
 ++                 "do" compound ( "then" expression )?
 ++                 "once" compound ( "then" expression )? |
 ++                 "attribute"
  • expected implies Result /= Void
a_r1 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r1 -> "implies" e1 r1 |
 ++       ^
a_r2 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r2 -> "or else" e2 r2 |
 ++       "or" e2 r2 |
 ++       "xor" e2 r2 |
 ++       ^
a_r3 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r3 -> "and then" e3 r3 |
 ++       "and" e3 r3 |
 ++       ^
a_r4 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r4 -> "=" e4 r4 |
 ++       "/=" e4 r4 |
 ++       "<=" e4 r4 |
 ++       "<" e4 r4 |
 ++       ">=" e4 r4 |
 ++       ">" e4 r4 |
 ++       ^
  • left_part /= Void
a_r5 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r5 -> "+" e5 r5 |
 ++       "-" e5 r5 |
 ++       ^
a_r6 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r6 -> "*" e6 r6 |
 ++       "//" e6 r6 |
 ++       "\\" e6 r6 |
 ++       "/" e6 r6 |
 ++       ^
a_r7 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r7 -> "^" e7 r7 |
 ++       ^
a_r8 (left_part: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
 ++ r8 -> free_operator e8 r8 |
 ++       ^
effective function
 ++ r10 -> "."
after_a_dot |
 ++        "(" alias_parentheses |
 ++        "[" alias_brackets |
 ++        ^
a_tag_mark: BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ tag_mark -> identifier ":"
a_type_mark (for_client_list: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ type_mark -> static_type_mark |
 ++              formal_generic_type_mark |
 ++              "like" "Current" |
 ++              "like" feature_name |
 ++              "like" argument |
 ++              "separate" static_type_mark
effective function
Initialize a new one at line l and column c.
  • l >= 1
  • c >= 1
valid_parent_edge_type_check (type_mark: TYPE_MARK)
effective procedure
Check that no anchored type are used.
  • type_mark /= Void
inside_function_precursor_check (exp: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
a_unary (sp: POSITION): BOOLEAN
effective function
 ++ unary -> "not" | "+" | "-"
a_when_part (manifest_string_flag: INTEGER_32, when_clause: WHEN_CLAUSE): INTEGER_32
effective function
 ++ when_part -> "when" {when_part_item "," ...}
then compound
 ++ when_part_item -> constant ".." constant |
 ++                   constant
 ++ constant -> character_constant | integer_constant | identifier
  • manifest_string_flag.in_range(-1, 1)
  • valid_manifest_string_flag: Result = -1 or else Result = 1
a_writable: BOOLEAN
effective function
Which is Result, some local variable or some writable attribute name.
The Result is made available in last_expression
mandatory_writable: EXPRESSION
effective function
Skip and return the writable which is mandatory here.
  • Result /= Void
effective function
  • t /= Void
effective function
a_ordinary_feature_name_or_local_name: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is there some name here which looks like an ordinary feature name or which looks like an ordinary local variable name (Result is not an ordinary local name).
If such a name is detected, the corresponding identifier is made available in token_buffer.
a_non_allowed_very_strange_identifier: BOOLEAN
effective function
Is there some name here which looks like a very strange identifier (not a_ordinary_feature_name_or_local_name and not a_class_name and not a keyword).
If such a weird name is detected, the corresponding identifier is made available in the token_buffer. The current_position is never changed whatever the Result. In case of a True Result, the error_handler is automatically preloaded with the beginning of the error message.
show_nb (nb: INTEGER_32, tail: STRING)
effective procedure
tmp_feature: TMP_FEATURE
writable attribute
once function
err_exp (sp: POSITION, prefix_flag: BOOLEAN, operator: STRING)
effective procedure
When an error occurs in the right hand side of some operator.
expression_with_comment (e: EXPRESSION): EXPRESSION
effective function
There is some following comment, e may be wrapped inside some EXPRESSION_WITH_COMMENT object.
unknown_external_language (external_tag: MANIFEST_STRING)
effective procedure
effective procedure
create_infix_prefix (freeop: INTEGER_8, l: INTEGER_32, c: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
anchored_creation_check (type: TYPE_MARK)
effective procedure
void_current_comparison_check (e1: EXPRESSION, e2: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
  • e1 /= Void
  • e2 /= Void
void_current_comparison_check_ (e1: EXPRESSION, e2: EXPRESSION)
effective procedure
a_precursor_type_mark (sp: POSITION): TYPE_MARK
effective function
To continue the work after the first '{'.
  • Result /= Void
a_keyword_precursor: BOOLEAN
effective function
no_static_simplify: BOOLEAN
once function
static_simplify (expression: EXPRESSION): EXPRESSION
effective function
  • expression /= Void
  • Result /= Void
manifest_just_after_a_dot (sign_flag: CHARACTER, do_instruction: BOOLEAN, target: EXPRESSION): BOOLEAN
effective function
  • target /= Void
a_keyword_void: BOOLEAN
effective function
a_keyword_result: BOOLEAN
effective function
a_keyword_current: BOOLEAN
effective function
a_keyword_true: BOOLEAN
effective function
a_keyword_false: BOOLEAN
effective function
no_void_check (expression: EXPRESSION, msg: STRING)
effective procedure
  • expression /= Void
  • msg /= Void
effective procedure
unused_tmp_features: STACK[TMP_FEATURE]
once function
line: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
Current line number and current column number.
column: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
Current line number and current column number.
current_line: STRING
writable attribute
Current line string of text.
writable attribute
Current character in the current_line.
end_of_text: CHARACTER
is '%/0/'
constant attribute
Flag of the end of the text.
last_manifest_string: MANIFEST_STRING
writable attribute
S_somewhere_inside_manifest_string: INTEGER_8
is 0
constant attribute
S_just_after_a_percent_character: INTEGER_8
is 1
constant attribute
S_extended_form_at_end_of_line: INTEGER_8
is 2
constant attribute
S_extended_form_at_beginning_of_line: INTEGER_8
is 3
constant attribute
S_inside_ascii_code_after_slash: INTEGER_8
is 4
constant attribute
S_inside_ascii_code_after_slash_0x: INTEGER_8
is 5
constant attribute
S_inside_unicode_after_slash_ux: INTEGER_8
is 6
constant attribute
S_after_multiline_open_square: INTEGER_8
is 7
constant attribute
S_after_multiline_open_curly: INTEGER_8
is 8
constant attribute
S_inside_multiline_closing: INTEGER_8
is 9
constant attribute
S_end_of_correct_manifest_string: INTEGER_8
is 10
constant attribute
S_error_in_manifest_string: INTEGER_8
is 11
constant attribute
a_manifest_string (skip_comments_flag: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
effective function
buffer: STRING
once function
unicode_string_buffer: UNICODE_STRING
once function
go_back_at (l: INTEGER_32, c: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
Go back to some existing line l, and column c.
  • l >= 1
  • c >= 1
last_comment: COMMENT
writable attribute
Void or waiting comment.
drop_comments: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
When objects COMMENT are not necessary.
skipped_new_line: BOOLEAN
writable attribute
True when the last skip_comments skipped a new-line
effective procedure
Skip separators and comments if any.
Unless drop_comments, comments are stored in last_comment.
effective procedure
start_line: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
To store beginning position of : a_keyword, a_integer, a_real, skip1, skip2 and skip1unless2.
start_column: INTEGER_32
writable attribute
To store beginning position of : a_keyword, a_integer, a_real, skip1, skip2 and skip1unless2.
a_keyword (keyword: STRING): BOOLEAN
effective function
Look for a keyword beginning strictly at current position, then, skip_comment is automatically called.
A keyword is never followed by a character of this set: {'A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_'}.
  • keyword.count >= 1
  • not keyword.has('%N')
skip1 (char: CHARACTER): BOOLEAN
effective function
current_position: POSITION
effective function
once function
Last Comment String.
token_buffer: TOKEN_BUFFER
writable attribute
The temporary buffer for some name.
is "Underscore in fractional part must group 3 digits."
constant attribute
is "Right hand side expression of := assignment expected here."
constant attribute
is "Index value expected ("indexing ...")."
constant attribute
is "Error in inspect."
constant attribute
is "Added missing ","."
constant attribute
is "Added missing ";"."
constant attribute
is "Unexpected new line in manifest string."
constant attribute
em10: STRING
is "Right hand side expression of ::= assignment expected here."
constant attribute
em11: STRING
is "Bad clients list."
constant attribute
em12: STRING
is "Deleted extra comma."
constant attribute
em13: STRING
is "Deleted extra separator."
constant attribute
em14: STRING
is "Variable `Result' is valid only inside a function."
constant attribute
em16: STRING
is "Type mark expected."
constant attribute
em17: STRING
is "Unexpected character."
constant attribute
em18: STRING
is "Deleted useless keyword."
constant attribute
em19: STRING
is "Added missing brackets to enclose the previous "once" manifest STRING."
constant attribute
em20: STRING
is "Right hand side expression of ?= assignment expected here."
constant attribute
em21: STRING
is "Expression expected after assignment test "?:="."
constant attribute
em22: STRING
is "Bad creation/create (writable expected)."
constant attribute
em23: STRING
is "Bad creation/create (procedure name expected)."
constant attribute
em24: STRING
is "Deleted extra semi-colon."
constant attribute
em26: STRING
is "Same identifier appears twice (local/formal)."
constant attribute
em26_2: STRING
is "Same identifier appears twice (local/closure)."
constant attribute
em27: STRING
is "Added missing "("."
constant attribute
em28: STRING
is "Added missing ")"."
constant attribute
em29: STRING
is "Added missing ":"."
constant attribute
em30: STRING
is "Expected "[" (to start generic argument list)."
constant attribute
em31: STRING
is "Expected "]" (to finish generic argument list)."
constant attribute
em32: STRING
is "Type mark expected."
constant attribute
em34: STRING
is "Bad agent (call expected)."
constant attribute
em36: STRING
is "Closing "}" expected."
constant attribute
em37: STRING
is "Unknown special character."
constant attribute
em38: STRING
is "Unexpected character in decimal ascii code."
constant attribute
em39: STRING
is "Bad (empty?) ascii code."
constant attribute
em40: STRING
is "Decimal CHARACTER code out of range."
constant attribute
em41: STRING
is "Error inside multi-line manifest string."
constant attribute
em42: STRING
is "Extra blank or tab character removed in multi-line manifest string."
constant attribute
em43: STRING
is "Invalid free operator (the last character must be a member of this +-*/\=<>@#|& character list.)."
constant attribute
em44: STRING
is "Invalid free operator. (This character cannot be used.)"
constant attribute
em45: STRING
is "Unexpected character in hexadecimal ascii code."
constant attribute
em46: STRING
is "Unexpected character in hexadecimal unicode."
constant attribute
Maximum_character_code: INTEGER_16
Largest supported code for CHARACTER values.
  • meaningful: Result >= 127
Maximum_integer_8: INTEGER_8
is 127
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_8.
Maximum_integer_16: INTEGER_16
is 32767
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_16.
Maximum_integer: INTEGER_32
is 2147483647
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Maximum_integer_32: INTEGER_32
is 2147483647
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Maximum_integer_64: INTEGER_64
is 9223372036854775807
constant attribute
Largest supported value of type INTEGER_64.
Maximum_real_32: REAL_32
is {REAL_32 3.4028234663852885981170418348451692544e+38}
constant attribute
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL_32.
Maximum_real: REAL_64
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: 1.79769313486231570....e+308
Maximum_real_64: REAL_64
Largest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: 1.79769313486231570....e+308
Maximum_real_80: REAL_EXTENDED
Largest supported value of type REAL_80.
Minimum_character_code: INTEGER_16
Smallest supported code for CHARACTER values.
  • meaningful: Result <= 0
Minimum_integer_8: INTEGER_8
is -128
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_8.
Minimum_integer_16: INTEGER_16
is -32768
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_16.
Minimum_integer: INTEGER_32
is -2147483648
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Minimum_integer_32: INTEGER_32
is -2147483648
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER/INTEGER_32.
Minimum_integer_64: INTEGER_64
is -9223372036854775808
constant attribute
Smallest supported value of type INTEGER_64.
Minimum_real_32: REAL_32
is {REAL_32 -3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38}
constant attribute
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL_32.
Minimum_real: REAL_64
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: -1.79769313486231570....e+308
Minimum_real_64: REAL_64
Smallest non-special (no NaNs nor infinity) supported value of type REAL.
Just to give an idea of this value: -1.79769313486231570....e+308
Minimum_real_80: REAL_64
Smallest supported value of type REAL_80.
  • meaningful: Result <= 0.0
Boolean_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type BOOLEAN.
  • meaningful: Result >= 1
Character_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type CHARACTER.
Integer_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type INTEGER.
  • integer_definition: Result = 32
Real_bits: INTEGER_32
is 64
constant attribute
Number of bits in a value of type REAL.
Pointer_bits: INTEGER_32
Number of bits in a value of type POINTER.
smart_eiffel: SMART_EIFFEL
once function
eiffel_parser: EIFFEL_PARSER
once function
ace: ACE
once function
ini_parser: INI_PARSER
once function
plugin_config: INI_PARSER
once function
error_handler: ERROR_HANDLER
once function
string_aliaser: STRING_ALIASER
once function
once function
pretty_printer: PRETTY_PRINTER
once function
mini_buffer: MINI_BUFFER
once function
nb_errors: INTEGER_32
effective function
  • Result >= 0
system_tools: SYSTEM_TOOLS
once function
introspection_handler: INTROSPECTION_HANDLER
once function
assignment_test_pool: ASSIGNMENT_TEST_POOL
once function
precomputable_routine_detector: PRECOMPUTABLE_ROUTINE_DETECTOR
once function
feature_accumulator: FEATURE_ACCUMULATOR
once function
live_type_extra_collectors: FAST_ARRAY[LIVE_TYPE_EXTRA_COLLECTOR]
once function
is_launcher: BOOLEAN
effective function
If True, the clusters list will not be retrieved (it means that the tool is only used to start other tools; it does not load classes itself)
effective procedure
is_launcher_memory: REFERENCE[BOOLEAN]
once function
parser_buffer: PARSER_BUFFER
once function
id_provider: ID_PROVIDER
once function
manifest_string_pool: MANIFEST_STRING_POOL
once function
manifest_generic_pool: MANIFEST_GENERIC_POOL
once function
once_routine_pool: ONCE_ROUTINE_POOL
once function
agent_pool: AGENT_POOL
once function
cecil_pool: CECIL_POOL
effective function
cecil_pool_memory: REFERENCE[CECIL_POOL]
once function
once procedure
short_printer: SHORT_PRINTER
once function
echo: ECHO
once function
assignment_handler: ASSIGNMENT_HANDLER
once function
thread_pool: THREAD_POOL
once function
exceptions: EXCEPTIONS
writable attribute
exceptions_handler: EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER
once function
nb_warnings: INTEGER_32
effective function
  • Result >= 0
tmp_path: STRING
once function
tmp_file_read: TEXT_FILE_READ
once function
class_any: CLASS_TEXT
once function
omitted_client_list: CLIENT_LIST
once function
(To avoid multiple creation(s).)
any_default_create_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
any_default_rescue_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
any_copy_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
any_is_equal_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
any_deep_twin_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
any_is_deep_equal_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
boolean_and_then_fs: FEATURE_STAMP
once function
manifest_make_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
manifest_put_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
manifest_semicolon_check_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
manifest_initialize_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
calloc_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
once function
item_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
is_empty_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
make_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
from_external_sized_copy_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
count_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
storage_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
capacity_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
storage_lower_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
mark_item_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
mark_native_arrays_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
and_then_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
or_else_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
twin_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
copy_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
is_equal_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
deep_twin_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
deep_twin_from_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
is_deep_equal_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
deep_memcmp_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
se_atexit_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
default_rescue_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
default_create_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
flush_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
clear_all_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
from_pointer_name: HASHED_STRING
once function
no_errors: BOOLEAN
effective function
character_coding (c: CHARACTER, str: STRING)
effective procedure
Append in str the Eiffel coding of the character (Table in chapter 25 of ETL, page 423).%%%%%%%%
When the % letter notation exists, it is returned in priority: '%N' gives "%N", '%T' gives "%T", etc. When % letter notation does not exists (not in the ETL table), numbered coding used ("%/1/", "%/2/" etc).
eiffel_suffix: STRING
is ".e"
constant attribute
Eiffel Source file suffix.
c_suffix: STRING
is ".c"
constant attribute
C files suffix.
h_suffix: STRING
is ".h"
constant attribute
Heading C files suffix.
c_plus_plus_suffix: STRING
is ".cpp"
constant attribute
C++ files suffix.
backup_suffix: STRING
is ".bak"
constant attribute
Backup suffix for command pretty.
class_suffix: STRING
is ".class"
constant attribute
dot_precedence: INTEGER_32
is 12
constant attribute
The highest precedence value according to ETL.
atomic_precedence: INTEGER_32
is 13
constant attribute
Used for atomic elements.
append_u1 (str: STRING, u1: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
append_u2 (str: STRING, u2: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
append_u4 (str: STRING, u4: INTEGER_32)
effective procedure
is_install: BOOLEAN
effective function
effective procedure
install_memory: REFERENCE[BOOLEAN]
once function
unrelated_code: INTEGER_8
is 0
constant attribute
inserts_code: INTEGER_8
is 1
constant attribute
inherits_code: INTEGER_8
is 2
constant attribute
once function
shrink_generic_types: BOOLEAN
effective function
shrink_generic_types_memory: REFERENCE[BOOLEAN]
once function
Set the item to True if you want less generic type duplication
as_any: STRING
is "ANY"
constant attribute
as_array: STRING
is "ARRAY"
constant attribute
as_boolean: STRING
constant attribute
as_character: STRING
constant attribute
as_disposable: STRING
constant attribute
as_exceptions: STRING
constant attribute
as_fixed_array: STRING
constant attribute
as_function: STRING
constant attribute
as_integer_general: STRING
constant attribute
as_integer_8: STRING
is "INTEGER_8"
constant attribute
as_integer_16: STRING
is "INTEGER_16"
constant attribute
as_integer_32: STRING
is "INTEGER_32"
constant attribute
as_integer: STRING
constant attribute
as_integer_64: STRING
is "INTEGER_64"
constant attribute
as_internals: STRING
constant attribute
as_internals_handler: STRING
constant attribute
as_native_array: STRING
constant attribute
as_native_array_collector: STRING
constant attribute
as_native_array_internals: STRING
constant attribute
as_natural: STRING
constant attribute
as_natural_8: STRING
is "NATURAL_8"
constant attribute
as_natural_16: STRING
is "NATURAL_16"
constant attribute
as_natural_32: STRING
is "NATURAL_32"
constant attribute
as_natural_64: STRING
is "NATURAL_64"
constant attribute
as_natural_general: STRING
constant attribute
as_platform: STRING
constant attribute
as_pointer: STRING
constant attribute
as_predicate: STRING
constant attribute
as_procedure: STRING
constant attribute
as_real_general: STRING
constant attribute
as_real_32: STRING
is "REAL_32"
constant attribute
as_real: STRING
is "REAL"
constant attribute
as_real_64: STRING
is "REAL_64"
constant attribute
as_real_80: STRING
is "REAL_80"
constant attribute
as_real_128: STRING
is "REAL_128"
constant attribute
as_real_extended: STRING
constant attribute
as_routine: STRING
constant attribute
as_set: STRING
is "SET"
constant attribute
as_string: STRING
constant attribute
as_text_file_read: STRING
constant attribute
as_text_file_write: STRING
constant attribute
as_thread_context: STRING
constant attribute
as_thread_lock: STRING
constant attribute
as_tuple: STRING
is "TUPLE"
constant attribute
as_type: STRING
is "TYPE"
constant attribute
as_typed_internals: STRING
constant attribute
as_unicode_string: STRING
constant attribute
as_weak_reference: STRING
constant attribute
as_a1: STRING
is "a1"
constant attribute
as_add_last: STRING
is "add_last"
constant attribute
as_agent: STRING
is "agent"
constant attribute
as_allocated_bytes: STRING
is "allocated_bytes"
constant attribute
as_alloc_native_data: STRING
is "alloc_native_data"
constant attribute
as_as_16_ne: STRING
is "as_16_ne"
constant attribute
as_as_32_ne: STRING
is "as_32_ne"
constant attribute
as_atan2: STRING
is "atan2"
constant attribute
as_blank: STRING
is "blank"
constant attribute
as_bit_clear: STRING
is "bit_clear"
constant attribute
as_bit_put: STRING
is "bit_put"
constant attribute
as_bit_rotate: STRING
is "bit_rotate"
constant attribute
as_bit_set: STRING
is "bit_set"
constant attribute
as_bit_xor: STRING
is "bit_xor"
constant attribute
as_boolean_bits: STRING
is "Boolean_bits"
constant attribute
as_call: STRING
is "call"
constant attribute
as_calloc: STRING
is "calloc"
constant attribute
as_capacity: STRING
is "capacity"
constant attribute
as_ceiling: STRING
is "ceiling"
constant attribute
as_character_bits: STRING
is "Character_bits"
constant attribute
as_clear_all: STRING
is "clear_all"
constant attribute
as_count: STRING
is "count"
constant attribute
as_code: STRING
is "code"
constant attribute
as_collecting: STRING
is "collecting"
constant attribute
as_collection_off: STRING
is "collection_off"
constant attribute
as_collection_on: STRING
is "collection_on"
constant attribute
as_collector_counter: STRING
is "collector_counter"
constant attribute
as_copy: STRING
is "copy"
constant attribute
as_c_inline_c: STRING
is "c_inline_c"
constant attribute
as_c_inline_h: STRING
is "c_inline_h"
constant attribute
as_default_create: STRING
is "default_create"
constant attribute
as_default_rescue: STRING
is "default_rescue"
constant attribute
as_deep_memcmp: STRING
is "deep_memcmp"
constant attribute
as_deep_twin: STRING
is "deep_twin"
constant attribute
as_deep_twin_from: STRING
is "deep_twin_from"
constant attribute
as_dispose: STRING
is "dispose"
constant attribute
as_die_with_code: STRING
is "die_with_code"
constant attribute
as_element_sizeof: STRING
is "element_sizeof"
constant attribute
as_exception: STRING
is "exception"
constant attribute
as_for_object: STRING
is "for_object"
constant attribute
as_type_can_be_assigned_to_attribute: STRING
is "type_can_be_assigned_to_attribute"
constant attribute
as_type_can_be_assigned_to_item: STRING
is "type_can_be_assigned_to_item"
constant attribute
as_type_attribute_count: STRING
is "type_attribute_count"
constant attribute
as_type_attribute_generator: STRING
is "type_attribute_generator"
constant attribute
as_type_attribute_generating_type: STRING
is "type_attribute_generating_type"
constant attribute
as_type_attribute_is_expanded: STRING
is "type_attribute_is_expanded"
constant attribute
as_type_attribute_name: STRING
is "type_attribute_name"
constant attribute
as_fifth: STRING
is "fifth"
constant attribute
as_first: STRING
is "first"
constant attribute
as_floor: STRING
is "floor"
constant attribute
as_flush: STRING
is "flush"
constant attribute
as_fourth: STRING
is "fourth"
constant attribute
as_force_to_integer_16: STRING
is "force_to_integer_16"
constant attribute
as_force_to_integer_32: STRING
is "force_to_integer_32"
constant attribute
as_force_to_integer_64: STRING
is "force_to_integer_64"
constant attribute
as_force_to_natural_16: STRING
is "force_to_natural_16"
constant attribute
as_force_to_natural_32: STRING
is "force_to_natural_32"
constant attribute
as_force_to_natural_64: STRING
is "force_to_natural_64"
constant attribute
as_force_to_real_32: STRING
is "force_to_real_32"
constant attribute
as_force_to_real_64: STRING
is "force_to_real_64"
constant attribute
as_free_native_data: STRING
is "free_native_data"
constant attribute
as_from_external_sized_copy: STRING
is "from_external_sized_copy"
constant attribute
as_from_pointer: STRING
is "from_pointer"
constant attribute
as_full_collect: STRING
is "full_collect"
constant attribute
as_generating_type: STRING
is "generating_type"
constant attribute
as_generator: STRING
is "generator"
constant attribute
as_io: STRING
is "io"
constant attribute
as_integer_bits: STRING
is "Integer_bits"
constant attribute
as_internals_from_generating_type: STRING
is "internals_from_generating_type"
constant attribute
as_is_basic_expanded_type: STRING
is "is_basic_expanded_type"
constant attribute
as_is_deep_equal: STRING
is "is_deep_equal"
constant attribute
as_is_equal: STRING
is "is_equal"
constant attribute
as_do_at_exit: STRING
is "do_at_exit"
constant attribute
as_is_empty: STRING
is "is_empty"
constant attribute
as_is_finished: STRING
is "is_finished"
constant attribute
as_is_infinity: STRING
is "is_infinity"
constant attribute
as_is_locked: STRING
is "is_locked"
constant attribute
as_is_normal: STRING
is "is_normal"
constant attribute
as_is_not_a_number: STRING
is "is_not_a_number"
constant attribute
as_is_not_null: STRING
is "is_not_null"
constant attribute
as_is_started: STRING
is "is_started"
constant attribute
as_is_subnormal: STRING
is "is_subnormal"
constant attribute
as_item: STRING
is "item"
constant attribute
as_last: STRING
is "last"
constant attribute
as_lock: STRING
is "lock"
constant attribute
as_lower: STRING
is "lower"
constant attribute
as_low_8: STRING
is "low_8"
constant attribute
as_low_16: STRING
is "low_16"
constant attribute
as_low_32: STRING
is "low_32"
constant attribute
as_native_array_internals_from_generating_type: STRING
is "native_array_internals_from_generating_type"
constant attribute
as_make: STRING
is "make"
constant attribute
as_make_blank: STRING
is "make_blank"
constant attribute
as_mark_item: STRING
is "mark_item"
constant attribute
as_mark_native_arrays: STRING
is "mark_native_arrays"
constant attribute
as_minimum_character_code: STRING
is "Minimum_character_code"
constant attribute
as_minimum_double: STRING
is "Minimum_double"
constant attribute
as_minimum_real: STRING
is "Minimum_real"
constant attribute
as_manifest_creation: STRING
is "manifest_creation"
constant attribute
as_manifest_initialize: STRING
is "manifest_initialize"
constant attribute
as_manifest_make: STRING
is "manifest_make"
constant attribute
as_manifest_put: STRING
is "manifest_put"
constant attribute
as_manifest_semicolon_check: STRING
is "manifest_semicolon_check"
constant attribute
as_maximum_character_code: STRING
is "Maximum_character_code"
constant attribute
as_maximum_double: STRING
is "Maximum_double"
constant attribute
as_maximum_real: STRING
is "Maximum_real"
constant attribute
as_native_data: STRING
is "native_data"
constant attribute
as_notify: STRING
is "notify"
constant attribute
as_notify_all: STRING
is "notify_all"
constant attribute
as_object_as_pointer: STRING
is "object_as_pointer"
constant attribute
as_object_attribute: STRING
is "object_attribute"
constant attribute
as_object_invariant: STRING
is "object_invariant"
constant attribute
as_object_memory: STRING
is "object_memory"
constant attribute
as_object_size: STRING
is "object_size"
constant attribute
as_pointer_bits: STRING
is "Pointer_bits"
constant attribute
as_pow_postfix: STRING
is "pow"
constant attribute
as_print: STRING
is "print"
constant attribute
as_print_on: STRING
is "print_on"
constant attribute
as_print_run_time_stack: STRING
is "print_run_time_stack"
constant attribute
as_put: STRING
is "put"
constant attribute
as_put_0: STRING
is "put_0"
constant attribute
as_put_1: STRING
is "put_1"
constant attribute
as_put_16_be: STRING
is "put_16_be"
constant attribute
as_put_16_le: STRING
is "put_16_le"
constant attribute
as_put_16_ne: STRING
is "put_16_ne"
constant attribute
as_put_32_be: STRING
is "put_32_be"
constant attribute
as_put_32_le: STRING
is "put_32_le"
constant attribute
as_put_32_ne: STRING
is "put_32_ne"
constant attribute
as_raise_exception: STRING
is "raise_exception"
constant attribute
as_real_bits: STRING
is "Real_bits"
constant attribute
as_realloc: STRING
is "realloc"
constant attribute
as_rounded: STRING
is "rounded"
constant attribute
as_run: STRING
is "run"
constant attribute
as_same_dynamic_type: STRING
is "same_dynamic_type"
constant attribute
as_second: STRING
is "second"
constant attribute
as_se_argc: STRING
is "se_argc"
constant attribute
as_se_argv: STRING
is "se_argv"
constant attribute
as_se_atexit: STRING
is "se_atexit"
constant attribute
as_se_fault: STRING
is "se_fault"
constant attribute
as_sedb_breakpoint: STRING
is "sedb_breakpoint"
constant attribute
as_set_item: STRING
is "set_item"
constant attribute
as_set_object_attribute: STRING
is "set_object_attribute"
constant attribute
as_signal_number: STRING
is "signal_number"
constant attribute
as_slice_copy: STRING
is "slice_copy"
constant attribute
as_standard_copy: STRING
is "standard_copy"
constant attribute
as_standard_is_equal: STRING
is "standard_is_equal"
constant attribute
as_standard_twin: STRING
is "standard_twin"
constant attribute
as_status: STRING
is "status"
constant attribute
as_std_error: STRING
is "std_error"
constant attribute
as_std_input: STRING
is "std_input"
constant attribute
as_std_output: STRING
is "std_output"
constant attribute
as_stderr: STRING
is "stderr"
constant attribute
as_stdin: STRING
is "stdin"
constant attribute
as_stdout: STRING
is "stdout"
constant attribute
as_storage: STRING
is "storage"
constant attribute
as_storage_lower: STRING
is "storage_lower"
constant attribute
as_third: STRING
is "third"
constant attribute
as_timed_wait: STRING
is "timed_wait"
constant attribute
as_to_character: STRING
is "to_character"
constant attribute
as_to_integer_8: STRING
is "to_integer_8"
constant attribute
as_to_integer_16: STRING
is "to_integer_16"
constant attribute
as_to_integer_32: STRING
is "to_integer_32"
constant attribute
as_to_integer_64: STRING
is "to_integer_64"
constant attribute
as_to_internals: STRING
is "to_internals"
constant attribute
as_to_natural_8: STRING
is "to_natural_8"
constant attribute
as_to_natural_16: STRING
is "to_natural_16"
constant attribute
as_to_natural_32: STRING
is "to_natural_32"
constant attribute
as_to_natural_64: STRING
is "to_natural_64"
constant attribute
as_to_pointer: STRING
is "to_pointer"
constant attribute
as_trace_switch: STRING
is "trace_switch"
constant attribute
as_twin: STRING
is "twin"
constant attribute
as_type_generating_type: STRING
is "type_generating_type"
constant attribute
as_type_generator: STRING
is "type_generator"
constant attribute
as_type_is_expanded: STRING
is "type_is_expanded"
constant attribute
as_type_item_generating_type: STRING
is "type_item_generating_type"
constant attribute
as_type_item_generator: STRING
is "type_item_generator"
constant attribute
as_type_item_is_expanded: STRING
is "type_item_is_expanded"
constant attribute
as_unlock: STRING
is "unlock"
constant attribute
as_upper: STRING
is "upper"
constant attribute
as_valid_generating_type_for_internals: STRING
is "valid_generating_type_for_internals"
constant attribute
as_valid_generating_type_for_native_array_internals: STRING
is "valid_generating_type_for_native_array_internals"
constant attribute
as_wait: STRING
is "wait"
constant attribute
as_with_capacity: STRING
is "with_capacity"
constant attribute
as_and: STRING
is "and"
constant attribute
as_and_then: STRING
is "and then"
constant attribute
as_at: STRING
is "@"
constant attribute
as_backslash_backslash: STRING
is "\\"
constant attribute
as_bit_and: STRING
is "&"
constant attribute
as_bit_not: STRING
is "~"
constant attribute
as_bit_or: STRING
is "|"
constant attribute
as_bit_rotate_left: STRING
is "#<<"
constant attribute
as_bit_rotate_right: STRING
is "#>>"
constant attribute
as_bit_shift_right_unsigned: STRING
is "|>>>"
constant attribute
as_brackets: STRING
is "[]"
constant attribute
as_eq: STRING
is "="
constant attribute
as_ge: STRING
is ">="
constant attribute
as_gt: STRING
is ">"
constant attribute
as_implies: STRING
is "implies"
constant attribute
as_le: STRING
is "<="
constant attribute
as_lt: STRING
is "<"
constant attribute
as_minus: STRING
is "-"
constant attribute
as_muls: STRING
is "*"
constant attribute
as_neq: STRING
is "/="
constant attribute
as_not: STRING
is "not"
constant attribute
as_or: STRING
is "or"
constant attribute
as_or_else: STRING
is "or else"
constant attribute
as_parentheses: STRING
is "()"
constant attribute
as_plus: STRING
is "+"
constant attribute
as_pow: STRING
is "^"
constant attribute
as_sharp_backslash_backslash: STRING
is "#\\"
constant attribute
as_sharp_minus: STRING
is "#-"
constant attribute
as_sharp_muls: STRING
is "#*"
constant attribute
as_sharp_plus: STRING
is "#+"
constant attribute
as_sharp_slash_slash: STRING
is "#//"
constant attribute
as_bit_shift_left: STRING
is "|<<"
constant attribute
as_bit_shift_right: STRING
is "|>>"
constant attribute
as_slash: STRING
is "/"
constant attribute
as_slash_slash: STRING
is "//"
constant attribute
as_xor: STRING
is "xor"
constant attribute
as_arguments: STRING
is "arguments"
constant attribute
as_current: STRING
is "Current"
constant attribute
as_native_array_character: STRING
constant attribute
as_last_result: STRING
is "last_result"
constant attribute
as_like_current: STRING
is "like Current"
constant attribute
as_method: STRING
is "method"
constant attribute
as_open_arguments: STRING
is "open_arguments"
constant attribute
as_open_argument_indices: STRING
is "open_argument_indices"
constant attribute
as_open_argument_index: STRING
is "open_argument_index"
constant attribute
as_open_argument_count: STRING
is "open_argument_count"
constant attribute
as_precursor: STRING
is "Precursor"
constant attribute
as_result: STRING
is "Result"
constant attribute
as_target: STRING
is "target"
constant attribute
as_void: STRING
is "Void"
constant attribute
fz_adapt: STRING
is "adapt"
constant attribute
fz_alias: STRING
is "alias"
constant attribute
fz_all: STRING
is "all"
constant attribute
fz_as: STRING
is "as"
constant attribute
fz_assertion: STRING
is "assertion"
constant attribute
fz_assertion_flat_check: STRING
is "assertion_flat_check"
constant attribute
fz_assign: STRING
is "assign"
constant attribute
fz_begin_c_compile: STRING
is "# Beginning of parallelizable section"
constant attribute
fz_boost: STRING
is "boost"
constant attribute
fz_check: STRING
is "check"
constant attribute
fz_class: STRING
is "class"
constant attribute
fz_cluster: STRING
is "cluster"
constant attribute
fz_convert: STRING
is "convert"
constant attribute
fz_create: STRING
is "create"
constant attribute
fz_creation: STRING
is "creation"
constant attribute
fz_debug: STRING
is "debug"
constant attribute
fz_default: STRING
is "default"
constant attribute
fz_deferred: STRING
is "deferred"
constant attribute
fz_do: STRING
is "do"
constant attribute
fz_else: STRING
is "else"
constant attribute
fz_elseif: STRING
is "elseif"
constant attribute
fz_end: STRING
is "end"
constant attribute
fz_end_c_compile: STRING
is "# End of parallelizable section"
constant attribute
fz_ensure: STRING
is "ensure"
constant attribute
fz_exclude: STRING
is "exclude"
constant attribute
fz_expanded: STRING
is "expanded"
constant attribute
fz_export: STRING
is "export"
constant attribute
fz_external: STRING
is "external"
constant attribute
fz_false: STRING
is "False"
constant attribute
fz_feature: STRING
is "feature"
constant attribute
fz_from: STRING
is "from"
constant attribute
fz_frozen: STRING
is "frozen"
constant attribute
fz_generate: STRING
is "generate"
constant attribute
fz_if: STRING
is "if"
constant attribute
fz_include: STRING
is "include"
constant attribute
fz_indexing: STRING
is "indexing"
constant attribute
fz_infix: STRING
is "infix"
constant attribute
fz_inherit: STRING
is "inherit"
constant attribute
fz_insert: STRING
is "insert"
constant attribute
fz_inline: STRING
is "inline"
constant attribute
fz_inspect: STRING
is "inspect"
constant attribute
fz_invariant: STRING
is "invariant"
constant attribute
fz_is: STRING
is "is"
constant attribute
fz_like: STRING
is "like"
constant attribute
fz_local: STRING
is "local"
constant attribute
fz_loop: STRING
is "loop"
constant attribute
fz_no: STRING
is "no"
constant attribute
fz_note: STRING
is "note"
constant attribute
fz_obsolete: STRING
is "obsolete"
constant attribute
fz_old: STRING
is "old"
constant attribute
fz_once: STRING
is "once"
constant attribute
fz_option: STRING
is "option"
constant attribute
fz_prefix: STRING
is "prefix"
constant attribute
fz_redefine: STRING
is "redefine"
constant attribute
fz_rename: STRING
is "rename"
constant attribute
fz_require: STRING
is "require"
constant attribute
fz_rescue: STRING
is "rescue"
constant attribute
fz_retry: STRING
is "retry"
constant attribute
fz_runtime: STRING
is "runtime"
constant attribute
fz_separate: STRING
is "separate"
constant attribute
fz_reference: STRING
is "reference"
constant attribute
fz_then: STRING
is "then"
constant attribute
fz_trace: STRING
is "trace"
constant attribute
fz_true: STRING
is "True"
constant attribute
fz_undefine: STRING
is "undefine"
constant attribute
fz_unique: STRING
is "unique"
constant attribute
fz_until: STRING
is "until"
constant attribute
fz_use: STRING
is "use"
constant attribute
fz_variant: STRING
is "variant"
constant attribute
fz_when: STRING
is "when"
constant attribute
fz_yes: STRING
is "yes"
constant attribute
fz_cad: STRING
is "Cyclic anchored definition."
constant attribute
fz_dtideena: STRING
is " has no compiler-defined `deep_twin' or `is_deep_equal' because the corresponding allocated size is not part of the NATIVE_ARRAY object. The client class of this NATIVE_ARRAY type is supposed to use a `capacity' attribute which contains the corresponding number of allocated items (see STRING or ARRAY for example)."
constant attribute
fz_error_stars: STRING
is "****** "
constant attribute
fz_vuar4: STRING
is "The $ operator must be followed by the final name of a feature which is not a constant attribute or by the name of some local variable as well."
constant attribute
fz_bin: STRING
is "bin"
constant attribute
fz_c_shift_left: STRING
is "<<"
constant attribute
fz_c_shift_right: STRING
is ">>"
constant attribute
fz_install: STRING
is "install"
constant attribute
fz_jobs: STRING
is "jobs"
constant attribute
fz_no_check: STRING
is "no_check"
constant attribute
fz_none: STRING
is "none"
constant attribute
fz_libertyeiffel: STRING
is "LibertyEiffel"
constant attribute
fz_seconf: STRING
constant attribute
The environment name pointing to the config file.
fz_conf_general: STRING
is "General"
constant attribute
fz_conf_loadpath: STRING
is "Loadpath"
constant attribute
fz_conf_environment: STRING
is "Environment"
constant attribute
since version 2
fz_conf_se_tools: STRING
is "Tools"
constant attribute
since version 3
fz_conf_bin: STRING
is "bin"
constant attribute
fz_conf_lib: STRING
is "lib"
constant attribute
fz_conf_sys: STRING
is "sys"
constant attribute
fz_conf_short: STRING
is "short"
constant attribute
fz_conf_tools: STRING
is "tools"
constant attribute
fz_conf_os: STRING
is "os"
constant attribute
fz_conf_flavor: STRING
is "flavor"
constant attribute
fz_conf_jobs: STRING
is "jobs"
constant attribute
fz_conf_boost: STRING
is "boost"
constant attribute
fz_conf_no_check: STRING
is "no_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_require_check: STRING
is "require_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_ensure_check: STRING
is "ensure_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_invariant_check: STRING
is "invariant_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_loop_check: STRING
is "loop_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_all_check: STRING
is "all_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_debug_check: STRING
is "debug_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_flat_check: STRING
is "flat_check"
constant attribute
fz_conf_smarteiffel_options: STRING
is "smarteiffel_options"
constant attribute
fz_conf_undefined: STRING
is "undefined"
constant attribute
fz_conf_tag: STRING
is "tag"
constant attribute
fz_conf_compiler_type: STRING
is "c_compiler_type"
constant attribute
fz_conf_compiler_path: STRING
is "c_compiler_path"
constant attribute
fz_conf_linker_path: STRING
is "c_linker_path"
constant attribute
fz_conf_strip_path: STRING
is "c_strip_path"
constant attribute
fz_conf_compiler_options: STRING
is "c_compiler_options"
constant attribute
fz_conf_linker_options: STRING
is "c_linker_options"
constant attribute
fz_conf_cpp_compiler_type: STRING
is "cpp_compiler_type"
constant attribute
fz_conf_cpp_compiler_path: STRING
is "cpp_compiler_path"
constant attribute
fz_conf_cpp_compiler_options: STRING
is "cpp_compiler_options"
constant attribute
fz_conf_cpp_linker_path: STRING
is "cpp_linker_path"
constant attribute