A string made with the output of an agent function given at creation time.
The agent function will be run only when actually required, for example
accessing the elements of the string or iterating over it; the result
of the agent function will be cached for further usage.
A newly allocate "lazy" representation of current object.
Lazy means
that actual representation is made only on demand when the string
actually used; the actual content of the representation is made using
running out query as an agent.
A newly allocate "lazy" representation of current object.
Lazy means
that actual representation is made only on demand when the string
actually used; the actual content of the representation is made using
running out query as an agent.
The address of a memory region containing the text of Current, useful to interact with the C language.
A NATIVELY_STORED_STRING implementation usually gives direct access
to its internal storage (may be dangerous).
Other non-natively stored heirs provide access to an Eiffel-owned
buffer containing a copy of its content.
To be compatible with C, a null character is added at the end
of the internal storage. This extra null character is not
part of the Eiffel STRING.
Can contents be read as a REAL ?
Fails for numbers where the base or "10 ^ exponent" are not in
the range Minimum_real ...
Maximum_real. Parsing is done
positive. That means if Minimum_real.abs is not equal to
Maximum_real it will not work correctly. Furthermore the
arithmetic package used must support the value 'inf' for a
number greater than Maximum_real.
Result is True if and only if the following two conditions
1. In the following BNF grammar, the value of Current can be
produced by "Real_literal", if leading or trailing separators
are ignored.
The string must looks like a REAL (or like an
INTEGER because the fractional part is optional). For an exact definition see 'is_real'.
Note that this conversion might not be exact.
Please note that we picked the same values used in MESSAGE_FORMATTER.
It may also be written like
"always_print_state, normal_state, after_delimiter_state, after_brace_state: INTEGER is unique"
but I'm not sure that the compiler will actually choose sequential
values necessary in the last if tense in the arg query
A value that is equal to Current if it is between the limits set by
a_min and a_max.
Otherwise it's a_min if Current is smaller or a_max if Current
is greater
It's a shortcut for Current.min(a_max).max(a_min) also known as
"clamp" in the widespread C library Glib