Search for the -output_error_warning_on flag among arguments in order to apply redirection as
early as possible (should be called first when the command accept this flag).
Search the -verbose flag among arguments in order to become verbose as soon as possible (should be
called after search_for_echo_redirect_flag when the command accept this flag).
Is the flag one of this list: "-boost", "-no_check", "-require_check", "-ensure_check",
"-invariant_check", "-loop_check", "-all_check", or "-debug_check" ?
The "compilation" mode of the compiler is maybe too strict.
In most cases, short is better
suited. Hence you should redefine this feature as True. In some cases though you may want to set
it to False and see what it brings.
To be more precise, when set to true, it:
- bypasses the optimizer
- doesn't warn about obsolete features
- restricts VWEQ checks when we have sure positive (remember we don't scan all the program then)
- keeps comments (otherwise they're cut out), and merges them in case of feature merge
- keeps the real aspect of manifest strings as written in the code (otherwise, only a compiled
is "Usage: extract_internals [options] <RootClass> <RootProcedure> ...
or: extract_internals [options] <ACEfileName>.ace
Generate object marshalling support files.
Option summary:
-help Display this help information
-version Display Liberty Eiffel version information
-verbose Display detailed information about what the program is
Warning levels:
-style_warning Print warnings about style violations
-no_warning Don't print any warnings
Message styles:
-flymake_mode Display messages in a compact format suitable for
processing by tools such as Emacs' Flymake mode
Append in str the Eiffel coding of the character (Table in chapter 25 of ETL, page 423).%%%%%%%%
When the % letter notation exists, it is returned in priority: '%N' gives "%N", '%T'
gives "%T", etc.
When % letter notation does not exists (not in the ETL table), numbered coding
used ("%/1/", "%/2/" etc).
is " has no compiler-defined `deep_twin' or `is_deep_equal' because the corresponding allocated size is not part of the NATIVE_ARRAY object. The client class of this NATIVE_ARRAY type is supposed to use a `capacity' attribute which contains the corresponding number of allocated items (see STRING or ARRAY for example)."
Search for the -output_error_warning_on flag among arguments in order to apply redirection as
early as possible (should be called first when the command accept this flag).
Search the -verbose flag among arguments in order to become verbose as soon as possible (should be
called after search_for_echo_redirect_flag when the command accept this flag).
Search for some ACE file name in the command line arguments.
When some argument has the
appropriate suffix (ie. ".ace" or ".ACE"), the ace parser is automatically launched in order to
parse this configuration file. The caller is then notified that we are now in ACE mode (the result
is True). When we are in ACE mode, remaining allowed arguments are automatically handled.
Is the flag one of this list: "-boost", "-no_check", "-require_check", "-ensure_check",
"-invariant_check", "-loop_check", "-all_check", or "-debug_check" ?